Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks Overhead

Washing in any kitchen is a must. And besides that it should be as practical as possible, as well as attractive, appropriate in the general style of the interior, and preferably not very expensive. For all these reasons, most often, housewives give their preference to modern metal models. How convenient are kitchen sinks made of stainless steel overhead, how to choose such a device, install it - all this you will learn from this article.

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Stainless steel sinks - how practical is it?

Stainless steel sink for the kitchen - this is indeed in many cases the best option for kitchen plumbing. The reasons for such a high popularity of just such models lie in the advantages of such products. The main ones are as follows:

  1. High strength. If the manufacturer did not save on raw materials and did not violate technological aspects in the manufacture, and conscientiously refers to his activities, a stainless invoice sink will last you at least a couple of decades.
  2. Ecological cleanliness. Metals of this type are hygienically pure. When interacting with any natural and chemical substances, they never emit toxins, radioactive elements. In addition, the disposal of such a product, when you get tired or become unusable, will also be profitable, because you can hand over the sink for re-melting at the scrap metal collection point.
  3. Absolute resistance to any impact and ease of maintenance. The surface of such sinks is not subject to any harmful effects. So, alkalis, acids, fats, which are found in numerous products and household cleaning products, will not affect the appearance or strength of the alloy. And for cleaning, you can use almost any improvised means, which is very convenient and allows you to save during operation of a stainless steel sink.
  4. Practicality and ease of installation. The laid-on principle of the device allows you not to change the appearance of furniture at all and install the sink in any place convenient for you, based on the location of the water supply, sewage and general arrangement of the kitchen. You can even install such a model yourself - the process is extremely simple. In this case, no help is required - neither friends, nor professional specialists.

Important! The aesthetics of the appearance also cannot be ignored, because such sinks look very beautiful.

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What is the catch or where are the disadvantages?

High-quality stainless steel kitchen sinks have almost no drawbacks. Some flaws can occur only if a cheap model is purchased and some important technical aspects were violated in the manufacture of the product. Then the defects will manifest themselves in the following:

  • deflection of the material and its deformation - this indicates that very thin steel was taken for the manufacture, or the reason for this phenomenon may lie in the incorrect installation of plumbing equipment;
  • big noise when draining water - it is very easy to neutralize such a disadvantage if you put sound-insulating gaskets during installation of the sink or just choose the model with a thicker wall when buying.

Important! All these shortcomings are relative and for some they will not be significant, but it is necessary to have an understanding of the reasons for their appearance. Otherwise - there is a chance to buy a low-quality fake at a very high price.

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We determine the quality of steel and production

When shopping and considering various stainless steel kitchen sinks overhead, you should definitely know the following: sinks are made using 2 technologies. Both the quality and the price will depend on which model you like.

So, there are overhead kitchen sinks distinguished:

  1. Stamped. For their manufacture, a solid metal sheet is taken, due to which the number of seams is minimized. And this affects both the strength of the product, and its durability, and, of course, on the appearance. But such models are made with a maximum depth of 15 cm, which is not always convenient.

Important! Choosing such a sink in the kitchen, you need to be aware of a possible catch - many manufacturers supply expensive stainless steel sinks and market them as stamped. But either steel is taken with different thicknesses, which reduces the cost of the production process, or products are manufactured using welded technology, just the seams are very well masked. Be careful!

  1. Welded. This is a more budget option, but if the manufacturer is conscientious, then such models will last a very long time. It is important that the surface is very carefully sanded, and the seams are properly fixed.
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If design is a priority

Choosing stainless steel kitchen sinks overhead, you do not have to limit yourself in the design. Such shells differ:

  • in size - the spectrum is very wide;
  • shapes - oval, round, square and rectangular patterns;
  • texture - gloss or dull surface;
  • with additional accessories - wings, bowls, ribs, coasters.
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How to choose a stainless sink and not miscalculate?

So that the sink you selected for the stainless steel kitchen sink is really of excellent quality and meets your expectations for the price, when buying, consider the following nuances:

  1. Check the quality of the stainless steel itself with a magnet. The pull should be the same across the surface. If in some areas the attraction is more intense - most likely the metal is diluted with cheaper alloys.
  2. If you need a sink easier to clean - take it with a matte surface. On it, scratches and stains will be less noticeable. If you strive to take a stylish and spectacular product - give preference to a glossy sink, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to make a little more effort when leaving.
  3. The depth of the sink can be any, but a parameter of about 18 cm is considered optimal. The width should be sufficient to make it convenient to wash both small appliances and large pans.
  4. Pay attention to the metal surface - there should be no dents, scratches or tears at the seams.
  5. It is advisable that the sink immediately had openings for the installation of mixers, otherwise, you will have to pay an additional fee for tapping or do it yourself, and this is time-consuming. In addition, the location of the holes should correspond to the distance to the outlet of the mixer in your kitchen.

Important! It will not be superfluous to clarify the quality certificates from the seller to be sure of what quality goods you are giving your money for.

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But will the furniture go bad?

The stainless steel sink for the kitchen is very convenient and easy to install. If you pre-calculate the parameters of your cabinet and purchase the appropriate sink model, the whole process will take no more than 1 hour.

Method 1

The easiest installation option is to coat the edges of the cabinet with sealing glue and put a sink on them.

Method 2

In this case, special brackets are superimposed on the edges, which are fixed with screws, and then seal the joints with a suitable solution.

Important! If the dimensions of the cabinet do not quite correspond to the parameters of the sink or you have a solid countertop, you must first cut a hole of the size that fits the sink.

In conclusion, all cracks are treated with waterproof mastic, and the same event is then repeated annually.

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We hope that you are convinced that stainless steel overhead sinks are a great option for both a spacious and very modest sized kitchen, because you can choose any version of plumbing with any design and not think about the need to repair or replace it at least next decade.

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