Paint coat for facade walls

A person is met by clothes, and the house is judged primarily by the facade. And if urban high-rise buildings say very little about the nature and capabilities of their inhabitants, then this can not be said about a private house. There is an opportunity to show both design abilities and imagination. But how to finish the cottage so that it looks spectacular without exorbitant labor costs? A paint coat will help you out. From the article you will learn what it is and how to work with it.

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What is a fur coat?

Before you make a fur coat on the house yourself, it makes sense to figure out what it is and why it is called that. A fur coat is a decorative plaster, and it got its name because it is very similar in texture to fur. In fact, the process boils down to applying a sand-cement mortar. This is not a very complicated matter, which explains the popularity of such finishes in many regions.

Important! It is difficult to say who first designed the facade of his house in this way, it was a very long time ago. But the inhabitants of the southern republics of the former Soviet Union loved this method very much, and then the northerners also adopted it. Even a person who has never been involved in construction work before can cope with such a task. Do you have to start somewhere? So why not from a fur coat - of course, if the house is already there.

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What are the facades?

If you are thinking about how to make a fur coat on the wall, it means that you have already met other options for decorating the facade, appreciated their advantages and disadvantages, and chose this one. For those who still cannot decide what his house will be, it will be useful to learn about other ways:

  1. siding;
  2. log house;
  3. facing by a natural stone;
  4. tiling.

Important! These are the most popular options, but there are quite a few others - for example, a few years ago the whole Internet circled around a photograph of a house lined with plastic bottle caps, and now many people use this design method, fortunately, there is no shortage of raw materials. If you wish, you can come up with something of your own.

All of these options have a couple of significant drawbacks:

  • some of them will be quite expensive;
  • almost everyone needs a lot of time;
  • Siding is best left to specialists, and stone cladding requires a lot of art.
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The advantages of a fur coat

A paint coat is what is called “cheap and cheerful.” The advantages of this option are obvious:

  • done quickly;
  • expensive materials are not needed;
  • no need for complex rare tools;
  • perfectly protects the wall from external factors;
  • the use of additives significantly expands the design capabilities;
  • light weight, that is, the finish will not greatly affect the strength of the walls and foundation.
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Are there any flaws in this perfection? Unfortunately, materials without flaws do not exist in nature. In paint coats, they are:

  • very successfully collects dust;
  • Not suitable for all styles.
  • not a very good heat insulator.
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What is needed for work?

To make a fur coat on the house, you need the simplest things:

  • cement-sand mortar;
  • broom;
  • stick;
  • Master OK.

Important! If you want to calculate the paint consumption for painting a fur coat at home, keep in mind that this is not really paint.You can not add pigment to the solution at all, then the house will be gray or white, but with the same texture. If you want the house to stand out not only with a beautiful coating, but also with color, it is better to add color. By the way, you can make the building colorful. In building stores you will find various additives that allow you to get, for example, a granular surface.

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The surface under the paint coat on the facade

A fur coat on the wall with your own hands is a great way to finish any surface:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • wooden.

If everything is clear with concrete and brick - the cement-sand mixture falls on them just perfectly, then with wood it is not so simple. Of course, a fur coat will allow you to preserve the wooden surface longer, since it protects it from negative influences. However, for work you, among other things, will need:

  • special soil;
  • lime-gypsum spray.

Important! The speed of the process depends entirely on the state of the wall. The least trouble would be if the surface:

  • smooth;
  • no noticeable chips and cracks;
  • the height difference is not more than 2 cm.

In this case, to make a fur coat on the house yourself, you can do without preparatory work. Otherwise, the facade will have to be aligned.

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What to do?

For decoration are used:

  • ready mixes;
  • self-prepared solutions.

Of course, when people only learned how to decorate their homes in this way, no one produced any solutions for them. In extreme cases, a neighbor could share the recipe with a neighbor, and everything else was done with his own hands. They were able - you can, too, there is nothing beyond that difficult. But times are changing, and now many construction companies produce ready-made mixtures in order to make a fur coat on the house. You can buy them both in specialized stores and directly at the factory building mixtures.

We make the composition for a fur coat on our own

The advantage of a self-made composition also lies in the fact that it will cost significantly cheaper than the finished one. To make a paint coat for a wall, you need:

  1. cement M300 or M400;
  2. river sand;
  3. water;
  4. large tank or bucket;
  5. construction mixer or drill with a nozzle (if not, you can mix it with a stick, only it will be longer and not so high quality);
  6. measuring dishes or scales.

Important! Of course, in order to measure the right amount of sand and cement, you will need not a test tube or a mug with divisions, but something more. You need to know not only the weight of each substance, but how to correctly determine the ratio, so you can use anything from a ladle to a pan.

Here is the process of preparing paint coats for decorating the facade of a house:

  1. Take 1 part cement and 3 parts sand.
  2. Pour it all into the tank.
  3. Stir (not necessarily too thoroughly).
  4. Gradually pour water, mixing, to get a homogeneous composition with the consistency of mashed potatoes.
  5. If necessary, add dye and mix too.

Do not worry that the pigment will burn out over time. The dyes intended for the decoration of facades do not lose color, so that in ten to twenty years your house will look the same as when you finish the decoration.

Important! If you want the texture to be more noticeable, make a thicker mixture.

Billing Improvement

There are several recipes that allow you to make an unusual and very clear texture of the fur coat on the wall of the house. To do this, in a mixture prepared according to the specified recipe, you can add a composition made of putty and enamel. A mixture of these components, taken in equal amounts, is made, thoroughly mixed, and then laid in a cement-sand mortar and mixed again.

Important! If the main mixture is thick enough, you can add other components to it that allow you to make the original finish:

  • marble chips;
  • granite chips;
  • pieces of colored glass.


Ready-made coat paints for walls

In construction stores you can now find a huge number of different mixtures, including for the exterior decoration of houses with a fur coat. They may be:

  • dry
  • completely ready for use, that is, already diluted.


The main components of powder mixtures, as well as for the composition prepared by hand, are sand and cement. You can buy both a white fur coat and a colored one. You can take a white base and add pigment if the store does not have the color in which you would like to paint your facade.

Dry mix will cost much cheaper than finished plaster. In addition, it is easier to transport. As for preparing it for work, then on each package you will find instructions in which everything is described in detail. But the principle of operation is not much different from what has already been described - you need to dilute the mixture with water to the desired consistency, mix until a homogeneous mass, if necessary, add pigment, unless, of course, the manufacturer himself added it. Then, as a rule, the solution settles for about five minutes and mixes well again.

Important! You need to prepare as much mixture as you can use at a time - for example, on one facade.

Ready to go

Those who choose the composition for a fur coat in a hardware store are often surprised by the difference in price between the mixture in the bag and in the can. Is dilution of powder with water really such an expensive pleasure? Not at all.

Such a paint coat is more expensive, because other components are used for its manufacture. The basis is acrylic copolymers, they are much more expensive than cement. Such coatings are more flexible, although somewhat inferior to cement in terms of vapor permeability. The main advantage is that the surface almost never crackes.

Important! With such a composition, it is easy to mask already existing cracks and prevent their expansion.

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We prepare a facade under a fur coat

The preparation of the facade of the old building, on which the cladding was already, will be different from the work that needs to be done on the new house. You will need, among other things, a metal brush so that the paint coat fits well on the walls of the house:

  1. Remove all old cladding.
  2. Remove the fragments.
  3. Clean the wall with a metal brush from dust, pieces of clay.
  4. Check the strength of the wall - the surface should be uniform.
  5. Inspect it for cracks and chips.
  6. Close up the defects.
  7. Coat the wall with a deep penetration primer, best with antifungal components.

Important! The surface of the wall does not have to be perfectly smooth - it is enough if it is even and without noticeable flaws. On an overly smooth wall, the paint coat does not hold well.

If the wall is brick

Oddly enough, the front brick is less suitable in order to make a fur coat on the wall of the house yourself. It is too smooth and poorly retains what is applied to it. Therefore, notches are made on the surface.

Important! The same should be done if you have a completely new house with a magnificent smooth concrete facade.

Rough plaster

An important point is the application of rough plaster. This is best done even if the surface is well leveled and has no noticeable flaws. If you skip this step, then there will be much more trouble with spraying, since the drops will drain, which means it will take more time and solution.

Important! Try not to have too many recesses in the draft layer. Caverns may remain, but they should not be too large. 3-4 mm hollows are not necessary to overwrite.

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Make a fur coat

Since this method of decorating facades has been and is being applied in many areas, there are many methods of applying it. Choose the one for which you have the necessary tools.

Option 1

A broom is the most affordable tool to make a fur coat on the house yourself.You will need another rail, which should be located at a distance of 0.3-0.4 m from the wall:

  1. Prepare a solution.
  2. Dip a broom in it.
  3. Hit the broom on the rail so that drops of mortar fall on the wall.
  4. Thus cover the entire wall.

Important! The main advantage of this method is its simplicity and accessibility. But in order for the drops to get where they need to, some skill is needed. However, it is acquired quite quickly, if you should try hard from the very beginning.


Option 2

It is much easier to evenly apply a fur coat on the walls of the house yourself through a fine mesh. To do this, you need a mesh screen and a trowel:

  1. Attach the screen to the wall.
  2. Use a trowel to evenly apply the plaster.
  3. Remove the screen - in front of you will be a fur coat.

Important! This method has its own specifics. The main difficulty - the novice master is not always able to dock fragments among themselves. It is necessary to place the screen very precisely so that no cracks form and, at the same time, the layers at the seams do not overlap.

Option 3

An interesting way is to apply a paint coat on the walls of the house with a special roller. The solution is applied in two even layers, then the surface is rolled by a roller. It is necessary to ensure that the texture is uniform throughout the area.

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Special devices

The solution does not have to be applied manually. There are devices that can greatly facilitate your life:

  • compressor;
  • plastering machine;


In construction firms, this method is usually used, since it allows you to perform quite large volumes of work in a short time. The method of action is simple - the solution is ejected from the tank with compressed air, which allows you to get a uniform coating. In addition, the droplets are exactly the same, as a result, the fur coat on the wall of the house looks very nice and neat.

Plastering machine

Such a machine has a drum with blades. The blades and throw the mortar onto the wall. This method is popular with small firms involved in the construction of individual houses. It is more time-consuming, but such a machine costs significantly less than a compressor.


A separate approach is required for painting a house under a fur coat with a color solution. Manually do not always succeed in ensuring an even tone. In this case, the general rule should be strictly observed - the wall should be painted at one time with the same composition.

Important! In addition, novice craftsmen often have difficulties with uneven walls - even the slightest troughs lead to the fact that the paint coat is distributed unevenly. The airbrush will help out in such a situation. It very effectively breaks drops into tiny particles, respectively - the surface is more even.

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Stock footage

Applying a fur coat is an interesting thing, not particularly expensive and, moreover, accessible to everyone who at least once held construction tools in their hands. The main thing is to carefully consider the preparation of the mortar and the preparation of the wall, and then everything will go on, like clockwork.

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