Facial skin, like an orange peel - what to do?

Every woman wants to look good at any age. If there are various rashes on the face, this can be a big problem, despite the fact that there are many different cosmetics that can restore the skin to a decent appearance. One of the biggest problems is stretching pores on the face, resulting in skin resembling the peel of an orange. Why is this happening? Everyone has pores; sebum comes out through them. But when the sebaceous glands work too actively, sebum gradually stretches the pores, and the face becomes like an orange peel. If at an early age the skin is elastic and can withstand pore stretching, then with age it loses this ability to a large extent. And if this happened, facial skin, like an orange peel - what should I do?
to contents ↑Causes of Orange Peel
Such a problem not only spoils the appearance in itself, but also leads to the appearance of rashes, irritations and tubercles on the skin. The reasons for this kind of trouble are many.
Important! Facial skin is an open area of the body that is exposed to all external factors, from the ecological state of the environment to the cosmetics that you use.
The expansion of pores and the appearance on the face of tuberosity and various rashes can contribute to:
- A sharp change in climate.
- High humidity in the places where you live or often are.
- Incorrectly selected cosmetics or skin care products.
- Foundation and powder clog pores, so this problem may occur with the constant use of these funds.
- Improper nutrition.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Factors associated with weather conditions - rain, wind, direct sunlight.
- Bad habits are alcohol and smoking.
- Frequent stress, sleep disturbances and overwork.
- Strong production of sebum by the sebaceous gland, for example, in adolescence.
- Hereditary or genetic factors.
What can be done for prevention?
If you do not have such problems yet and you do not want to think about what to do in the future, if the skin is like an orange peel, then you need to think about preventive measures. Facial skin needs proper care.
To prevent bumps on your skin, follow these guidelines:
- Always use special cosmetics, which include medicinal herbs.
- Make regular masks, especially if you have rough skin. Alternate moisturizing, nourishing, firming face masks.
- Be sure to moisturize the skin.
- Use a scrub at least once every two weeks to rid the skin of dead particles.
Remember that any problem is easier to prevent than to treat. But if you still managed to reach the orange peel, then treatment should be started immediately. Many salons carry out cosmetic procedures to help get rid of this shortcoming. You can narrow pores at home with the help of traditional medicine.
to contents ↑Beauty Salon Services
If you decide to use the services of beauty salons, then experienced cosmetologists will draw up a program to improve your skin, help you choose cosmetics suitable for your skin type, adjust your nutrition and offer the following procedures:
- peeling;
- darsonvalization;
- microdermabrasion;
- laser resurfacing.
All these procedures are aimed at cleansing and eliminating the imperfections of thick, porous skin.
Important! In order to keep the result, you can’t return to your previous lifestyle or old cosmetics, otherwise - the pores will begin to expand again, and all your problems will return to you again.
Buy cosmetics from well-established companies. To achieve maximum results, you should also seek help from traditional medicine.
to contents ↑Traditional methods of combating orange peel
If you have facial skin, like an orange peel, and you do not know what to do, then seek the help of traditional medicine recipes for help. Many cosmetologists believe that folk remedies are much more effective than salon procedures.
The following recipes will help overcome facial flaws:
- Linden blossoms do an excellent job of this. To do this, fill one tablespoon of dried flowers with 100 ml of hot water. Put the mixture on a small fire, cook until it thickens. After the mixture has cooled, apply it on your face and leave for 20 minutes.
Important! It is better to remove such a mask with a dry cotton swab, and then wash with cool water.
- An excellent remedy for enlarging pores is masks made from fresh fruits and berries. Especially good masks made of orange and strawberries.
Important! In an orange mask, for better effect, you can add beaten egg white.
- Vegetables will also benefit: Grate one potato tuber on a grater, mix with the egg and apply on the face for half an hour, then rinse. Tomato gruel also helps narrow pores. You can cut tomatoes or cucumbers in rings, leave on your face for a while.
- Soak brown bread in hot water and apply this gruel in warm form to the skin for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
- Lemon zest mixed with olive oil also tightens the skin. But such a mask does not suit everyone.
Important! If you are prone to allergies, then you should use a different recipe.
- Coffee scrub or oatmeal scrub will be of great benefit.
- Beat the protein, mix it with grated carrots. When adding flour, mix until smooth. Apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. Finally, wipe your face with ice cubes and brush your skin with a moisturizer.
to contents ↑Important! To remove all irregularities, acne and tubercles, you need to regularly do cosmetic procedures, use the tips and recipes of traditional medicine and lead a healthy lifestyle. You need to take care of the skin regularly, otherwise the effect will be short-lived.
Useful Tips
Any external beauty is the result of a healthy body, therefore it is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle, then most skin problems will not affect you:
- Lead a healthy lifestyle if possible, avoid stress and overwork. Play sports and eat right.
- Choose the right care products, do not get carried away with cosmetics. Do not forget to wash your face makeup off at night.
- Do a scrub twice every 10 days. It is not necessary to buy expensive products; you can use the same coffee grounds or oatmeal.
- It is best to wash your face with a special gel. Its composition should include oils and extracts of medicinal herbs.
- Lotions with hawthorn, lemon, calendula, rosemary are well suited for such skin. You can make a decoction of herbs yourself and rinse their face. It very well removes excess produced fat from the face and narrows the pores of decoction of horsetail and chamomile.
- Apply masks twice a week to improve skin elasticity.
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Skin like an orange peel is not a sentence if you know what to do in such a situation. And now you are fully armed to begin an effective struggle for the smoothness and beauty of your face.
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