Do-it-yourself mouse pad

Fans of computer games or just active PC users know firsthand the problem of quick wear of the mouse pad. But it is not necessary to buy a new thing as soon as the old one has become unusable. Making a do-it-yourself mouse mat is quite simple from the simplest materials that are likely to be found in any home. In this article, we will introduce some simple ways to make computer mats so that this accessory becomes a real decoration of your desktop.

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Why does the mouse need a mat?

On the surface of modern tables, a computer mouse does not feel very confident due to poor contact with the surface. An uneven or varnished surface can distort the optical signals of the device, and the mouse itself slides along a smooth tabletop. Because of this, problems with cursor movement appear. So you have to put extra effort, your hand quickly gets tired, and working at the computer turns into a real torment.

That is why special mouse pads were developed, the surface of which has a coating that provides better reflection of the optical signal and helps the manipulator to be more obedient to operate.

Many, without attaching special importance, acquire finished products. However, if you want something original, not the same as everyone else, you can make a do-it-yourself mouse pad using simple and affordable materials.

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Decoupage mat

The trend, very fashionable today in needlework, can be successfully used to make a beautiful rug. This will require the following tools and materials:

  1. Linoleum.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Stationery knife.
  4. Napkins with a suitable pattern.
  5. PVA glue.
  6. Foam sponge.
  7. Acrylic paints.
  8. Lacquer.


  • From the remnants of linoleum using a clerical knife, cut the shape of the desired size. Often this is a square or rectangle with the largest side up to 30 cm. However, you can choose some non-standard shape, for example, a circle or an oval.
  • For convenience, scissors make the corners of the mat rounded.
  • Using a sponge and acrylic paint, cover the linoleum surface with a tonal color (it is better if it is a light color, for example, white or beige).
  • After drying the tonal color, apply a layer of PVA glue to the surface and lay out the pattern from napkins.

Important! It is undesirable to apply a too thick layer of glue and dry the surface with a hairdryer. Because of this, ugly “wrinkles” may appear.

  • After complete drying, varnish the surface - it is advisable to apply 4-5 layers, since you will drive the mouse on the rug, and too thin a protective layer can be erased very quickly.
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Fabric-based rug

A huge variety of drawings of modern fabrics tells us another way to make a mouse pad at home. This will require:

  • Base (cork, polystyrene or some other plastic).
  • Fabric with a pattern.
  • Adhesive HeatnBond.
  • Compass or ruler.
  • Scissors.
  • Iron.


  1. From the material at your fingertips, cut the base under the future mat. It can be either round, or square or rectangular.
  2. From a suitable fabric, cut the flap to the size of the mat, and cut the same fragment along its contours from the adhesive material HeatnBond.
  3. Put them together and iron them with a hot iron, lingering on each surface for a couple of seconds. Do this until the fabric adheres properly.
  4. Now remove the paper backing from the glue and repeat the whole procedure using a hot iron to glue the fabric to the backing.

Important! Some masters advise in conclusion to cover the fabric with a special protective spray, at least in two layers.

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Creative ideas for rugs

As practice shows, you can make a mouse mat with your own hands from almost anything.

Leather mat

For example, from a piece of leather that remains from an old jacket or boots. For this you need:

  1. Cut a piece of the required size. It can be taken to the workshop, where they print on different materials.
  2. Next, you need to select any image - a car, a person, a landscape, a house, and apply it to the skin.
  3. Then it should be varnished, glued to the base of linoleum, and voila - the mat is ready!

Woolen thread

Another original way to make a rug is to make it from woolen threads. To do this, you will need:

  • Cellophane.
  • Yarn or thick threads.
  • Scissors.
  • Strong hold varnish.


  1. Cut a thread of multi-colored “noodles,” which you need to randomly lay out on cellophane.
  2. Coat a layer of threads with varnish.
  3. Pour the threads on it again and varnish again.
  4. After the varnish is completely dry, sew the entire surface of the mat on a sewing machine so that there is no more than 2 cm between the stitches.
  5. Wash the product with shampoo and dry.


Backlit mat

The backlit product will look very beautiful and original. To make a do-it-yourself mouse pad, you may need the help of an experienced electrician, but the result will be truly amazing.

In order to bring this idea to life, you will need:

  • A piece of plexiglass or some other clear plastic.
  • LEDs
  • Wiring.


  1. Soldered LEDs must be inserted into the grooves cut on the surface of the plexiglass. Then pour them with glue.
  2. Next, you need to connect power to them - it is better from the computer itself via the USB port.
  3. On top of such a product, you can stick a decorative pattern or some kind of image.
  4. At the end, you should laminate the rug so that its picture does not fade.
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Mouse pad decor

Sometimes it happens that you want to update your old one or somehow decorate a recently purchased, but unpretentious mouse pad. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  • One of the easiest and at the same time complicated ways to decorate a rug is to paint it with acrylic paints. Here you can not restrain your imagination - you can draw as simple drawings or ornaments, and work hard, depicting a truly masterpiece, if you have artistic skills.

Important! Do not forget to cover the product with varnish, otherwise the image will quickly be erased.

  • You can also decorate the mouse pad with your own hands using embroidery. It should be remembered that the picture should be flat and located at the edges. Otherwise, the mouse will “stick” on the embroidery.
  • You can stick some photo on the old rug. And so that it does not become unusable too quickly, laminate the product and coat it with varnish.
  • Pasting rhinestones around the edges, you will get a very original and glamorous rug that will appeal to any fashionista.
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Stock footage

As you can see, making a do-it-yourself mouse pad is within the power of everyone. With a little effort and imagination, as well as spending a small amount of time, you will get a truly original thing.

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