DIY glass paint

Even ordinary glass can become an interior decoration. In particular, if it is painted in the color scheme in which the room is designed. You can paint the glass of the lamp, chandelier, interior doors. Interesting are painted window panes. But not all the solutions available for sale are suitable for this purpose, and they are usually not as cheap as we would like. Let's consider in this article how to make paint for glass with your own hands, how to decorate the decor of different objects with your own hands.

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Preparatory stage

Before staining, the glass is washed. First, with a soapy solution, then rinse first with warm, and then with cold water.

For staining, use the usual painting tool:

  • Fleitz.
  • A foam swab dipped in paint.
  • Roller for coloring.
  • Bristle end brush.
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Glass painting - useful tips:

  1. The paint is diluted to the consistency of liquid sour cream and applied to the glass with a thin layer.
  2. To prevent smudges, the glass is laid horizontally. If this cannot be done, staining is carried out with a fleitz with a minimum amount of dye applied, with lines in the horizontal direction, from top to bottom.
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Stained glass

Stained-glass windows look very beautiful when the picture is composed of individual colored glasses. Each glass is inserted into the frame from lead (the frames are soldered together). The stained glass manufacturing technology itself is quite complex and requires great skill. But the creation of a simulation of stained-glass windows is quite real:

  1. The glass contour with your own hands is drawn in 2 lines, using a special pencil "Steklograf".
  2. After that, the area inside the frame is neatly painted with liquid oil paint.
  3. Then, glyphthalic varnish is applied over the field of the painting.

Important! To make the picture “antique”, cracks are drawn on the surface of a semi-dried varnish.

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Glass painting - materials for work

Another technology is decorative staining. A drawing is applied to a glass surface 2 mm thick, and then another glass with the same thickness is glued around the perimeter. Installation of a decorative product is no different from ordinary glass.

What can be used to make drawings and stained glass on glass with your own hands?

  • Acrylic paints.
  • Pencils “Steklograf”.
  • Oil paint.
  • Nitro paint
  • Gliftal dye.
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DIY glass paint

The dye can be made independently. It consists of:

  • Gelatin - 5 g.
  • Water - 0.1 l.
  • Color ink.

How to prepare a solution:

  1. Dissolve gelatin in water heated to a temperature of 50 to 80 degrees.
  2. Mix ink with gelatin solution.
  3. Apply the resulting paint, not allowing it to cool, on a clean glass surface located horizontally.

Another way to get the coloring matter is from an old felt-tip pen. Pass a few drops of a weak vinegar solution through a felt-tip pen. To make the painting waterproof, cover it with a special varnish or stick another glass on top, smearing the ends.

Important! By applying a dye that was previously shaken, you can create an artificially aged surface.

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Frosted glass

They look very beautiful. It turns out that you can create a frosted glass surface.For work you will need:

  • Ordinary glass.
  • Board with a very smooth surface.
  • Sifted river sand.
  • Wooden planks.
  • A small but massive board.

Nail the wooden planks around the edges of the board. They will serve as limiters so that the glass does not slide off the board. Lay the glass on top of the board. A further algorithm is as follows:

  1. Dampen the surface with plenty of water.
  2. Sprinkle sand on top.
  3. Drive the plank over the surface of the sand in different directions. If necessary, add water and sand. Control the result by washing off the sand and looking at the glass in the light.
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Drawing the black-and-white image

Such drawings look very impressive. If the DIY glass paint is made correctly, it will last a very long time.

White dye

It consists of kaolin and silicate glue in a ratio of 4: 1. The manufacturing method is the simplest: grind kaolin with glue.

Important! Apply the dye to the glass with a pointed stick or feathers.

Black dye

Consists of silicate glue, printing ink and charcoal - ratio 3: 1: 1. The method of preparation is as follows: mix black, coal and silicate glue in a non-metal container, then strain the resulting mixture.

Pickling compound

The specificity of this composition is that it penetrates into the glass. For this reason, you cannot delete it. Apply the drawing on the surface with extreme caution.

Important! It is advisable to first apply the outline of the pattern to the glass. The risk of unsuccessful application of paint is significantly reduced.

This type of paint is prepared in two stages:

  • The first solution is 50 ml of distilled water, 6.5 g of hydrochloric acid, 1.5 g of zinc chloride.
  • The second solution is 35 ml of distilled water, 8 g of sodium fluoride, 0.7 g of potassium sulfate

Both solutions are prepared separately, and mixed before use - the first solution is added one drop to the second. To apply the etching composition to the glass surface, a stick of wood or plastic is used.

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Stock footage

Staining glass cannot be called overly complicated, but it requires patience, accuracy and a little artistic ability.

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