A doll from tights with your own hands - in stages

Do you want to have at home a collection of toys made in a single copy? They can decorate the interior and serve as an unusual gift, and also with their help you can put on a puppet show and surprise guests. To do this, you need a doll from tights with your own hands - step by step we will consider the process of its manufacture in this article.

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Workshop for making a frame doll

There are various techniques for creating this masterpiece - from simple to complex using a frame.

Materials for work

For the manufacture of crafts from nylon tights with your own hands you will need the following materials:

  • flesh-colored tights;
  • wire for the frame;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • 2 needles;
  • 2 doll eyes;
  • threads to match pantyhose.

We make out the head

Getting started is better from the head. For this:

  • Take a large lump of padding polyester for the head and fill it with nylon, placing a small lump in front of the nose.
  • Form the contours of the nostrils and nose bridge with a needle, tightening the threads strongly enough, but so as not to transfer the filler.

Important! When working with a needle, make outlines clearer.

  • For cheeks and lips, add 2 small lumps of padding polyester on the sides, one oblong under the nose.
  • Using 2 needles at the same time, shape the eye sockets and corners of the lips, between which you need to flash a smile.

Important! In the course of work, measure the threads of the desired length so that you do not have to make knots. You can also add or remove an extra synthetic winterizer - see the situation.

  • Next, we form the lower lip. At the same time, try to give an oblong shape to the eye sockets, otherwise the doll can turn out with small eyes.
  • To make your lips look like a bow, thread the needle over the smile, gradually pulling out your mouth.
  • At the end, give the nose an elongated shape.
  • Draw by hand or paste doll eyes.

Important! Using acrylic paints, you can “revive” the face by painting red lips, rosy cheeks and freckles.

  • For hair, a children's wig is suitable.


Making the body:

  1. To make hands, form two wireframes from the wire and tighten the filler.
  2. After that, wrap the resulting blank in a piece of capron, tying the wrists together.
  3. On the same principle, make legs and handles with nails.

Sew it all together

The time has come to connect all parts of the body together. The height of the finished product should be approximately 40 cm. For this:

  • Form the wireframe of the desired length from the wire and cover it with filler.
  • Then sew the head, legs and handles with the frame part, tighten everything with a capron, forming protrusions.

Important! Try to mask the joints so that they are not visible. This indicates the level of skill.

  • Sew clothes for the newly made beauty, using the pattern you like.

Important! A master class on how to sew a doll from nylon tights reveals the basic steps of manufacturing. By showing imagination, you can create different versions of girlfriends and friends. If, for example, you only have black tights, you can make a Negro girl. And if you take the lightest shade and make thin eyes and lips, you get a Chinese girlfriend. Sew puppet boys so the ladies have someone to go to the ball with.

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Master class baby doll from tights

If desired, you can make a bobblehead from kapron. Less time will be spent on this, since you will not need to bother with the frame.This option is suitable for those who are just taking their first steps in this matter. To make a doll with your own hands from tights for beginners, follow the instructions:

  1. Shape your face, palms and feet.
  2. Take a piece of sintepon the size of your head and tighten its capron.
  3. Get a small sun skirt and a bright triangle for panties.
  4. Combine the details by stitching the head with a piece of capron so that the skirt is located at the junction and frames the head.
  5. Sew the feet to the back of the skirt and palms to the front.

Important! The doll-doll, or, as it is called by the people - “popik”, is ready. It is believed that it attracts luck and serves as a talisman. Now you know how to make dolls from stockings with your own hands - the proposed master class will help you with this.

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Clothes for soft dolls

The choice of clothes for the baby doll is up to you and is limited only by imagination. Make a ball gown, ethnic costume or a full skirt. The outfit can be decorated with ribbons, sequins or beads. Do not forget about accessories: bows, beads, hairpins.

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By learning to make toys with your own hands from nylon tights, you will show creative imagination and make your home more comfortable and interesting, especially since they are always made by hand and are in a single copy.

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