How to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa 🥝 how to wash, how to remove

The question of getting rid of the “aromas” of cat urine on upholstered furniture and carpet products is very acute for the owners. In most cases, cats are very clean. But if the animal feels some kind of psychological discomfort, then it can be disgraceful. Cats taken from a shelter or from the street also take some time to get used to the tray. Sometimes not quite cultural behavior is the result of certain diseases, for example, urolithiasis. Since the cat secretes some urine, the problem may not be immediately noticed. But she quickly enough announces herself with a sharp and extremely unpleasant smell. So, the cat pisses on the sofa - what to do? How to remove the smell if the cat pissed the mattress, what should I do if the kitten pisses on the carpet? We will deal with the correct solution to such a problem.

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Keep yourself in control!

Do not try to punish the pet. Cats are very touchy and vindictive, they can leave foul-smelling puddles from anywhere offense. Let's try to solve the problem of removing cat urine from upholstered furniture with improvised means. In any case, throwing away “flavored” furniture is by no means necessary. Most likely, you will not have to call specialists either. You can deal with this problem yourself.

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Fast reaction

If the animal does not take revenge on you, then it is most likely not aware that it is behaving unacceptably.

Important! Something similar is described by the English writer Doreen Tovey in her book “Cats in the House”. Her beloved Siamese cat sometimes jumped onto the bed and did her deeds, looking into the eyes of the mistress. Moreover, the face of the beast was so innocent that it could not be called otherwise than the “pissing angel”.

What to do if the cat wrote on the sofa? First of all, do not waste time. If urine is absorbed into the fibers of the upholstery, removing it from there will be much more difficult.

To quickly remove a fresh urinary stain, follow these rules:

  • Wet the stain with a napkin or waffle towel. Do not save on this, since upholstered furniture costs significantly more than a napkin. Fold the fabric in several layers and apply to a wet spot.

Important! Do not forget to change wipes as they get wet.

  • Iron the problem area with an iron. Between the sole of the iron and the wetted upholstery, put a natural fabric, which will absorb liquid.

Important! The steam supply function is completely unnecessary. Do not hold the iron in one place for a long time, so as not to damage the fabric.

  • If the moisture did not have time to soak deeply, you can dry the sofa with a hairdryer, after collecting urine with a soft cloth or sponge.

Important! Take your time to throw away used wipes. Put them in a cat tray - this will help the pet quickly figure out where to spend big and small needs. After that, try to put the cat or cat in the tray. The familiar smell will undoubtedly interest the animal.

After you get rid of the unpleasant odor, the next stage. It is necessary to wean the animal from attacks on the sofa:

  • You can spray upholstered furniture with vinegar or cologne. But this option is very doubtful, because you will have to feel this aroma, and after some time it can cause quite understandable irritation.
  • There is another, no less effective way - to spread citrus peels on upholstered furniture. Cats cannot stand these odors at all.

In this case, the cat will quickly understand where its “bathroom” is.

Important! Owners should not be lazy to change the filler in the tray. A squeamish and clean animal will not go into a tray that is filled with ammonia.

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Use of solutions

How to remove the smell if the cat pissed on the sofa, and you noticed the “mess” too late? Such events will help you.

Ethyl alcohol solution

This may be vodka, moonshine, a solution of denatured alcohol.

Important! The optimal concentration is from 30 to 50%. No longer needed, since alcohol can fade the paint on the upholstery.

Cleaning Procedure:

  1. Moisten with alcohol solution the area where the pet wrote, while capturing the “clean” areas.
  2. Leave the sofa or bed for 40 minutes. During this time, the alcohol reacts with urea and dissolves it.
  3. After that, dampen the stain with water.
  4. Remove excess moisture with a vacuum cleaner.

Important! Practice shows that even chronic urinary stains can be removed with an alcohol solution.

Laundry soap

If the cat is pissed on the sofa, how to remove the smell? Use the most affordable product in all respects - laundry soap. It has the property of dissolving various organic substances:

  1. Touch the soap, add water until gruel.
  2. Rub the resulting solution into the upholstery.
  3. If necessary, add some more water.
  4. Rub the soap with indenting movements so that it penetrates the fabric fibers.
  5. After about an hour, wipe the soaped area with a wet, clean cloth.
  6. Then dry the wetted area with clean wipes, a hairdryer or a fan heater.



Before using vinegar to clean the cat's urine, try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery. Unfortunately, sometimes vinegar not only removes the smell, but also dissolves the upholstery paint. If the fabric has not deteriorated, you can proceed further:

  1. Moisten the problem area with vinegar, pour baking soda on top.
  2. Leave the furniture for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with water.
  3. Now it remains only to collect the excess water with clean, dry napkins (not forgetting to change them at the same time) and dry the upholstery with a hairdryer.

Important! Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice. The method for removing stains is the same.

Potassium permanganate

This method is suitable for cleaning dark fabrics. Brown spots remain on the light material. In order not to stain your skin, you need to work in protective gloves:

  1. Dampen a solution of potassium permanganate in a soft, natural cloth and place on a stain.
  2. Leave on for 40 minutes.
  3. Then rinse the problem area with water and dry.

Important! Not only the smell will disappear, but also whitish streaks from urine.

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Cat pissed on a sofa - what to do? We act radically

No, this is not at all what you thought. Nobody is going to punish a pet. It's about old spots. For example, a cat wrote on a sofa when the owners were not at home. Urine was ingrained in upholstery textiles and filler, so the above methods may be ineffective. Only full disassembly of the sofa with the replacement of the filler can help out.

Important! If you do not have experience in disassembling, assembling furniture, it is better to invite a specialist. Otherwise, you will be left without upholstered furniture.

The procedure for disassembling is as follows:

  • Separate the backrest, armrests and other parts from the seat.
  • Assess the condition of the upholstery. If it has not faded and retained texture, the fabric should be washed using the longest washing mode.

Important! If the upholstery is badly worn, replace it.

  • Remove the filler. If it is foam rubber, then throw it away without hesitation. He is not so strong anyway, and cat urine doesn’t add to his quality factor at all. Wash the latex filler with a vinegar solution.
  • Wash the base of the sofa thoroughly with soap and water. After the water has dried, treat the frame with acetic solution.
  • Lubricate all metal parts with engine oil.
  • Assemble the soft part by first laying the membrane fabric on top of the filler.
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Stock footage

The cat in the house is happiness and joy. There are many ways to eliminate urine stains. Try to analyze the reasons for not quite cultural behavior of the pet, show persistence and ingenuity, accustoming him to the pot. Then cleanliness and exceptionally pleasant aromas will constantly reign in your apartment, and the question of what to do if the cat wrote on the sofa will not interest you.


