DIY felt baskets - patterns

Felt is a universal material, which is a pleasure to work with: rhinestones from it do not peel off, and it is very easy to sew and cut it. Therefore, felt is often used today for creative creativity - it covers sewing gadgets for covers, various toys, making supports for hot dishes and even making baskets.
Do-it-yourself felt baskets, patterns of which can be found on the net, are often decorated with butterflies, flowers, hearts. Such a product can serve as an organizer for storing needlework, toys and things, and it can also be used as an Easter basket - you can put Easter eggs and Easter cakes in it. Let's look at a few ideas on how to make such a basket.
to contents ↑Beautiful felt basket
To make a beautiful felt basket you will need the following:
- Felt (light brown or straw color).
- Threads a tone darker than felt.
- Multicolored felt elements for decoration.
- Scissors.
- Cardboard.
- Silicone glue.
- For the base and top of the product, cut out two cardboard ovals of the same size and twelve cardboard strips, the width of which is 2 cm and the length is 20 cm.
- Having bent the centimeter edge of felt inward, stitch it to the cardboard blank.
- Now you need to prepare felt strips, which in the future will imitate the interwoven rods of the basket. Cut them in the amount of twelve pieces - their length will be twice as long as the one you selected for the cardboard templates.
- Sew each strip folded in half with the front facing inward. At the end of the work, turn the strips outward, insert a cardboard blank into each of them, leaving the tip of 1.5 cm in sight that you need to bend.
- Evenly spread the strips treated with decorative stitching along the diameter for the future felt basket with your own hands.
- Apply silicone glue to the cardboard edge of each of the strips, through which the strips must be firmly fixed to the lower base. Then, with silicone glue, lubricate the edge of the second oval bottom blank that you put on top of the first. Press them firmly together.
- After completing work with the frame, proceed with the manufacture of transverse stripes for weaving. To this end, cut out three strips of the width of your choice, and the length will correspond to the diameter of the bottom of the basket.
- Having folded each of the strips in half lengthwise, sew them, turning them out, stitch them with a decorative seam.
- Braid one of the strips near the bottom of the basket, one in the upper part, one in the center.
Important! Transverse and longitudinal strips are best fixed at the joints with silicone glue.
- The final stage will be the decoration of a basket of felt with your own hands. To do this, cut fantasy flowers or beautiful butterflies from felt shreds and attach them with silicone glue in certain places of the box in a checkerboard pattern.
to contents ↑Important! Such an original and colorful felt basket can be filled with whatever you want: children's toys, necessary handmade items, and Easter paraphernalia.
Small felt basket
Let's look at another way to make a cute felt basket. To do this, you will need the following:
- Felt (preferably take a piece thicker).
- Centimeter or ruler.
- Scissors.
- A piece of chalk.
- Tailor's hole punch.
- Ribbons and flowers for decor.
- Cord (you can tape or others.)
- Glue.
The sequence of actions on how to make felt baskets with your own hands:
- First, circle some round object with chalk on a piece of felt (you can use a large plate as a stencil).
- Now, over the entire circumference at the same distance, about 5 cm from each other, set aside 8 cm of chalk with a ruler.
Important! This parameter can also be changed, thereby adjusting the depth of the future basket.
- Use scissors to make even cuts with scissors.
- Then, from both edges of each segment at a height of about 1 cm, it is necessary to make punctures for the lace using a hole punch or an awl.
- Assemble the resulting structure onto the cord, alternating between the segments, and pass the thread through all the holes. Pull the product to the required size.
- In the end, it remains to glue the decor, for example, flowers from ribbons or butterflies, which must be prepared in advance.
to contents ↑Important! Crochet looks very nice.
Stock footage
Thus, making a basket of felt with your own hands is not at all difficult. We have considered only a couple of ideas, but using our imagination, you can perform a lot of different options for such products from material so convenient for needlework.
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