Red spots on the body itch and disappear 🥝 redness on the back, face, hands, allergies

Almost every parent is faced with rashes on the body of a child. They can appear for a variety of reasons, and look completely different. The most common red spots in a child occurring not only on the body, but also on the face. Most often, the appearance of extraneous reactions on the skin is associated with diseases, but this is not always the case, because the child’s body reacts very sharply to all external factors - food, clothing, insect bites and even air in the room. In addition, red spots can be completely natural and depend only on heredity. Consider the most common causes of rashes in the baby.

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Dermatological manifestations

There are several types of red spots that are independent of diseases and infections. Often they remain for life and do not cause trouble. However, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician if you notice even slight redness in your opinion.

Dark spots

These are spots that appear due to genetics, as well as malfunctioning of skin cells. Most often, they remain for life, but they can also get off the skin over time. Pigmented red spots in a child can be regular round or irregular in shape. If a large amount of pigmentation has formed on the body, then do not delay the trip to the doctor.

Red birthmarks

Often they occur in babies in the area of ​​the face - on the forehead, wings of the nose, back of the head or lips. Such marks appear due to the expansion of capillaries during the birth of a child. There is a pattern that symmetrical spots disappear from the skin in the first year of life, but single ones can remain forever.


These are specific spots that protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. They are formed from small blood vessels located critically next to each other. Often they are mistaken for birthmarks of a child, but hemangiomas have a significant difference - they do not grow with the body.

As a rule, in the first few months of life, the spot increases or does not change in size, and subsequently begins to disappear. Usually such spots are completely harmless, but if inflammation occurs, then the hemangioma will have to be removed surgically or cryotherapy.

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Red spots due to skin problems

There are a number of reasons that can trigger the appearance of red spots on the skin of a child. It is best to name the cause or choose the right treatment only by a pediatrician or dermatologist, so even if you know what caused the rash, you should consult a specialist.

Diaper rash

Diaper rash is perhaps the most common problem that parents of infants face. They are specific redness near the anus, on the priest, in the groin or between the buttocks. Most often, diaper rash appears due to improper hygiene of the baby. So, moisture and friction are the most common causes of this problem.

In order to avoid diaper rash, it is necessary to change the diaper at least once every 3-4 hours.In addition, after washing, you need to thoroughly dry the baby and allow him to stay without clothes for about 10 minutes. If you still experience slight redness, then you should use a baby cream or powder.

Contact (diaper) dermatitis

A similar problem is most often found on the priest, genitals and thighs of girls and allergic children. First, red spots appear on the skin of the child, from which then small pimples with a white liquid form. The main cause of this problem is a reaction to the diaper or detergent used to wash the diapers or the sliders. After changing the powder, as well as when stopping the use of diapers, contact dermatitis often disappears.

Prickly heat

Sweating is a small, small rash on the folds of the skin, especially around the back, shoulders, priests, and genitals. The main cause of this problem is increased humidity and high temperature in the room, too warm clothes. The thing is that the child's sweat system is improving up to two years, so the regulation of sweating is impaired.

In case of sweating, it is worth rinsing the child more often, while drying it well, in addition, it is advisable to wear only natural cotton clothes. A cream with zinc oxide will help soothe the skin, relieve itching and irritation.

Fungal infections

When harmful microorganisms and fungi get on the skin of a child, specific symptoms often arise. So, fungal spots are red, fringed and uneven edges, ulcers and small sores are formed. Often, red rashes are very itchy and cause a lot of inconvenience. In addition, the fungus is very contagious, so you should be careful when in contact with the baby.

The treatment of the fungus is very simple, but requires a systematic approach, because a relapse can happen. Therapy is always complex - an antifungal ointment, the intake of vitamins and means to enhance immunity.

Pink lichen

This is a form of fungal infection. Infection occurs due to contact with a sick person or animal. Often the reason for the deprivation is a visit to the public pool and beach. Pink lichen appears in places where excessive sweating occurs in the folds of the skin, armpits, and in the groin in the form of asymmetric red spots with uneven edges.

As a rule, a child’s disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and an increase in lymph nodes. Only a pediatrician can choose the right treatment to completely remove the fungus and avoid relapse.

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Allergic reactions

If the child is covered with red spots, then an allergy is the most common cause of this phenomenon. The baby’s body is sensitive to food, the environment and even clothes, so you should be careful when adding new products to the child’s menu, as well as when it comes into contact with household chemicals and new items. There are several forms of allergies.

Allergic diathesis

Doctors are inclined to believe that this is not a real form of allergy, but only a predisposition to it. As a rule, it occurs in a child at 3 months, and overweight children are most prone to this problem. Red cheeks, rashes accompanied by severe itching behind the ears, neck and legs are the most striking symptoms of diathesis.

When breastfeeding during diathesis, the mother should go on a restrictive diet, excluding cow's milk, fish, honey and citrus fruits.sindrom-sledov-ot-poshhechin-u-rebenka


It is a small red rash throughout the body. The spots are very itchy and cause a lot of inconvenience to the child. Often, urticaria occurs as a reaction of the body to unusual foods, drugs, and synthetic clothing. An antihistamine ointment prescribed by a doctor has a fairly quick effect if the treatment was prescribed on time.


Allergic spots are hard to miss. They appear concentrated throughout the body in the form of a red or pink rash.A problem may arise due to the use of allergenic products - eggs, honey, fruits, sweets, cow's milk. In addition, contact with household chemicals and interaction with new toys, clothes and bedding can also cause an allergic rash.

If you notice red spots in a child, then it is worth taking a test for an allergen and excluding this product or thing from use. In addition, antihistamines always have a very quick effect if the remedy was chosen correctly.

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Red spots due to illness

Rashes of red color are a symptom of a huge number of diseases. They especially suffer from children who have just gone to kindergarten, because infection in even one pupil can cause manifestations in the entire group. However, if a child is ill with a disease for the first time, there is a great chance of a lifelong immunity to its pathogen. Here are the most common infectious causes of red spots.


This is a common infectious disease that appears a week after contact with an infected person. True, the rash on the body does not appear immediately - in the first few days, a high temperature keeps, accompanied by a cough, runny nose, swelling of the eyelids and photophobia. It is because of this that measles is often started to be treated, like a normal respiratory disease.

Around the 5th day, a small pink or red rash appears throughout the body, the spots of which are irregular in shape and gradually merge into large spots. Rashes always spread from above - first in the area of ​​the ears, then on the face, neck and body. A rash on the legs appears last. As a rule, medication helps very quickly if it was prescribed at the beginning of the disease. In addition, measles immunity is developed for life.


Rubella is an infection that is known for its infectivity. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and quickly penetrates the body. A child may already be infected up to a week before the appearance of red spots.

The disease causes red spots on the skin of the child, and the largest accumulations of rashes are observed on the face, back and chest, sometimes in the mouth. In children, as a rule, there are no other symptoms. The spots disappear very quickly with medical treatment, and rubella is best to get rubella at a young age - it is at this time that it flows most easily. As with measles, immunity to the disease remains for life.

Scarlet fever

This is an infectious disease caused by the entry of streptococcal microorganisms into the human body. As a rule, there is a high fever and severe sore throat. After a few days, a characteristic small rash appears on the entire body, especially in the armpits, groin and skin folds, which itches a lot.

A distinctive feature of scarlet fever is the absence of red spots in the nasolabial triangle. With proper medical treatment, all symptoms disappear within five days, and the body develops immunity to the pathogen.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is one of the most common infectious diseases in childhood. It is transmitted by contact with an infected person or by airborne droplets. A few days after infection with chickenpox, a small red rash appears throughout the body, accompanied by severe itching. Over time, the spots are replaced by blisters, and then completely pass.

Chickenpox proceeds very individually. In some cases, there is a strong temperature and weakness, but sometimes the disease can proceed without side effects. In childhood, chickenpox is much easier and resistance to the causative agent of the disease is developed.


Chamera erythema infection always occurs by airborne droplets. From the first days, red spots appear on the skin of a child, which merge and form one large spot.Often, redness begins with the face, and then falls to the rest of the body. Within two weeks, with proper treatment, the spots fade, then completely disappear from the skin.

Roseola children's

The causative agent of this disease is herpes of the sixth type. The disease can be transmitted both through contact with an infected person, and from mother to child. At first, a strong temperature and fever are observed, and after a few days a rash appears in the form of red spots of different sizes throughout the body. Rashes do not cause inconvenience - there is no itching and burning. Roseole passes even a week after infection without medication.

Molluscum contagiosum

This viral disease often occurs in infancy. It manifests itself in the form of swollen spots of red color. To the touch they are quite dense, and in size no larger than a pea. Initially, only one nodule arises, but after a few days they spread throughout the body. The worse the child’s immunity, the more nodules will be throughout the body. The spots do not itch and do not cause pain when touched, in addition, the molluscum contagiosum passes after a week even without medical treatment.

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The consequences of insect bites

The baby's body is very sensitive to toxic insect substances. Therefore, red spots and dots often occur after their bites. As a rule, there is no rash, and the spots are located in completely different places. But burning and severe itching is almost always observed.

The worst situation is with bee and wasp stings. So, if the sting is left in the skin, then a small abscess, redness and swelling occurs. In such a case, it is necessary to remove the insect sting and treat the bite with a special tool.

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What to do if red spots appear?

If you find numerous red spots on the skin of a child, then do not self-medicate. Only a pediatrician can make a correct diagnosis after a visual examination and passing tests. Sometimes even dangerous diseases - meningitis and hepatitis in the initial stages can provoke the appearance of red spots, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

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As you have seen, red spots in a child’s skin can be the result of many causes and diseases - both minor and easily treatable without special drugs, and very complex. Therefore, when such signs appear, one should not panic, but ignore the help of competent specialists too. Timely and wisely react to various ailments of your child and then he will grow up a healthy and joyful baby, giving you many pleasant minutes.

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