Cucaracha bug remedy - reviews

Despite the regular and fairly effective fight against insects, the most persistent and tenacious of them still attack our apartments, houses, places of rest and training. Most of them not only cause a sense of abomination and disgust with their appearance, but are also a real pest, since in the process of life products, household items in the house deteriorate, and significant harm is also caused to health. That is why anyone who has encountered such a nuisance is trying to find the most effective and fastest substance to expel uninvited settlers from their apartment. "Cucaracha" (a remedy for bedbugs, reviews of which are very positive today), is today one of the most popular. We will get acquainted with the principle of its action, composition and application in more detail.

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general description

"Cucaracha" - a remedy for bugs and cockroaches, is by far one of the most effective and affordable insecticides for users. It is used both in everyday life, during insect attacks of residential apartments, houses, and it is often used by professional companies for pest control of industrial enterprises.

Important! The release of funds is carried out in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of solutions in containers of 50 ml and also in liter bottles. The liquid has a blue tint and a sharp, not very pleasant, but not very caustic specific smell.

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The component composition of the remedy for bugs "Cucaracha" is based on 2 potent substances:

  1. 20% cypermethrin. This substance belongs to the group of pyrethroids and has an intestinal contact effect on parasitic individuals. If it gets inside or on the surface of the chitin layer, an insect's nerve impulses are immediately blocked, as a result of which it quickly dies. The action of this substance lasts a long period - up to 30 days. This substance does not in any way affect the field of application of the “Cucaracha” remedy for bugs and cockroaches, since it retains its properties even under stable exposure to high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. A huge plus of cypermethrin is that not a single type of parasite can develop immunity to it.
  2. 10% malathion. The second poisonous substance that disrupts the inside of the entire central nervous system of insects. Its peculiarity is that the substance does not linger for a long time on any surface, since it has a high degree of volatility. Getting used to malathion in its pure form is possible, but when combined with other poisons, the parasites have no chance of dealing with paralysis.
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How fast is the remedy?

watermarked - kak-ispolzovat-kukaracha-v-borbe-protiv-klopov-2The bug remedy "Kukaracha" is beneficial for domestic and large-scale industrial enterprises, as its effectiveness is so high that it allows you to completely rid the room of parasites within a maximum of 3 days. And it doesn’t matter, the “Cucaracha” remedy is used for bugs or cockroaches. The entire population will be destroyed.

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Remedy for bugs cucarach - instructions

The “Cucaracha” remedy for bedbugs is very poisonous - not only for insect parasites, but also for pets, humans. Therefore, it is very important when applying to observe the dosage recommended by the manufacturer and the technology of use.

If you decide not to resort to attracting professional pest control, but to cope with the invasion of small individuals yourself, observe the following sequence of actions:

  1. Measure out 2.5 g of concentrate.
  2. Prepare 1 liter of water at room temperature.
  3. Mix these ingredients, continuously stirring the solution.
  4. Pour the product into the spray bottle.
  5. consistently process all places of accumulation, frequent ways of moving insects, as well as hard-to-reach areas where they can try to avoid their death (cracks, baseboards, back walls of furniture, etc.).
  6. Leave the room as it is for at least 3 hours.
  7. Open all windows and do a thorough wet cleaning.

Important! The flow rate of the solution, according to the instructions of the remedy for bugs "Cucaracha", is 50 ml per 1 m2.

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Safety regulations

According to the international scale of danger, this insecticide belongs to class 2, that is, it is quite toxic and can provoke even the most complex reactions of the human body. Therefore, in no case do not neglect the safety rules when using this tool.

They are as follows:

  1. Remove all people and pets from the room before processing.
  2. Seal aquariums carefully, terrariums - you can stretch the film.
  3. Take away all food, clothing. It is advisable not just to shift them into cabinets, but to wrap them in plastic or put in bags.
  4. Before processing, wear all personal protective equipment: a respirator, goggles, gloves, shoe covers or even protective overalls. Use the same means when you wash the house after treatment.
  5. Dispose of all used products and clothing after processing and completing wet cleaning.
  6. Do not discharge the rest of the solution into the sewer.
  7. If you experience symptoms of malaise - nausea, dizziness, impaired reaction, convulsions or lethargy, seek qualified medical help immediately, providing the doctors with a label.
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Stock footage

Now you have information about the tool "Cucaracha" and probably made a conclusion about its effectiveness and toxicity. If it was not possible to destroy the colony of parasites with less toxic substances, you don’t want to spend money on professional pest control and decided to use this tool for personal control of insects, act very carefully. Remember that non-compliance with the rules of use can lead to more serious health problems, and targeted measures of destruction will be reflected on you. Be careful!


