DIY leather bag

The word “beautician” has become almost synonymous with the word “woman”. Where there is a representative of the fair sex, there will definitely be this accessory. Every woman wants to be beautiful and strives for this constantly. And all the tools for this should be at hand. Therefore, the production of accessories for powders, creams and lipsticks, following the beauty industry, is expanding day after day. How to get a stylish and exclusive accessory? If you asked this question, then you should definitely read this article. In it, we will talk in detail about how a cosmetic bag is sewn from leather with our own hands.

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We bring the idea to life

The first question that arises for many needlewomen: where to get genuine leather? The answer is pretty simple:

  1. You can find it in any sewing stores. You will be offered both natural and artificial material of good quality. But still, give preference to natural skin, so as not to encounter allergic reactions. In addition, such an accessory will be better to keep in shape and less dirty in the bag.
  2. You can use up your old, boring jacket. Before you start working with it, it is worth processing it with special paints to give a fresh look.
  3. Can be used for cosmetic bags suede. Recently, this material is more relevant than ever in the manufacture of clothing and in the manufacture of accessories.

Skin characteristics

Before running to the store or shredding your jacket, it is worth considering several more important points regarding the main characteristics of this material:

  1. A large role in the choice of materials is played by the type and thickness of the skin. It is pork, sheep and calf. The first is coarser and thicker, but more budget-friendly. The latter are softer and more pleasant to the touch. But their price is already an order of magnitude higher.
  2. For cosmetic bags made of leather with their own hands, Cordoba (horse) skin is often used. But it is worth considering that it has excessive shine and looks a bit artificial.
  3. Italian leather is considered the highest quality, it is also the most expensive.
  4. Turkish manufacturers offer very good options that will not make a big gap in your budget.
  5. Consider another factor: the harsher the climate in which the animal grew, the rougher its skin after dressing.

Important! Going for material, grab a damp cloth with you. Before buying, rub it on your skin:

  • If after that the napkin remains clean, feel free to pay for the goods.
  • If there are traces on it, then it is better not to acquire such skin. Otherwise, not only your cosmetic bag will be bright, but also the hands and things lying next to it.


Features of working with the skin

Before you start sewing cosmetic bags from leather with your own hands, you should know the features of working with this material:

  • Leather cut details cannot be chipped and swept away, and seams must be torn open. Otherwise, traces will remain on the material.
  • When cutting, also do not use pins. If you need to fix any part, do it with adhesive tape.

Important! Scotch will not work, as it will leave behind sticky traces.

  • It is possible to iron the skin only from the wrong side, not with a very hot iron, without steam.
  • For sewing leather goods special needles are sold, of special strength. Do not be lazy, buy and install them. Otherwise, thin needles will have to be changed every five minutes.

Important! We also advise you to buy special Teflon feet that allow you to sew stitches easily and quickly.If you did not find one on sale, then place sandpaper under the piece of leather with the smooth side down.

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Getting to work

To sew a cosmetic bag from the skin with your own hands, you will need different patterns. They will depend on what shape you choose for your future accessory. Now we will consider several options for cosmetic bags, step by step we will analyze the process of preparing and sewing each.

Option 1

To sew a leather cosmetic bag in the form of a cylinder, you will need:

  • leather;
  • lightning;
  • Scotch;
  • non-woven;
  • sewing supplies.


To sew such a cosmetic bag, we need a rectangle - this will be the main part of the product, and two circles - these will be additional details, sides. Dimensions depend on your needs. You choose the length yourself, and the width of the rectangle is at the same time a circle of additional details.

Now let's get to work.

We sew a cosmetic bag made of leather with our own hands:

  • Using a pen or chalk on the underside of the skin, draw a rectangle based on your chosen size, a loop and circles of the sidewalls. Cut them out.
  • On the main part, cut a hole for the zipper.

Important! Be careful you should get a narrow rectangle with rounded corners.

  • Open the zipper 3 cm and place it under the cut hole.
  • Fix the zipper on the skin with tape. Then she will not move out, and there will be an opportunity to sew her evenly.
  • Lay a seam around the cut hole, at the same time we sew the zipper. Cut off the excess part.
  • Now we fold the rectangle in half, connect it together using a typewriter. The zipper should be parallel to this seam.
  • From one side with a scotch tape we attach a loop. It should be inside our future cylinder, on the front side of the product.

Important! Do not forget that this part must be placed from the edge where the lightning slider is in the closed state.

  • The side parts must be glued with non-woven material to better hold their shape.
  • Combine the side of our cosmetic bag with the main part, putting it inside the rectangle. Do not forget about the loop, which should be between the side and main parts. We make a seam.
  • Similarly, we sew the second sidewall, just do not forget to open the zipper first, otherwise you won’t be able to unscrew the makeup bag.
  • We turn the product through an open zipper and admire our work.


Option 2

For the second method, all the same tools are needed, plus a slanting trim for the edges and lining fabric. It can be either silk material or cotton.


For this option, cosmetic bags made of leather with your own hands will need a different pattern, but the same simple:

  1. We take a double notebook sheet.
  2. We have to ourselves the side by which the sheet is attached to the base of the notebook.
  3. The upper corners are beautifully rounded, cut out.
  4. Unfolded, the pattern is a large oval.

Now we outline this detail on the skin. We make another such detail from the lining and get to work.

Working process:

  • Fold the leather and lining details with the seamy sides facing each other. Lay a seam throughout the figure, backing away from the edge of 0.5 cm.
  • Now we are processing oblique tape in a circle around our product. Put the cosmetic bag part face up.

Important! Carefully ensure that the needle fits exactly into the edge of the inlay. If you are not confident in your abilities, then use the special foot to grind the inlay.

  • Cut the trim so that it overlaps the beginning of the line. At the end of the line, bartack.
  • Lay the seam exactly in the middle of your part.
  • Now we fold the part in half. The front side should be inside. From the bend of the part, lay up 9 cm from one side and 9 cm from the other.
  • Sew these pieces on a typewriter - these will be the sides.
  • Fold the side seam of the makeup bag flat.
  • Now draw a line from the edge of the corner. We take 2.5 cm as the basis. The volume of the future cosmetic bag depends on this value. The larger it is, the larger the product will be.
  • Sew the corner along the intended line.
  • Attach a zipper to the wrong side of the product. If you do it on the basis of a notebook sheet, then the length of the zipper should be 25 cm.
  • Sew the zipper. The line should fall into the seam of sewing an oblique inlay.
  • On the front side, as close as possible to the edge of the oblique inlay, make a finishing seam. And this is the last operation.

Option 3

For this option all the same tools will be needed, but the pattern will not be needed at all. So, a square do-it-yourself leather cosmetic bag is a master class:

  • Cut out two identical rectangles from the skin. Their sizes depend on which product you want to get in the end.
  • Fold the resulting rectangles with their faces inward. Make a small seam from each edge - 1.5-2 cm towards the center will be enough. At this point, lightning will be sewn.
  • We lay these parts on the table with the fabric and try on the zipper in the middle of the remaining unstitched place.

Important! Before sewing on a zipper, take tracing paper. Put it under the cloth and scribble. This little trick will allow you to achieve a perfectly even seam.

  • Sew the zipper to the fabric along with tracing paper. After - it is removed without any problems.
  • Do not forget to unzip, so that you can later turn the product.
  • Next, you need to connect both parts, the lightning should be on top. Then we flash the details around the perimeter of the rectangle.
  • The next step will be the alignment of the angles of the future cosmetic bag. Having measured equal distances from the edge, we lay a seam. We cut off excess fabric from the corners.
  • We turn the product to the front side. We cut all the threads, manually using the needle we hide the visible edges of the zipper.
  • As a result, the zipper is easily fastened, all seams look neat, you can use the finished product.
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As you can see, there are several options for easily and simply making a cosmetic bag out of skin with your own hands. Based on these workshops, you will be able to sew several options for this stylish accessory: one to leave at home, the second to carry with you in your purse every day. Any of the options you choose will not take up much space, but will keep all the necessary little things in order and in one place.


