The cat marked the boots - how to get rid of the smell?

Until then, until the cute fluffy prudit in your favorite ballet shoes or left an impressive puddle on brand new expensive boots, it is impossible to understand the full extent of the disaster. Are there any ways to get rid of the disgusting ammonia amber, which can not be confused with anything. So, the cat marked the boots - how to get rid of the smell? Unfortunately, many people are forced to throw brand new shoes in the trash. We will analyze in this article options for how you can try to save shoes, boots, boots from this disgrace.
to contents ↑How to rid your shoes of the smell of cat urine - procedure:
- The first thing to do is put on protective gloves and wipe the shoes with paper towels. Do not be lazy to change them and try to dry the surface almost completely. If the pussycat managed to inflate inside the shoe, pat the moisture with napkins as thoroughly as possible. This is understandable: the less urine remains on the shoe, the less odorous substances will have to be neutralized.
- Rinse the affected area with water that has added laundry soap or dishwashing liquid. With these actions, you remove the sticky component of urine - urea.
Important! Unfortunately, many people stop at this stage, complaining that nothing can be done about the stench. The whole problem is that the mustache-striped urine has a rather complicated composition, and water alone cannot be dealt with here.
- The third stage is the fight against substances that do not dissolve in water. This is the colored part of urine called urochrome. This substance is soluble in acidic environments. Helps a solution of table vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Apply the solution to the stain, but be very careful. The leather product may be damaged. For leather products, sliced lemon is a good help.
- Now we come directly to the source of the unpleasant odor - uric acid crystals. They practically do not dissolve in water. The worst enemies of uric acid are glycerin and an alkaline environment. If you sprinkle a urinary stain with baking soda or grease it with glycerin, uric acid dissolves. It remains only to wash it off with water (it is possible with laundry soap).
- The last stage - drying shoes, at least a day. It is also necessary to push newsprint inside the shoe.
If everything is done correctly, there will be no trace of the stench.
There are alternative methods of getting rid of unpleasant odors. People use them quite actively, only the effect of them is not always unambiguous. Let's consider them in more detail.
to contents ↑How to rid your shoes of the smell of cat urine - “home” ways:
- Ordinary vodka helps to get rid of the smell of cat urine. Wash shoes with soap and water or dishwashing detergent and treat them with vodka. If an insidious beast spoils a boot or shoes inside, soak a natural soft cloth in vodka and push it into shoes as tightly as possible. Leave the “vodka compress” for 2-3 hours, then rinse again and dry the shoes well. Perhaps if the remnants of the “aroma” are still noticeable, then the procedure will have to be repeated.
- Hydrogen peroxide. There are daredevils who fill the entire bottle in shoes, wait for the peroxide to spike, and then wash and dry the shoes. They say that the results are not bad, but only very radical.
Important! For dark shoes, this option is definitely not suitable, since an antiseptic solution will discolor it.
- Freezing shoes after pre-washing them with soap (in the freezer or on the street, if weather conditions allow). Perhaps if the urine is fresh, you can get rid of the stench, but with old urine this number will not work. Uric acid does not break down from low temperatures, which means that the stench will not go anywhere.
- Iodine solution (15 drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine per liter of water). The solution is applied to the stain, left for half an hour, then blot dry with wipes.
Important! It helps well, but this method is suitable only for shoes of a dark shade.
- A mixture of medical alcohol, vinegar and water in equal proportions. Verified - this “explosive mixture” discourages unpleasant odors “with a bang”. It is enough to treat the shoes with it, and then, after about 20 minutes, rinse with running water.
to contents ↑Important! The same recipes help fight traces of pet urine on the upholstery of upholstered furniture, on the floor and carpets.
Professional Chemistry Products
If home remedies are powerless, it's time to pay attention to professional remedies available on the market. They will help you quickly and effectively rid your shoes of the smell of cat urine.
This tool will help if the cat is not just “shitting anywhere,” but also marks the territory. The enzymes contained in NATURE’S MIRACLE not only destroy the source of bad smell, but also cat pheromones. The drug is available in the form of a spray or granules.
Important! According to customer reviews, the tool works "excellent". There is only one drawback - there is no instant effect. You need to wait a few days.
This drug not only eliminates the consequences of cat hooliganism, but is also absolutely safe. Including for children and for allergy sufferers.
This disinfectant liquid perfectly removes the ammonia odor from the “terrorist attack” that the pet made. Proportions for the preparation of the solution: 1 ml of water 2 ml of disinfector.
to contents ↑Prevention is our everything
Sometimes a cat shits “in slippers” from resentment, from a lack of attention, sometimes because it is sick and tries to draw the attention of the owners to its trouble. But most often the cause of feline “outrages” is a dirty tray.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Pay more attention to the pet, and the handsome person will not upset you with "petty hooliganism." And if a mistake happens, now you know how to quickly deal with its consequences.
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