The cat is crap on the bed - what to do?

Cats are a completely charming beast. But if the animal craps, as they say, anywhere, the life of the owners, to put it mildly, turns into a serious test. You can say as much as you like that the nature and the peculiar nature of the animal are manifested in this way, but it is not easier for anyone. Let's try to figure out: why does a cat shit on a bed, what to do and can we wean it from it?

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Feline character

With all the affection and tenderness, cats are quite wayward, selfish and vindictive creatures. The cat can create an atmosphere of peace, coziness and peace in the apartment, and can turn the life of the owners into hell.

The cat often reminds with its behavior a poorly educated, completely spoiled willful child who does not want to recognize any rules. He does not recognize any competition, requires unconditional attention to himself. If for a dog a person is a higher being, then the cat considers himself the mistress of the house.

If you are trying to prove to the beast that it is, to put it mildly, wrong - get a “surprise” in the form of fetid puddles and piles in the most unexpected and inappropriate places. Therefore, before you get a cat, think about whether you are ready to give the animal maximum attention, care and love. If not, do not start the animal. Do not cause stress to yourself and your pet.

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Why do cats crap on the bed?

Before deciding what to do if the cat is crap on the bed, determine the cause of this phenomenon. There can be several such reasons:

  • Expression of protest. If the pet does not like something, then stress occurs. A cat has stress - the owner has a problem. The balance has been restored, albeit in a somewhat strange way.
  • Urinary tract diseases. Unfortunately, urolithiasis - there are many cats. The bed is softer than the surface of the filler in the tray, and the animal has less pain.
  • If the kitten is still very small, then perhaps you took him to the bed to play and forgot to drop him on the floor. The kid is simply afraid to jump on his own.
  • Dirty tray. A cat is an unusually neat animal. Perhaps it makes you understand that it would be nice to discard the contents of the tray and replace the filler.
  • The pet is having fun. In fact, the owners at work, the poor man left to his own devices, no one pays attention to him. Do not want to fix it? Then - a surprise!
  • Cats are owners and jealous. This is inherent even to small kittens. They consider themselves masters of the house, and people are created to serve His Majesty the Cat. When doing his business on the bed, the cat marks its own territory. What's wrong?
  • Old age. Elderly animals acquire the whole set of senile sores characteristic of people. The loss of habitual skills and pathological untidiness is one of them.

Important! As a rule, unsterilized cats and uncastrated cats shit on a bed. Sexual hunting dramatically changes the behavior of animals. You can solve the problem by visiting a good (!) Veterinary clinic.

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Ways to fight

Be that as it may, it is necessary to deal with cat fads. It is clear that throwing an animal into the street is not an option. How to act, what to do if the cat began to crap on the bed?

First measures:

  • First of all, show the furry (or not so) bastard to the veterinarian. It is necessary to start with this, because if the pet is sick, it needs to be treated, and then the problem will disappear by itself. Yes, and launching the disease is dangerous.In addition, it is possible that the animal will have to be sterilized or neutered.
  • Purchase multiple trays using different fillers. It is possible that the cat that you offered the animal from the very beginning does not like the cat.
  • If the animal is still “walking” on the bed, stress factors must be eliminated.

Show attention

What to do if a cat pisses on a bed? Sometimes a cat or cat begins to spoil the owners' bed after another animal has appeared in the apartment. There is only one solution to the problem - patience.

Wait until the pets get used to each other. Of course, do not forget to close the door to the bedroom. Do not forget by all means to show the animal how you love him. This will make the cat more confident in himself, and he will cease to attract attention in such a non-standard manner.

Important! Treat the bed with odorous substances. The cat does not tolerate the smell of lavender. Laundry lavender scent or lavender oil can help you out (a few drops are sufficient).


Choose the right tray for your pet

In any case, the tray must meet the following requirements:

  • Convenience, hygiene.
  • The presence of a lattice (most fluffy aesthetes do not like to wet their paws).
  • Choose a tray so that its sides are not higher than 20 cm. This is especially true for kittens.
  • Change the filler according to the instructions.

Important! Do not forget to regularly change the filler, but do not go to extremes. If you wash the tray too often, using special means with fragrances, you can make it unattractive to the animal.

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Show a little wisdom and patience, and you will succeed! Knowing what to do if the cat is crap on the bed, you will solve this problem very quickly.


