The cat marked the sofa - how to get rid of the smell?

It is quite difficult to get rid of the disgusting smell of cat urine. If the beast left marks on the upholstered furniture, it is necessary to take measures very quickly, because the amber urine of these animals is particularly stable. This article is devoted to a question that interests many people: the cat marked the sofa - how to get rid of the smell?
to contents ↑Removing an unpleasant odor with improvised means
There are many home remedies with which you can eliminate the "fragrance", and sometimes wean the animal from repeated "attacks."
Lemon juice
Lemon juice not only dissolves uric acid, but also helps to wean a cat to spoil where it is impossible. The technique is very simple: cut the lemon into 2 halves, squeeze a little juice on the brush and wipe the problem areas. The smell of cat urine on the couch will go away.
Iodine solution
Dissolve 15 drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine in a liter of water, mix well. Dampen a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the spot on the furniture where the cat peeed.
Soda + hydrogen peroxide
How to wash a cat smell from a sofa with a mixture of these products?
- Pour a thin layer of baking soda onto the problem area.
- Mix water and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions, add a few drops of dishwashing detergent or liquid soap.
- Stir the solution, apply it to the upholstery and wipe it thoroughly with a brush.
- Then rinse the treated area with water.
Urinary crystals dissolve and the stench disappears. Remember to dry the upholstery thoroughly.
Important! If the urine stain is fresh, then try exposing it to a solution of ethanol (can be vodka), tea leaves or laundry soap.
Potassium permanganate
The pale pink solution of potassium permanganate also dissolves uric acid well, and is accordingly suitable to clean the cat from cat urine at home.
to contents ↑Important! It must be remembered that a spot remains on the light upholstery from potassium permanganate. Removing traces of urine from pets using this method is possible only on upholstery in dark color.
Cat Urine Removal Industry Overview
If the cat described the sofa, you can get rid of the smell with the help of purchased drugs. These products are commercially available in a large assortment. To choose the right drug, tell the seller-consultant the following information:
- Type of upholstery (type, structure of the material, hairiness). In any case, the drug must be used carefully so as not to damage the textiles.
- How often a cat marks a sofa. If this happened once, it is quite enough to eliminate the unpleasant amber. If the animal is peeing on the sofa with enviable constancy, then we must think about how to wean the animal to shit on the sofa.
Consider the most common tools that help defeat unpleasant "aromas".
A tool that effectively removes the smell of animal waste products from flooring, carpet products and upholstered furniture. It can be used to clean cages and aviaries. In order to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa, it is quite suitable.
- Reasonable cost.
- Convenient bottle with pen-neck and spray.
- Equally effective cleaning of hard and soft surfaces.
- Bioenzyme formula that eliminates the smell of urine of various animals, including cats.
- Possibility of effective action on chronic urinary spots.
- The presence of pheromone blockers, thanks to which the animal does not have a desire to mark the territory again.
Urine-off Cat & Kitten
The name of this drug speaks for itself. This tool is specifically designed to eliminate just “cat” scents.
- Convenient form of release (bottle with a spray).
- Save time and money. Now you don’t have to throw things that smell like cat urine. Urine-off Cat & Kitten gives them a real chance.
- It is possible to remove unpleasant odors from vertical surfaces.
- Thanks to pheromone blockers, it is possible to wean a cat from “tags”.
- A well-thought-out formula helps get rid of even the aromas of old urine.
- It is possible to use when cleaning cat trays. At the same time, urinary stone dissolves, the surface of the tray becomes clean, without an unpleasant odor.
- Safety for people and animals.
- Elimination, in addition to odors, also stains from urine.
Simple Solution Extreme Cat Stain and Odor Remover
A powerful tool with a well-thought-out formula for removing stains and odors from the vital products of cats (feces, urine, vomiting).
- An original formula with a triple concentration of enzymes and pro-bacteria that eliminate odors.
- Neutralization, not camouflage of feline “scents”.
- Prevention of repeated tags.
- Security.
- Possibility of use on clothes, carpet products, upholstery of upholstered furniture, toys and other surfaces that are not afraid of moisture.
Important! Simple Solution Extreme Cat Stain and Odor Remover cannot be used on leather or natural wool products.
Nature’s Miracle Just for Cats Stain & Odor Remover, Spray
A spray that helps remove the smell of cat marks and wash cat urine from the sofa at home.
- Neutralization of feline amber. Possibility of use on all surfaces that are not afraid of moisture.
- Security.
- A formula designed specifically for cats.
Nature’s Miracle Stain & Odor Orange Oxy Trigger
An effective product that comes in the form of a spray. Thanks to its improved oxygen-containing formula, it effectively eliminates unpleasant odors from urine, including old cat odors.
to contents ↑Stock footage
So, you have several ways to remove cat urine from the couch. We hope you can choose the right option and forget about unpleasant aromas.
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