Shelf fastening in the cabinet

Each cabinet has shelves for storing things. But it often happens that there is not enough space to knead the entire wardrobe, and not all furniture has a very convenient internal organization. Installing an additional shelf is enough to make the space more organized. How to mount shelves in a cabinet so that there is more space? We’ll talk about this.
to contents ↑Install additional shelves
Before making shelves in the cabinet, you should pay attention to the material from which the existing ones are made. Most often they use chipboard, whose thickness is 16-18 mm. Veneer or laminate is used for cladding. A variety of methods are used for fasteners, but the most common is mounting to the side walls.
Preliminary preparation of the following tools is required:
- Hotmelt tape;
- Electric drill;
- Building level;
- Screwdrivers;
- Awl;
- A hammer;
- Saws (manual or with drive).
Important! To make long cuts, it is better to use a circular saw.
The work is carried out in the following sequence:
- We check the side walls and the back surface of the cabinet. They should be even and at right angles.
- Measure the old shelves.
- Using a saw, we cut a shelf from chipboard.
- The hot-melt adhesive tape adheres to the formed edge. The edge and tape are combined, ironed with a well-heated iron.
- We mark on the side walls the holes for the shelf holders. Before fixing the shelves in the cabinet on the same level, you will have to use a construction plumb.
- Install shelf holders.
- Using short screws, we connect the holders and the shelf.
- To strengthen the structure, additional bars are used, made of the same material as the shelf. The beam can be glued to the leading edge. To do this, use special glue for wood and clamps or screws.
to contents ↑Important! To better organize the space of the shelf, it is better to plan in such a way that both high and low objects can be stored on them at the same time. Another good solution is to arrange a short shelf, which has an additional vertical partition.
Types of shelf holders
Thanks to this hardware, you can not only fasten the shelves in the wardrobe, but also make them more stable. Typically, the distance between the fittings is 5-6 cm.
Fasteners can be of various shapes, sizes and colors - it all depends on what functions it should perform. For the manufacture of metal, plastic, as well as their combination - metal.
Cylindrical hardware
This is a classic model, which is characterized by strength, reliability and, at the same time, low cost. The main disadvantage is weak fixation. Cylindrical shelf holders have a small contact area with the surface of the shelf, therefore, if the load becomes too large, the material is blotted out. In addition, with the help of such accessories, there is no fixation, and therefore the movement of the shelf is possible.
Important! Such fittings are not used to secure glass shelves, as a point impact can lead to cracks.
Spatula-shaped metal fasteners
How to fix the shelves in the cabinet more securely? For this, fixture in the form of a “spatula” is used. In this case, there is an increase in the area of contact. The fittings are able to cope with a large load, do not fall out of the holes.To fix the shelf, a hole is pre-drilled in it, into which a special rod is then inserted.
Plastic fasteners
It is very convenient to use such accessories. It is suitable for chipboard and glass. The main disadvantage is the fragility of the material, which is why heavy things cannot be stored on shelves.
Metal-plastic fasteners
This material is very durable, used for glass and chipboard. The most common is with the shelf holder, which includes a metal rod and a plastic cap worn on it with a flat platform. In addition, suction cups are also used to improve fixation.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Making additional shelves in the closet is not the most difficult task. If you wish, you can completely get rid of the old shelves and remodel your closet in a new way. To do this, you can use a variety of accessories: baskets and a variety of coasters and drawers.
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