High pile carpet

Today, a high pile carpet is one of the most common types of flooring. Thanks to its functionality and aesthetics, it creates an atmosphere of comfort and coziness in the house. Softness, reliability, relatively long service life, beautiful appearance are the secrets to the success of this material. However, when buying a product, you must consider a number of factors, which will be discussed in the article.

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Material Features

A carpet with a long pile consists of three layers: the base, lining and, in fact, the pile itself. For the manufacture of high pile flooring, both artificial and natural types of raw materials are used.

Important! The main property of such flooring is a pile with a height of at least 5 mm. The carpet is pleasant to the touch for both feet and hands.

Specialists distinguish the following varieties of long-pile material:

  • katlup;
  • shaggy (shag);
  • frieze;
  • saxony;
  • Berber.

Depending on the type of coating, the properties of a high pile carpet will also differ:

  1. The pile of shaggy material is made from pre-twisted and cut thick yarn. Outwardly, each of the villi resembles a pencil. These products are well suited for rooms with high traffic. Strong and rough texture can withstand significant mechanical stress.
  2. The high-pile katlup carpet has a multi-level structure. In the manufacture of the coating, part of the hinges is cut, and part remains intact. The result is an amazingly beautiful material with a relief pattern. The length of the pile is from 6 to 10 mm. As a rule, “katlup” carpet is laid in living rooms, bedrooms and children's rooms - in rooms with relatively little mechanical effect on the surface.
  3. Berber is a type of carpet with large loops. The coating looks very unusual, and the material does not change its shade over time.
  4. Saxony is one of the most attractive, comfortable and sophisticated types of long-pile carpet. It is made from twisted yarn, with cutting the pile at the same height in a vertical position.
  5. Frieze - a carpet of twisted yarn with a pile of high height. The villi of different thicknesses, cut loops are combined with uncut.
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The advantages of long-pile material include the following.

  • Resistance to solar radiation.
  • Lack of accumulation of static electricity.
  • Good heat and sound insulation properties.
  • A high pile carpet is safe for health.
  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • Soft flooring. It is perfect for a child’s room. The risk of injury during games is significantly reduced.
  • Hypoallergenicity.
  • A wide selection of colors. This makes it possible to organically fit the carpet into any modern interior, emphasizing its advantages.
  • Fire safety.

Important! This material is not only durable and beautiful, but also quite functional. It can be used to warm certain areas of the room, for example, the floor near the bed.

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A long-pile carpet is not without its individual flaws. They must also be considered before buying:

  • The material is quickly contaminated.
  • Time-consuming cleaning of carpet from stains.
  • The coating does not tolerate high humidity.
  • The flooring needs regular maintenance.Otherwise, it quickly loses its appeal.

Important! These products are not suitable for use in wet rooms. Absorbing moisture, the villi quickly lose their elasticity and softness. For a wet microclimate, a carpet with a low pile or lint-free is better suited.

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Carpet Care

A high pile carpet requires constant thorough care, using chemically non-aggressive cleaning agents. Here is a list of the tools you need to take care of your product regularly:

  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • hard broom;
  • brush;
  • rags;
  • soda;
  • salt.visokiy-vors

Regular care:

  1. A vacuum cleaner is best suited for cleaning a high pile carpet, which removes dust and small particles of debris.
  2. Do not use a washing vacuum cleaner, since wetting impairs the performance of the coating.
  3. The frequency of cleaning the flooring is once a week. In the event that the coating is located in a room subject to severe pollution (areas near workplaces, entrance to the room, passage to the balcony), then cleaning must be done every 3 days.
  4. Cleaning should be especially thorough. Just “vacuuming” is clearly not enough.
  5. The movements of the vacuum cleaner must be cruciform. This will improve the quality of cleaning.
  6. It is impossible to abuse the use of stain removers, since the alkali contained in the stain remover destroys the structure of the material.
  7. If you used a stain remover, after cleaning, wipe the coating with a slightly acidic solution (a glass of vinegar essence in 10 liters of water).

Important! The best option for removing complex stains is to consult a specialist, and not risk it using aggressive chemicals.

Tips for quality carpet cleaning:

  1. Before vacuuming, add a little baking soda to the dust bag. This will get rid of unpleasant odors.
  2. A large pile of carpet can also be cleaned with coarse salt. It is enough to sprinkle the coating with sodium chloride, and then remove it with a hard broom.
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How to choose a carpet?

When buying a product, consider in which room you are going to use it.

Important! The material is ideal for creating coziness in the living room, bedroom, nursery, hallway. It is not suitable for a kitchen room, balcony or bathroom. It is better to use a low or lint-free carpet, which better tolerates high humidity.

When choosing a carpet with a high pile, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • coating weight;
  • material density;
  • elasticity of villi.

What to pay special attention to:

  1. The more solid the product, the greater the mass and density it has, the more elastic the villi.
  2. To evaluate the quality of the material, consider it from the wrong side. If the threads are located close (1-2 mm) to each other, then the product is strong enough.
  3. To assess the elasticity of the pile, press it and then release it. Elastic quality material will quickly restore its original appearance.
  4. If you can afford an expensive product, pay attention to the carpet made of natural materials. The pile is made of wool and the backing is made of jute. The main advantages of such floor coverings are attractive appearance and environmental cleanliness.

Important! Get carpet in online stores or specialized shopping centers. If you are at a loss with a choice, specialists will advise you in detail.

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Mounting Features:

  1. Before laying the carpet, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and level the surface so that the differences in height do not exceed 4 mm.
  2. The next step is the installation of a special substrate, which prevents the penetration of dust from the concrete screed to the coating.
  3. Cut the carpet with a large pile using a cutter or special scissors. It is necessary to cut the material with a margin, cutting off excess along the walls.
  4. Before laying, the basis of the carpet and the substrate are carefully coated with a PVA compound. Apply the adhesive composition in a circular motion. Carpet is especially carefully glued at the border with another room.
  5. To close the junction, use a decorative bar or baseboard.
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The long pile carpet is a unique floor covering that can give the room a special charm. The right choice and careful care of the carpet extends its service life and allows you to maintain an attractive appearance and functionality for a long time.

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