The cat is white with black spots

Cats differ from other animals in their incredible variety of colors. In many ways, this diversity is due to both a large number of breeds and a careful selection by breeders to obtain more and more rare stripes of pets. Absolutely any cat has its own specific riddles and secrets, uniqueness and peculiarity. For example, pure white is simply magic. A white cat with black spots occupies a special place among snow-white pets.

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Cat colors

Ancient Egypt is considered the homeland of a domestic cat, because it was here that animals were the embodiment of purity and kindness, and even were considered saints. The man himself worshiped kitty and was always next to her. With the advent of the era of travel and the conquest of new lands, domestic cats spread around the globe along with wandering Phoenicians.

Black cat

These animals were especially popular in the Mediterranean. Local travelers and wanderers always carried cats with them, and they chose exclusively black suits. It is such a dark murka that is a unique hunter on a ship, because at night it is practically invisible, and the cat catches mice very quickly and quickly, given the fact that rodents went out of stock of sailors in the dark. So the black kitty became simply necessary, in its grand triumph lasted until the middle of the centuries.

cat-694730_640It was at this time in Europe that the persecution of witches and magicians began, and the murka of a dark color found the face of a devil animal, bringing misfortune and failure.

Important! On the day of St. John in the city squares, once a year, demonstrative executions and burning of witches with their cats were organized. Under such a cruel ritual fell only those animals that were completely black. If a black cat with white spots lived in the house, then it was considered safe for humans - they did not kill it.

In addition, in the seventeenth century there was a fashion for the use of black cats for medical purposes. For example, the English “doctor” Eduard Topsell came up with a prescription using a black cat without a single white hair to treat eye diseases and blindness.

Important! According to his method, it was necessary to burn the head of such an animal to a state of powder, and then crush it and mix it with clay. The mixture was insisted for a while, then filtered. Prepared means, instilled a sore eye 3 times a day. Of course, this is complete quackery and atrocity, but people sacredly believed in healing, so this belief has existed for a very long time.

Although in our time there are signs and superstitions regarding black cats. For example, in Germany, cats of this suit are most afraid. All ominous signs and superstitions are associated only with human prejudices, but scientists have proved that it is black cats and murks that are most attached to their masters than animals of other colors.

There are very few purely black cats left today, and often animals of this color have several white spots or light hairs on their fur. In ancient times, it was believed that a black cat with a white spot is a representative of an ominous cat on Halloween. But in fact, cats with this color are very vulnerable, while being refined and aristocratic.

White murka

Already in ancient Egypt, white cats were revered with special respect, because they believed that they were the ones who best help people associated with risk in life and heavy physical exertion. At different times, white animals were considered the personification of purity and purity. According to standards, the coat of white cats should not have any shades of color or impurities, even blotches and spots. Although kittens are allowed blotches and spots of any color on the head, as such marks disappear over time.

A special place among snow-white feline representatives is occupied by purples with blue eyes. Such animals are timid in nature, since they have a slight deafness. However, not all of them belong to the breed of the deaf.

Important! Scientists have proven that only 5% of white cats are born deaf, while the rest are quite good at hearing.

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Why do cats have a different color?

0_f7fb0_bd011235_XLNot so many genes are responsible for the color of animals. But given the various combinations and effects of various alleles (lightening, the appearance of the pattern, etc.), an endless number of animal suits are created.

Among the main genes that are responsible for the suit, there are genes that are responsible for the solid color or suit in combination with white. There are also genes that can paint the cat’s hair with various patterns (spots, stripes or fancy curls). A gene that is able to suppress the manifestation of all such stripes makes the individual completely white. And the presence of a gene of acromelanic color creates a white cat with black spots. If you just imagine that all these genes work in a group, it’s not difficult to guess why the number of suits is limited only by the imagination of nature itself and today we can see animals in the most unexpected color options, even if it is a white cat with black spots or a white cat with black stained.

Important! The color of cats is more diverse than the colors of cats, since the genes of black and red colors can be combined in the color of kitty. But this is impossible in cats, since the red gene is associated only with the X chromosome (chromosome set of murka XX, cat - XY).

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How to determine the color of murka?

If you purchased a pet with a pedigree and documents from the breeder, then the documents indicate the color of not only the animal itself, but also the suits of its parents and ancestors up to the fourth knee. If the animal is picked up on the street, then in its documents there can only be a mustache, paws and tail, but even in this case, the color is not so difficult to determine.

Consider the main features of the shades:

  1. The color of the white kitty is visible as well. It is combined with blue, green, yellow or different eyes, for example, one blue, and one green or yellow.
  2. If a white individual has any spots on its head (“hat”), and the tail is painted in the same color, then this version of the combination is called “van”. After all, in fact, genetically this animal is black, red, blue or another color, depending on the color of the cap and tail. But its entire color is covered by a large white spot, and only small shaded areas remained on the animal's body.
  3. If Murka has a large number of color spots, but is not covered by more than a third of them, has sufficient spaces between the spots, then this color is called “harlequin”.
  4. The animal, painted half and the other half is white, has a color called “bicolor”.
  5. There are also colors with a residual white color, for example, a white spot on the breast or small white spots on the abdomen, white “slippers”, medallions. This combination with white can have an animal of any basic color.

In the correct name of the color, the first is the main tone, the second is the appearance of the picture, and then the combination with white. The following is the color of the eyes, if it is unusual for this color, but the usual eye color is not prescribed. For example, the color of a black and white individual with an equal number of these 2 shades will be called “black bicolor”.

In addition, the color can be combined with a pattern (tabby).The cat is hand-drawn, differs from the murka without a pattern, with a dark eye stroke and the letter “M” on the forehead (this is the main distinguishing feature). Several genes are responsible for the cat’s pattern, therefore tabby kitty can be striped, spotted, marbled or ticked. Striped kitty has stripes instead of spots. This drawing is called “tiger”.

Important! In non-purebred cats, the color of which is not supported by selection, the stripes may be broken, but not continuous, and the color, most often, is something between a strip and a spot.

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A black cat with white spots in many countries of the world to this day is considered the best assistant to all who are experiencing heavy blows of fate. It is he who helps people to endure all troubles more persistently. According to Scottish belief, if a dark cat appears on the porch, then this is a prosperity in the house. We wish you that a black cat with a white spot or a white cat with a black spot do not leave your home, and with it happiness and good fortune.


