Wall mount mirror

Mirrors are important interior items. Before you look for a suitable mount for the mirror on the wall, you should decide on its location and height. Mounting options can be different - the choice is influenced by the size, shape, material of the surfaces. The methods can be of varying complexity, and even women can cope with some.

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Mirror Properties and Functions

Before fixing such a decor item, you need to determine its functions. Most often, mirrors are used for:

  • Visual increase in space;
  • Creating a decorative effect;
  • Practical application.

Before attaching a mirror to the wall, experts recommend taking into account a number of nuances:

  • Lamps should be placed in such a way that light falls on an object that will be displayed in the mirror;
  • With the help of decor on the entire wall, the space will become as voluminous as possible;
  • If the mirror is attached crookedly, reflection distortion will occur;
  • A large mirror is best placed in the hallway.
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Materials for work

In order to attach a mirror to a brick, plasterboard or concrete wall, the following tools will be required:

  • Drill;
  • Hammer;
  • Wood screws;
  • Anchor;
  • Dowels.

Important! Choosing tools should be based on how much the decor weighs and what is the structure of the base.

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Choose a mirror

The methods of fixing the mirror to the wall are selected based on the size and thickness of the decor item. Before making a purchase, you need to consider a number of little things:

  • The surface of thin mirrors is most often uneven. The result will be a disproportionate reflection. The optimal indicator is 5 mm. A thicker mirror has a higher price.
  • The surface should be smooth, there should be no frozen air bubbles, irregularities, spots and other defects.
  • Dimensions must be consistent with the dimensions of other interior items, in addition, the edges should not be in contact with shelves, cabinets, etc.

In modern interiors, mirrors are often used with which it is possible to change the space, visually extend the walls or increase the height of the ceiling.

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Mounting Methods

As already mentioned, mounting options depend on the wall material. Most often they use double-sided tape, special glue or self-tapping screws.


This method is the fastest, easiest and at the same time reliable. It is perfect for those who are looking for how to mount a mirror on a wall without a frame. The glue base will hold even a large mirror.

Important! For installation, special mirror glue is used, only with its help the fastening will be reliable and the amalgam will not be damaged.

The process is very simple:

  1. Glue is applied to the amalgam.
  2. The mirror is pressed against the wall for several minutes.

It should be borne in mind that glue is not always a suitable option. There are subtleties that you need to know about:

  • The surface to which the mirror will be mounted must be perfectly flat. In the presence of differences and defects, soon the decor will simply burst.
  • The glue has excellent adhesion to the mineral surface, however, it does not interact with glossy surfaces, for example, ceramic tiles.
  • In a humid room with constant temperature changes, the structure of the adhesive composition is destroyed.

Important! If the question was how to hang a mirror on a wall without fastening, glue was chosen, it should be understood that it is not so easy to remove the decor, it will have to be split.

  • Before fixing, markup should be done using the level. The glue freezes quickly enough, so there may not be enough time to change the position.

A distinctive feature of the adhesive composition is its reliability; tools and high qualifications are not required for work. The downside is represented by the difficulties of dismantling.


Double-sided tape

This method has the following advantages:

  • It is not necessary to pre-align the walls if it is not possible to press tightly - you can use an additional mount.
  • If necessary, the interior item is freely outweighed, there will be no trace of adhesive tape.
  • This mount is not affected by moisture and high temperatures.

The downside is the inability to fix the tape on the tile. In addition, if the mirror is of poor quality, damage to the amalgam is possible.

Important! As a fastener, you can not use ordinary rolled tape, since its removal is a rather complicated process. It is better to use special mounting material based on double-sided tape.

Small mirrors, the area of ​​which does not exceed one square meter, are suitable for gluing on adhesive tape. If you are looking for a way to attach a large mirror to the wall, you will have to use another option.


This method is considered the most complex and time-consuming. In this case, you need to not only be careful, but also be able to work with a power tool. Dowels are used to attach mirrors to uneven surfaces and tile. You can buy the necessary fasteners, or you can make holders for the mirror with your own hands.

They have a special design, they consist of the following parts:

  • A plastic sleeve that is driven into the surface. When a screw is driven into it, it expands.
  • Screw.
  • The clamping element, which is screwed onto the screw. It has an external thread in order to fix the decorative plug.
  • A decorative plug for the production of which is nickel-plated or chrome-plated metal.

In order to fix the mirror with dowels, holes are drilled in it with a special diamond-coated drill. When using screws and special holders as fasteners, it is very easy to dismantle if necessary.

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As you can see, there are many options for mounting mirrors. You should choose the most suitable. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only materials, but also own forces.

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