Do-it-yourself rugs from old things

The comfort in the house consists of little things that can be done manually. Homemade rugs will add rustic charm to the interior. They are easy to make in the hallway, bathroom, nursery and use, like bedding for animals, bedspreads on chairs. Do-it-yourself knitted rugs from old things will compete with fashionable designer home textiles. You will find some interesting ideas and schemes for such creativity in this article.

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For knitting, you need to make yarn from knitwear. Having cut all the buttons, decor and zippers, cut unwanted T-shirts, sweaters and dresses into long stripes. To make yarn from a T-shirt without knots, use this method:

  1. Lay the clothes flat on the table.
  2. Cut the shirt on the fringe, not reaching the edge by 3 cm.
  3. We unfold the place where we didn’t cut it. And cut diagonally. If you cut in a straight line, you get separate rings.

The thread is completely flat, convenient for work.

Important! The thicker the material, the yarn should already be.

Also, yarn can be made from an old sheet:

  1. Tear off the edges on all sides.
  2. Fold the canvas in half, cut into strips without cutting to the end.
  3. Turn the fabric over, make a cut in the opposite direction, without cutting the edge.
  4. Cutting the sheet in zigzag we get a thread with sharp corners, which must be hidden during knitting.

Important! Soft rugs can be knitted from old sweaters. The cut tapes are soaked in boiling water and stretched, and then sewn into one.

Rugs from old clothes last a very long time and absorb moisture well. Tie a plain round rug or combine threads of different colors.

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Crochet rugs

Yarn from old clothes is suitable for knitting with a thick hook 8-15 mm. Do not tighten the thread while knitting, otherwise the mat will wrinkle. The choice of yarn is also important: the thicker the thread, the more loose the rug will turn out.

Grandma's crocheted rug

This workshop will show you how to knit an even “grandmother's” rug with your own hands from old things.

Hereinafter, it will be required:

  • hook 8, 10 size;
  • knitted yarn.

Operating procedure:

  1. Make a loop, tie, thread a hook.
  2. Make a chain of 6 air loops.
  3. Lock the chain in the ring.
  4. Tie with half-columns.
  5. Untie the first loop, make a climb.
  6. Continue knitting with double crochets, remembering to add loops.

Important! In the first row of 1 loop we knit 2 tbsp. without n., we divide knitting into 6 sectors and when knitting each segment we do 1 tbsp. with a crochet.

Rectangular rug

For the corridor, you can tie a track from old clothes. Knitting starts from the middle of the carpet:

  1. Dial a chain of air loops.
  2. The next rows knit in a column with 1 double crochet (st. With n).
  3. Add in each subsequent row 2 tbsp. from. n
  4. After knitting, hide the end of the thread from the inside.

Important! Turn the fabric over while knitting. In order not to lose corners, mark them with threads of contrasting color.

Magic ring mat

For beginners, we recommend knitting a rug of old things using the “magic loop” method.

This method allows you to weave smooth, round doormats of any size:

  1. You need to start with the magic ring. Throw a thread on the fingers of your left hand and wrap it 3 times.
  2. Pull the working end through the ring.
  3. Make a sliding loop on the ringlet by pulling the thread through the starting loop.
  4. Tie the loop 11 with double crochet (st. N.)
  5. Knit a connecting column, connect a chain.
  6. The second row knit st.with n., 2 for each loop of the lower row. A total of 24 loops (p.)
  7. We form the third row from the second, knitting from 1 p. 2. Total 36 p.
  8. The next row can be made openwork. We knit art. with n., 2 air items, skip 1 lower st., repeat.
  9. We continue knitting, alternating the rows of Art. with n and lace.
  10. Finish the edge in waves. Scheme: 1 lifting air loop, skip 1-2 lower tbsp., From the next loop do 6 tbsp. with n We finish the festoon with a half-column from the bottom row, skipping 1-2 tbsp.

Important! On the basis of the “magic ring” rectangular and oval rugs are knitted. In this case, for an oval, loops are added from each edge of the chain. A rectangular shape is obtained if you make 4 increments, forming the corners of the carpet.



Do-it-yourself rug from old things does not have to be tightly knitted. Doormats that look like big napkins look very modern. Where to find a beautiful pattern for such a wonderful rug? The needlewomen take ornaments of ordinary napkins and increase the number of loops and rows, focusing on the thickness of their yarn.

It will not be easy for a beginner to knit such a complex product from beginning to end. Therefore, for the first steps of turning old things into a light openwork rug, use these methods:

  1. Tie up 5 separate modules in one simple pattern and connect them to the canvas.
  2. Change the layout of the “grandmother's” rug by adding rows from art. with n and air loops.

Important! Lacy rugs do not need a lining, they keep their shape well and do not deform when washing.


Knitted rugs in the form of animals, knitted from old things with their own hands, will decorate the nursery and will appeal to the kids. They are not as difficult to knit as it seems. For work, threads of 4 colors will be required for the head, cheeks, muzzle and nose:

  • In an air loop, knit 12 tbsp. with n and connect in a circle.
  • At the beginning of the next row, make 3 vp and make an increase: 2 tbsp. with n from each loop.
  • In 3 rows, knit 3 lifting p., - add 1 tbsp. with n from 1 p. and 2 tbsp. with n from 1 p. in turn.

Important! Alternate the addition in even and odd rows. It turns out that, in each row, 12 new loops are added.

  • Knit cheeks and muzzle similarly, focus on the size of the bear’s head.
  • Knit the ears according to the pattern of the base, dividing the number of loops and increases by 2.
  • Sew the parts to the base with regular threads.
  • From black yarn, knit a chain of VP, cut and make eyebrows, nose and cilia out of them.

Important! All muzzles fit on the basis of a simple rug. Try to make a rug with a penguin, cat or lion cub for a children's room.

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Braid mat

The easiest way to make tracks from old clothes and bedding from braided braids. They do not need a hook, so this method is so popular. Let’s figure out how to make do-it-yourself rugs from old things step by step.

In the hallway

From short braids it is not difficult to make a rectangular bedding. An unusual detail of such a rug is fringe on the sides:

  1. Weave braids and pull the ends together with threads.
  2. Sew them on the substrate.
  3. We untwist the ends on both sides and cut it so that the fringe is the same in length.

Important! In the same way, you can make a fluffy bath towel rug.


Rug from pantyhose

From the old tights and socks comes a very strong and elastic yarn that can withstand repeated washing:

  1. Cut the stocking into rings of 1.5-2 cm.
  2. Stretch the segments.
  3. Twist the eight, making one ring and put it on the index and thumb of the left hand.
  4. In the right, we also collapse the elastic and put on above the second.
  5. We grab the bottom ring from the thumb, move it to the top. Similarly, we transfer from the index. The first loop of the chain has turned out.
  6. Repeat several times until a fluffy pigtail of the desired length comes out.
  7. You can turn the finished braid into a circle or sew a rectangular rug.

Important! If the circle is too tight and does not straighten with your hands, steam it and straighten it.

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Simple homespun tackles are woven on a frame with nails. The distance between them is 2.5-3 cm. Pull the warp thread, pull the ribbon in a checkerboard pattern. The canvas needs to be squeezed by hands, then the carpet will turn out to be dense and even.

Important! If short pieces of fabric are used for weaving, then the knots are hidden from the inside of the rug.

Round tapestry

To make this rug look more interesting, take threads of bright colors for weaving:

  1. Cut out a circle with sectors from cardboard, make cuts.
  2. Wrap the template with threads, fasten them in the slots.
  3. Wrap starting at the center of the warp.
  4. Having reached the edge, tie a knot, hide and sew it from the wrong side.
  5. Trim the canvas and tie them in knots.

Important! Alternating yarn from old things of bright and rich colors, you can create a pattern similar to a mandala.

Kruglyash on a hoop

This round rug comes out best of inelastic threads and rope. For the base, a t-shirt is taken, cut into rings, which are pulled onto a hoop. The strip should not wrap around the hoop, sag a bit. Otherwise, the finished product is wrinkled.

Here are some tips for making such a decorative rug:

  • Weaving starts from the center. Pass the thread alternately under the warp thread.
  • After finishing the carpet, cut the threads and tie them in a knot.

Important! For such a rug, not only knitted yarn is suitable, but also trimmings of cotton fabric.

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It is not necessary to thread rags and old clothes. Beautiful rugs are obtained from shreds sewn together.

Volumetric rug in the nursery

Make soft rugs with your own hands from old things for the house where there are kids:

  1. Cut the fabric into squares of 12 cm (front side of the pad) and 8 cm (wrong side of the parts).
  2. Double fold on large squares, chop them with small ones.
  3. Sew the patches on a typewriter, leaving an un sewn hole on one side.
  4. Turn out and fill the pads with holofiber, sew a hole.
  5. Sew the pads together.
  6. Sew a lining and draw a hem on the hem.

Important! Similarly, you can make a blanket and pillows for the nursery.

Fluffy rug on the net

On the basis of the net weaves a terry rug from shreds:

  1. Cut the strips into 20 cm lengths.
  2. Having hooked on the mesh cell, pull the thread, fasten with an air loop.
  3. Cover all cells and glue the inside out of a dense fabric.

The rug can be round, of various fluffiness and color, with ornament.

Important! Instead of a mesh, you can use a piece of fabric with cut holes. The wrong side can be strengthened with an additional layer of fabric.


From spirals

For this rug, we need shreds from sweaters and woolen clothes:

  1. Cut things into strips, roll them up with a tube.
  2. Trim the protruding ends.
  3. Fasten with a thread.
  4. Connect the blanks to the web.

Important! The shape of the rug can be either round or in the form of a flower, abstract, elongated - to your taste.

Sea pebbles from the bedspread

From old things of ocher, gray, black colors make an interesting rug in the form of sea pebbles:

  1. Cut the fabric into round-shaped shreds.
  2. Fill with a padding polyester, manually lay a straight seam along the edge and tighten the fabric with the filler. The result was an oval pad.
  3. Sew all the pebbles into the fabric, glue to the drape base.

Important! Make stones of different sizes and colors - from the smallest to large boulders, so the finished rug will become more interesting.

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Having learned how to crochet a rug on a floor from old things, weave a rug on a hoop and sew a path from unnecessary scraps, you can decorate your home inexpensively and tastefully. Good luck with the results from needlework!


