Do-it-yourself yoga mat

If you decide to do yoga, then you need to buy a special mat for training. This device will help to significantly soften the work surface, protect it from the cold floor and eliminate the moment of slipping of arms and legs when doing exercises. This indispensable assistant will allow you to concentrate correctly, without being distracted by possible discomfort. Therefore, you need to consider all factors when choosing this product. Such a rug can be made independently at home. In this article we will tell you in detail how to make a yoga mat with your own hands, what you need to pay attention to when buying it, and how to properly care for such equipment. If you want to know more information, then stay with us, it will be interesting!
to contents ↑Yoga Mat Cover
Most people devote their free time to spiritual development - yoga. Classes are held individually or in general groups. Suppose you already have a yoga mat, but you should think about how to transport it. Fold the rug in a regular bag or bag is extremely inconvenient, because you need to leave room for suitable clothes and shoes. And in this case there is a solution. For your favorite accessory, you can sew a special cover that will be compact and very convenient when transporting to your destination. Moreover, it is not always possible to buy a rug with a cover or a special bag for carrying it. We will help you make a do-it-yourself fitness mat and sew a comfortable bag for it.
For work, we need such materials and tools:
- Suitable fabric.
- Threads to match the product.
- Scissors.
- Tailoring pins for chipping.
- Chalk for marking.
- Iron and ironing board.
- Sewing machine.
Important! A yoga mat is a personal and quite intimate thing that not only contacts the physical body of a person, but also absorbs his energy.
For such a cover, a sufficiently strong material, for example, cotton or a combination of cotton and polyester. If you do not have a single piece of fabric, then in this case you can use different pieces of fabric. If they are not large enough, you will have to sew them together several times.
Important! We advise you to choose the color of the fabric suitable for the coloring of the yoga mat itself.
For these purposes, usually use the usual clerical ruler and chalk, but for the convenience of cutting, you can use roller scissors.
Important! If you plan to sew a bag of a closed plan, then add another 10 cm to the length of the pattern.
In order for the belt pattern to be the desired length and width, select the whole place on the pattern, without tearing the fabric or seam. After this, the belt must be folded in half and stitched on a typewriter.
The pockets on the yoga case are very convenient to use. In them you can put a subscription to attend classes, a light lunch and a bottle of water.
First, make a rectangular blank, considering the allowances for the seams. After that, carefully trim the corners and at the end add a button or drawstring with a puff. Thus, your things will be well fixed and will not be able to accidentally fall out.
First of all, you need to sew the lining of the inside of the bag, and then sew the outer fabric cover.
Step-by-step instructions for creating a drawstring:
- It is necessary to bend the fabric with a width of about 1.5 cm, and then iron it.
- Now you need to deploy the case cover and make an exit for the cord.
- Next, we bend the lining material on the sides.
- Pull the cord through the hole with a pin and fix it.
Convenient bag for a do-it-yourself yoga mat is ready to use!
to contents ↑How to make a yoga mat with your own hands?
If you are thinking about how to sew such an accessory yourself, you have to decide on the material and size. Otherwise, there will be nothing complicated in creating such a thing, because it has the correct shape.
What should be the size of the rugs?
First about the length and thickness:
- There are products of standard width - 1.8 meters.
Important! The shops offer rugs of even larger sizes.
- If classes will be held indoors, then a thickness of 5-6 centimeters is enough. If on the street, then you need to choose a thicker rug so that it is comfortable and warm when performing exercises.
To choose the right size, you need to measure your height, and then add another 30 centimeters - this will be the right size of the yoga mat with your own hands. Thus, your whole body will lie on the product, including legs and arms in a raised position.
Types of Yoga Mats - Materials
Various materials are used in the manufacture of yoga mats. Based on the type of fabric, more than one type of this product is distinguished.
PVC mats
Such products are made from synthetic materials. This species is most popular at present. Many people who practice yoga, choose it. It has high hygienic properties, consists of a sufficiently porous material that covers its entire surface. This makes it easy to keep clean.
Such a universal rug can be a faithful assistant for at least 2 years. If you find such material on sale, you can safely take a cut of the right size.
But there are also weaknesses of this accessory. When performing some exercises, the PVC material mat may slip.
Important! Manufacturers also solved this problem by releasing polyvinyl chloride mats, which are slightly sticky to the touch, so it is convenient to use for any kind of exercise.
Thermoplastic mats
They are very convenient to use:
- do not slip during exercise;
- very soft, elastic and perfectly absorb moisture.
Applying them once, we can say that they are created for yoga. And the service life of such an attribute is at least 3 years.
Important! You are unlikely to find such material, so you have to limit yourself to other options.
Rugs made of natural materials
Materials such as cotton, rubber or rubber are used to make such an accessory. It is worth paying special attention to rubber or rubber products, since they do not slip at all and are not electrified. They stick to the surface and are completely environmentally friendly. Engage in them is a pleasure. Buying that cotton, that rubber sheet is, in principle, not a problem. So the choice is yours!
But there is a significant drawback of this product - it is a lot of weight, because of which it is not easy to carry it to training. The price of such a rug is also quite high.
Important! Professionals advise using cotton mats, as they are made of natural materials that are not able to harm the skin of a person, their body does not sweat so much, as they cope well with moisture.
Now you know what fitness mats are made of. Having this information, you can choose the right product that will bring you only benefit.
to contents ↑How to choose a yoga mat?
You need to have information on how to choose a yoga mat, because sellers in the store offer different products in which you can get confused and unknowingly take the wrong mat. Such an accessory must meet certain requirements.
If you strongly want to buy a yoga mat, then consider the following nuances:
- It should cope well with moisture without leaving it on the surface of the product. It is during intense training that a person sweats a lot, and this is simply impossible to avoid. Therefore, if you do exercises on a wet surface, then you will constantly be accompanied by discomfort and inconvenience, rather than feelings of relaxation and peace of mind. And if a child is doing yoga, then on a wet rug you can even get injured.
- Do-it-yourself yoga mat should be made of dense and, at the same time, flexible material that should not be stretched. Therefore, if you select material or will buy such a product, we advise you to pull it well. If after such tests it is very stretched, then pay attention to another product.
- The mat should be tightly fixed in one place, in other words, do not slip. If you choose the opposite option, then it will be extremely inconvenient for you to constantly correct it, and the exercise will be ineffective.
- Such a product should be soft to the touch, but not so soft as to feel the hard surface of the floor.
- If the mat is of high quality, then washing it with soap and water will be very easy.
Important! There are rugs that need to be cleaned with special wet wipes, so think about whether you need extra care.
- This accessory is used to perform exercises, therefore, it should not have different patterns that can distract attention. In this case, we recommend not using very bright colors, but give preference to more calm and discreet colors.
- Pay particular attention to the weight of this accessory. Better - that it was easy, but high-quality.
Proper care is the key to long service life.
To start using such a product, just expand it and you can begin spiritual development. After training, you need to slowly and correctly fold the mat. In addition, do not forget that such an indispensable assistant from time to time can become dirty. If you take good care of him, he will last a few more years.
In order to extend its life, it is necessary to adhere to several basic rules:
- Keep in mind the fact that the purchased mat should not be immediately used, as manufacturers cover it with special compounds so that they do not stick together during transportation. Therefore, first wash the mat with soap and water, where the main component is laundry soap.
- When cleaning the rug, do not use laundry detergent or regular toilet soap.
- It is necessary to wash such a product once every 2-3 months.
- It is strictly forbidden to wash the rugs in the washing machine, as from frequent washes the rug may no longer be suitable.
- Do not make the exercises shod. It is better to do it in socks or on bare feet.
- Do not fold yoga mats several times. Large folds or creases may form at the fracture.
to contents ↑Important! Unfortunately, this type of product dries for a very long time - up to two days. After waiting a bit, you can safely use it in your work.
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In our article, you learned how to make a yoga mat with your own hands. Following our recommendations, you will be happy to do the exercises. We wish you peace of mind and personal harmony!
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