Bed by the window in the bedroom - design

Getting along with a small bedroom is much easier than, for example, with a small kitchen. The main requirement for the room is the availability of a comfortable bed of the right size. If you decide to put a bed by the window in the bedroom, the design of the room needs to be thought out in advance. With a competent approach, you can equip a compact room with additional pieces of furniture. Of course, the design of the bedroom is complicated if the room is not just small, but also elongated. How to fit a little more useful furniture into a narrow bedroom, while visually expanding it? Talk about the design of a narrow bedroom.
to contents ↑Narrow bedroom: how to put a bed?
There is such an expression: “the bed is the mistress of the bedroom”. Experts recommend choosing the largest sleeping place that will only enter the room. Foreign designers recommend that customers buy the most expensive bed for the bedroom, which allows funds.
The location of the bed along the bedroom
In a narrow room for the optimal way to place furniture, you need to take into account the size of the bed and room.
If the bed is double, then ideally you need to leave aisles on both sides, which should be at least 70 cm. Therefore, if the width of the narrow room and the design allow you to put the bed near the window along the room, while maintaining the necessary 70 cm of free space on each side, then this option will be as convenient as possible.
Important! With this arrangement, the sleeping area will be comfortable, but the rest of the furniture - a closet, dressing table, armchair, may simply not have room in the bedroom.
Installing a bed by the window
For equipment in the bedroom of the working area or sports corner, you can consider the option of placing the bed near the window across the room. In this case, the passage can be left only to one bedroom place. Of course, this position of a double bed will be inconvenient for one of the owners, but with the design of compact rooms you always have to sacrifice something.
Important! It is also worthwhile to arrange a berth across the room if the bed located along the room leaves less than 70 cm for a convenient passage. Narrow aisles do not add convenience to a small room at all, moreover, they will be used “idle”. Then, a bed deployed across the room and pushed to the window can give a full passage at least on one side of the bed, and also free up a little extra space.
Bunk bedroom design
Old houses often have small rooms, but high ceilings. When it is not possible to turn in the horizontal plane, turn in the vertical. Designing a bedroom with a bed on the second floor is a great option for young energetic owners. It looks very original, unusual, and most importantly - practical.
to contents ↑Important! By removing the berth up, there is enough space to create other functional areas.
How to arrange furniture in a narrow bedroom?
For the most favorable arrangement of furniture in a small room, consider all options for its arrangement:
- Perhaps the computer desk, which did not have enough space along the wall, would stand well perpendicular to it.
- When you really want to have a dressing table in the room, but there is already no free space for it, you can combine it with a bedside table or make it “two in one” with the workplace.
Quite often, the bedroom needs storage space for bedding or bedding. For this purpose, use the wall at the head of the bed, which is the most rational option in narrow rooms:
- Hanging cabinets and shelves are easy to place above the bed.
- It can also be a full-fledged closet in the shape of the letter P, passing over the head of the sleeping bed. Such designs are quite convenient and practical solution in the case of a compact bedroom.
Important! Experts suggest experimenting with the configuration of all kinds of shelves and suspension systems, first on paper, by sketching the drawing. If the room has a niche or recess, then you can install a built-in wardrobe there.
If you need a room for one person
A narrow bedroom for one person deserves special attention. How to put a bed in this case?
- Do not put it against a long wall, further narrowing the room visually. In addition, if this is a children's room, then there may simply not be a place for games.
- Experts advise to arrange the furniture in the depths of the bedroom, leaving free space in another part of it.
- For the design of a bedroom with a bed by the window, the most suitable option would be the arrangement of furniture in the form of the letter P. However, for an extremely narrow room, such a layout will be very tight. Then the L-shaped arrangement of furniture becomes the successful decision.
- Visually expand the small room helps asymmetric furniture. To do this, part of it is placed across the room.
- Different sizes of furniture can play on the expansion of the room. For example, hanging cabinets on the wall can be placed at different heights.
Thus, any deviations from the usual layout will make the narrow room more comfortable.
If the bedroom is narrow but long
How to arrange furniture in a narrow bedroom, but having a large length? In this case, designers suggest dividing the space into two zones:
- Zones can be divided using elements located across the room, for example, shelves in the form of a rack, a TV stand, a small armchair.
- A variant with filament curtains that perform the function of a separator is also popular. Such zoning is very convenient, in addition, makes the room more harmonious.
If you want to use the height in a small bedroom:
- For this option, wall-mounted cabinets are suitable instead of floor-mounted, and the TV can be hung with ceiling brackets anywhere in the room.
- Bedside lamps can also be ceiling, but the switches in this case still need to be done near the berths.
We choose the decoration for the visual expansion of the room
When choosing a palette for a narrow room, consider these useful tips:
- It is necessary to give preference to combined wallpaper. Short walls can be pasted over with a warm cloth, for example, orange, yellow, peach and others. For long walls, on the contrary, a cold but light tone is preferable. For example, light green, pale lilac, transparent blue or just white.
Important! Such a move will visually approximate short walls, and long ones to move away. Thanks to this, the bedroom will look more square and spacious.
- Wide horizontal stripes on short walls lead to the same effect. If all the walls are striped, then visually the ceiling will lower.
- A window on a short wall, which can be curtained in horizontal stripes, will be very useful.
- As for the color of the room as a whole, for a narrow bedroom, white will always be successful. In this case, the wall behind the bed can be accented with bright wallpaper.
Important! Dark colors, a large number of ornaments and a vertical strip visually make the narrow room look like a gloomy tunnel.
- Also visually increases the space of narrow rooms laid across or diagonally parquet and laminate.
to contents ↑Important! You can put on the floor and a beautiful carpet in horizontal stripes.
Narrow bedroom interior
A compact room requires a minimum number of decorative elements:
- Instead of ten small photo frames located on the wall, designers advise hanging two or three large paintings or photographs. A large number of small details creates a sense of clutter, this will make the narrow room even more crowded.
- It is recommended to hang a mirror on one of the long walls, which will visually expand the room. You should not hang a mirror on a short wall, as this can stretch the room even stronger.
- A good solution for a narrow bedroom is a striped bedspread. In this case, the location of the strip must be selected depending on the location of the bed. If it stands along the room, then a blanket with horizontal stripes is necessary. And if the bed is installed across a long wall, then a vertical strip on the bedspread is ideal. It turns out that the stripes on the bedspread in any case should be located across the room itself.
- Wall murals in a narrow room are a great addition, creating visual space. Looking at them, a man manages to mentally overcome space. Thus, the rigid framework of the room disappears, and the room seems more spacious.
to contents ↑Important! Although this is just a psychological move, it is of great importance. To create a similar effect, images of the paths going into the distance or the vast expanses of the sea and fields are suitable.
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Now you should better imagine if you should put a bed by the window in the bedroom, how to develop the design of a room of different configurations so that it is convenient, practical and cozy. Design your room, taking into account our advice, and we hope it will provide you a comfortable stay!
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