Do-it-yourself round bed

Do-it-yourself round bed is a great option for a bedroom. Such a bed will not only become the central emphasis in the interior of the room, but also a convenient place for a quality vacation. Such a bed organically fits both in the corner of the room and in its center. In addition, a design made by hand will cost several times cheaper than the purchased product. All the advantages of the structure turn the complexity of manufacturing into an insignificant disadvantage, so it is simply necessary to consider the option of such a bed in your bedroom. So, how to make a round bed with your own hands? You will find a detailed algorithm of actions in our article.

Important! According to Feng Shui teachings, the round shape of the bed is the most favorable for the health and well-being of its owner.

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Necessary tools and materials

If you want a round bed for yourself, then making it yourself will be much cheaper than buying a finished one. This is explained by the fact that such furniture is made strictly to order of the client, which in itself increases its cost. Own design of furniture will allow not only to save, but also to fully show their design abilities, to realize all fantasies.

Before you start working on the bed, you need to stock up on all the necessary tools and materials. For this, you will need:

  • Hammer;
  • Roulette;
  • Furniture stapler;
  • Nails
  • A simple pencil for marking;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • A set of screws;
  • Sander;
  • Metal corners;
  • Cord or large compass;
  • A few pieces of wooden beams with a cross section of 5 cm;
  • Foam rubber 25-30 mm thick;
  • Two large square sheets of plywood with a side of at least 1.5 m and a thickness of about 15 mm.
  • Fiberboard boards;
  • Upholstery fabric;
  • Hacksaw for sawing boards.
  • Wooden boards.

Important! The number of wooden boards is difficult to calculate, so it is better to buy more in order to avoid a shortage. It is very important that the moisture content of the natural material is no more than 12%, the wood does not have cracks or damage by insects. All wooden materials must be impregnated with special protective agents.

Next, we will consider the algorithm for creating a round bed with our own hands. The drawings will help to better understand the essence of this process, so it would be nice to look at them.

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Do-it-yourself round bed. Master Class

The process will consist of several successive steps. In order not to miss anything and do everything right, we advise you to carefully adhere to the recommendations described.

Bed arrangement:

  • First you need to free the room from unnecessary things that may interfere in one way or another with your work on creating a bed.

Important! When working with wood, a large amount of sawdust and garbage is formed, so it is better to hide upholstered furniture and carpets away.

  • Work should begin with cutting individual elements of the right size. First, take two large sheets of plywood and, using a tape measure and a simple pencil, make drawings of semicircles with a radius of 1 m.

Important! The drawing will be conveniently done using a large compass or a special cord. The connection of the two semicircles should give a circle with a diameter of 2 m.

  • Next, you need to cut semicircles along the drawn lines with a jigsaw.

Installation of cruciform bases

The next step in making a round bed with your own hands will be work with the bars that are needed to make the cross bases:

  1. Saw the bar so that its length is equal to the diameter of the base. For one crosspiece, you will need to make two two-meter bars.
  2. Saw each bar in the middle. So you get four identical bars on one base.
  3. Do the same for another reason. As a result, you should get 8 identical bars.
  4. To connect the bars you will need a wooden riser. Its height will determine the height of your future bed. Cut it out of the next wooden beam.
  5. Attach the bases to the riser using self-tapping screws. Between themselves and the walls of the riser base will be additionally fastened with metal corners. But first you need to make about 12 of the same risers that are installed between the bases. Thus, sufficient stability of the bed is achieved.
  6. Attach the bars of the upper base with self-tapping screws to the central riser.
  7. After fixing all four boards, fix each corner with each corner.
  8. Attach the same corners between the bottom of each beam and the riser.
  9. From the bottom of the cross-shaped bars, make markings to place additional racks so that the distance between them is the same.
  10. Fasten the posts with screws from under the bottom of the bars of the upper base.
  11. Attach the lower base to this frame in the same way.

The base is ready!


Circle construction and fastening of additional legs:

  1. Join the cut out semicircles on the floor to make a circle.
  2. In the middle, fasten them with a solid wooden plank using nails.
  3. Lay the finished base so that it fits perfectly in the size of the circle.
  4. Mark on the bars and the circle for attachment to the crosses of the circle.
  5. Turn the structure over, connect the circle and the base every 20 cm on the bar with self-tapping screws.
  6. To make the bed strong, attach the strips around the perimeter of the circle and install additional legs between each two bars of the base.

Important! Ideal to make circular strips does not work, so try to attach them as close to the edges as possible, cutting each at an angle of 45 degrees. So they will fit as close to each other as possible.

  1. Fix the strips with self-tapping screws, and attach to them, also using self-tapping screws and iron corners, additional legs. Calculate the legs so that there are two between each cruciform corners of the base.

Important! Before cutting the legs, carefully measure the desired height. The legs should be slightly smaller per rack due to the presence of slats.

Bed upholstery:

  • Take a fiberboard and cut a piece out of it, which would be about 5 cm higher than the bed (thus, there will be a side for the mattress), and in length such that it completely “envelops” the perimeter of the circle.

Important! Fiberboard is such a material that bends easily, so it will be quite simple to do.

  • Attach the fiberboard to the circle with self-tapping screws or regular nails.
  • Cut the foam of the same size as the bed, while adding about 6 cm to the bends.
  • Attach the foam with a construction stapler.
  • In the same way, attach the upholstery fabric to the frame, pre-marking it and cutting it.

Important! When laying out the fabric, take into account the loss in allowances, so add another 7 cm to the bed. The place where the mattress will be placed is also recommended to be upholstered with fabric.

Thus, a round bed is made with your own hands, and you can only put a mattress on it.

Important! If you plan to move the bed around the room, then attach special furniture wheels to the bars on the bottom, which can withstand a large weight load. They are fastened with screws.

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Before you make a round bed yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the list of necessary materials and the procedure.The process itself is not too complicated, however, not everyone is able to translate the idea into reality. If the above instructions are clear to you and don't seem complicated, then go ahead. Ponder the nuances and get down to business without putting it off “for later”. Thus, you will soon sleep on a comfortable, beautiful and original bed made by yourself.

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