Do-it-yourself rug from pantyhose

Perhaps you have already tried to make a rug from tights with your own hands. And often the first kapron rug comes out short-sighted and unpretentious, despite all the efforts. But this does not matter, you simply did not know folk tricks that help needlewomen to create smooth, light and practical doormats from the old kapron. A lot of manufacturing options are a round rug of braided plaits, as my grandmother knitted, and an openwork, crocheted doormat, kapron round, assembled into a neat, flat spiral. We will introduce you to these and some other ideas for making rugs from pantyhose and reveal small secrets that will help you make a neat and even cloth.

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Useful Tips

So that a rug made of tights and socks, made by yourself, does not serve as an object of ridicule from loved ones, take some useful life hacks into service. Thanks to them, you will do a really beautiful thing and do not waste your time. Here is a selection of the most common questions from beginners who have taken up making nylon rugs:

  • How many tights do you need on a small rug? At least 10. As soon as you have a pair of stockings with a hole, put it aside, and then cut and reel into balls.
  • How to cut nylon? We cut the top and bottom, and then we cut the canvas in a spiral, so a thin, even thread will come out.
  • What to do if there are not enough tights, and the rug is not finished yet? We tie it with a knitted ribbon or inlay.
  • How to make flat rugs? Make yarn from non-elastic tights, or knit more airy without tightening the thread.
  • How to color tights? You can paint flesh-colored nylon in bright colors at home. First boil the material with chlorine bleach, rinse and dry. Then paint with a special dye for the fabric according to the instructions on the package.

Using these tips, you can make a nylon mat that will decorate your home. Combining colors and shades, adding threads of various thicknesses and from other materials, you will do the original thing.

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Mat made of thread and nylon

This master class round rug is good because it is done very quickly and looks unusual, thanks to a braid of thick threads. On a mat with a diameter of 54 cm it takes only 4 pairs of tights:

  1. Cut off the gusset and panties, leaving the sock.
  2. Crochet the bottom of the stocking.
  3. We close in a dense ring.
  4. We knit the second row, grasping the thread of the first and braiding the nylon.
  5. We knit the fabric in a circle, adding threads of different colors.
  6. Having tied the kruglyash, we hide the working tip from the inside and carefully hem the hem.

You can use jute twine, natural colors or thin knitted yarn from old T-shirts.

Important! In the course of knitting, do not forget to increase the loops, otherwise - not a carpet, but a basket will come out. To do this, knit 2 loops from 1 of the previous row. If the cloth is puffing, knit 2 columns from every second loop.

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Crocheted nylon mat

The next option on how to make a rug from tights is crocheted 6 mm:

  1. Trim the top and track. The remaining canvas is cut lengthwise into strips of 2 cm wide.
  2. We stretch the ribbons, knit them together.
  3. We knit a chain of 5 air loops.
  4. We connect the edges with a column, knit the crocheted columns from the first row.
  5. We continue to knit in a circle, making increments of loops.

As a result, you will get a neat, even rug that will last for many years. It is possible to make not an oval rug, but a round one. To do this, increase the length of the chain and make additions not only during knitting, but also at the edges of the first row. In order not to get confused in additions, use pins, special markers.

Important! To make an original carpet as a template for knitting, use patterns of lace napkins and tablecloths. Consider the thickness of the yarn - it will not be possible to tie a lace pattern with a thick thread.

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Pigtail rugs

Round and even rectangular rugs from tights with their own hands without a hook are braided from individual braids, which are then sewn together. Here's how it goes:

  1. Prepare yarn from cropped tights.
  2. We will weave a long braid out of it, fixing the tip with a needle manually.
  3. We will prepare a lining from a fabric that will retain the shape of a doormat even after frequent washes.
  4. To make the middle smooth, we’ll hoop the fabric, sew a pigtail to it, fixing it in the middle.
  5. Gradually increase the radius of the rug, remove the hoop.
  6. Having sewed a mat of the right size, cut the lining, sew a slanting inlay from a knitted tape.

Straight rugs in this technique are made of braids laid in a zigzag pattern. They are also sewn to the base and overcast. You can get an interesting wavy edge by laying the chain in spirals, twisting them in different directions. These wave-like rugs look good in the bathroom.

Important! Combining voluminous and thin pigtails, you can create an interesting avant-garde pattern.

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Rug from the rings (video)

If in the previous methods you had to work with a thread tied in knots, then here you need to work with a capron cut into rings. The mat will come out light, magnificent, and the manufacturing method is similar to children's fun - weaving from rubber bands:

  1. Fold the ring twice. We put, twisting the figure eight, on the thumb and forefinger.
  2. We wind another loop in the same way, remove the first loop from the thumb. Throw it to the top. Then we also transfer the lower loop from the index finger to the upper.
  3. The result was a neat chain. Continue knitting on the fingers, making a long braid.
  4. Sew braids into the fabric of the desired shape, and you're done!

Important! This method is also good because it does not require close attention - knit a snake while watching TV shows, the process is completely automatic.

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Stock footage

Having made a rug from nylon tights with your own hands, you will get a durable and beautiful item. It is noticed that the mats from nylon tape perfectly retain sand, dirt from the street, wash well. So do not throw away old things, but give them a new life.


