Attaching the heated towel rail to the wall

In a modern plumbing store, you can just get confused by the variety of heated towel rails. Therefore, the necessary shape and design can be selected without problems. But in order not to be disappointed in the new useful part of the bathroom, you need to choose the right mounting of the heated towel rail to the wall. To perform such work, you can call the plumbing or cope on their own. Consider how to do without a specialist.

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Types of heated towel rails

The most popular are devices for the heating of which water is used from the heating system or from the hot water supply system. However, you can buy an electric device. In addition, you can choose the shape of the heater: in the form of a ladder or a coil.

Important! When choosing the shape of the device, the number of things that will be dried on it should be taken into account. Equally important is the size of the bathroom itself. For example, on a device in the form of a ladder, you can place a larger number of things, but in the process of its installation you will need to alter the riser.

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Mounting Materials

Before attaching a heated towel rail to a wall, you should acquire a variety of tools and materials:

  • Brackets (sold complete with device);
  • Polypropylene pipes and a soldering iron for them;
  • With a knife or special scissors;
  • Ball valves;
  • Plumbing sealing paste;
  • Plumbing flax.
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How to install?

Before purchasing, you should consider how to fix the heated towel rail to the wall. In this case, you need to take into account its weight, the weight of water and things that will be dried.

Important! Be sure to note that when replacing the old coil, it will be necessary to partially or completely replace the riser.

So, it is necessary to act in the following sequence:

  • Dismantle the old heated towel rail. With the help of a grinder, we cut out the riser and the device, first in our apartment, and then in the neighboring ones. The neighbors cut off a small section of the riser in order to be able to connect.
  • At neighbors, a thread is cut on the pipes using a manual thread-cutting machine: you need to chamfer the pipes, put on the machine and cut the thread.
  • We connect new pipes from the neighbors.

Important! Be sure to take care of the quality of the work, otherwise the neighbors may leak.

  • At the ends of the pipes we install shut-off valves with detachable joints. Due to this, in the future installation of a heated towel rail will be much easier. In addition, if problems arise immediately after installation, you will not need to drain the entire riser to fix them.
  • We assemble the device, fasten the brackets.
  • We attach the heated towel rail to the installation site, mark the places for holes. Using the building level, we check the correct placement.
  • We insert dowels from plastic.
  • We attach the device and fasten it using a screwdriver or screwdriver.
  • We bring and connect pipes.
  • We start the riser, check that there are no leaks.

Important! Faucets need to be opened smoothly so that water enters the device gradually, otherwise there is a high probability of a water hammer.

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Tile fastening

You know how a heated towel rail is attached to an ordinary wall. But in the case of tiles, there are a number of features:

  • For drilling holes, tile joints are selected.
  • If it is impossible to make a hole in the seam, the tile should be drilled at a distance of at least 15 mm from its edge, otherwise it may crack.
  • A special diamond-coated drill is used. If there is no such drill, you can use the usual, but very carefully - the hammer cannot be used in any case.
  • After marking the drilling location on the tile with a pencil, you should get rid of the glaze in this place, otherwise the drill will slide. To do this, use an ordinary nail and a hammer.
  • When the hole in the tile is made, you can use a hammer drill for drilling in concrete.

Important! The drill must be held straight, even if the hole in the ceramic tile is ready. Otherwise, you can hook its edge, and the coating on the wall will be damaged.

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Stock footage

A heated towel rail in the bathroom significantly increases the comfort of the room. To perform the installation, it is not necessary to call a specialist, everything can be done independently. The most important thing in this case is compliance with safety rules and expert advice.


