Do-it-yourself shred rugs

It is not necessary to throw away things that have outlived their life, because you can make very interesting interior accessories from them, for example, lining on the seats of chairs and sofas, rugs in the bathroom, as well as do-it-yourself rugs from scraps of fabric. Such objects make the interior more lively, warm and comfortable, with a slight hint of a rustic style. In our article, we present several workshops on making rugs in different techniques.

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Variety of patchwork rugs

The first step in creating a rug from shreds of fabric is to determine the shape, color, texture and manufacturing technology. Each time, these rugs are completely different. However, they can be divided into main categories:

  • Wicker - here you can include products connected from many braids or made using weaving technique.
  • Fluffy - these mats are due to their volume due to the frequent fastening of shreds to the base-mesh, where the ends fill the space, creating a three-dimensional effect.
  • Knitted - created from yarn formed from long fabric strips with a thick hook.
  • Sewing using the patchwork technique - beautiful patchwork patterns are created by stitching together triangles and squares of fabrics that are different in texture and color.
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Knitted patchwork rug

To create a rug from shreds with your own hands in a knitted style, you need to act in this sequence:

  • Prepare the material for work - look for old T-shirts, t-shirts at home, from which cut the bottom seams.
  • Scissor the material into long narrow strips.

Important! Cutting should go in a spiral (a little before reaching the seam), then cut the thing and cut it with one continuous tape.

  • For knitting, you can use knitting needles, but it's better to use a thick hook.
  • Knit a rug of the simplest air loops with single crochet columns - this will turn out a rectangular product.
  • If you take five loops, close them in a ring, and add loops on each row, then as a result you will get a round shape.

Important! For a change, you can mix colors in the process - so your rug will come out bright and intricate.

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Patchwork rug

If you sew a rug of shreds, you get a very beautiful and original interior decoration:

  • Prepare the material for work - fabric scraps or special patchwork patches bought at the needlework store.
  • New fabrics should be washed and steamed, and old scraps starched and ironed.

Important! For rugs, dense types of fabrics are suitable - drap, gabardine, tweed.

  • For a longer product life, take a lining - it can be a synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, batting or dense carpet fabric.
  • All fabric pieces bring to a single shape and size - for this it is advisable to use a template.

Important! Seam allowances on solid materials are not needed.

  • Take the base, stitch on it all shreds of fabric in a chaotic manner or following a specific pattern and image.

Important! Patchwork patterns can be easily found on the Internet or in specialized stores.

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Hook-free, woven patchwork rug

If you are not particularly strong in crocheting, then you have the opportunity to make rugs from scraps of fabric with your own hands without it, using small tricks:

  1. Take a large unwanted photo frame or make a base for a rug of wood according to the desired size.
  2. Drive small cloves on two opposite sides at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other.
  3. For threads use all the same old T-shirts and t-shirts (preferably knitted).
  4. Pull the threads on the carnations - so you get the base.
  5. Take the working thread, skip it alternating above and below the base.
  6. Continue to weave threads, including different colors.
  7. In order to get a fringe, you can tie the threads together and not trim the ends, and for smooth weaving it is better to cut them.
  8. To obtain the desired density, periodically pull the weave to the first row.
  9. When finished weaving the product, hide the unnecessary parts on the wrong side.
  10. Remove the mat from the base.
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Volumetric mat

To make a bulk rug from shreds with your own hands, you will need more fabric and time, but it's worth it. The coating is fun, original and very popular with children. There are several options for making volume rugs:

  • The basis of pompons - for such a product, you should take pieces of square-shaped fabric, form balls of them with a synthetic winterizer and sew them together.
  • Grandmother's rug - for him, you need to weave braids, which are then sewn together in a spiral or in any other order using a thick, strong thread.
  • Another option for a volume rug can be obtained by cutting a thick knitted fabric with strips and letting it spin on its own. Spinning, the strips are sewn together and form an interesting volume rug.

Important! To speed up the spinning process, you can wash the strips in the washing machine without using detergents.

  • You can also knit a long ribbon of threads 10 cm wide and several meters long. In each of the rows, the last loop is knitted as a purl so that the fabric spins. Then the material is laid in the desired order (circle, spiral) and sewn together.
  • To make a rug in the form of grass, you should prepare the basis - a rigid grid, which can be bought at construction stores. Start weaving from the center - place the strip under the net and hook both ends to the front side, then tie a tight knot on the cell wall with a guy. So, filling all the cells, you get a fluffy doormat.

Important! Better to take with larger cells where the hook would go.

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Stock footage

Making a rug of shreds with your own hands is quite simple - you can connect your imagination or spy ideas in magazines or on the Internet. Your doormat, made by yourself, will delight you with comfort and will give off the warmth of your hands.


