Do-it-yourself pop-up doll from pantyhose - step by step

People with creative abilities do not stop at nothing on their way, for them there are no barriers. Every day they try to realize their most interesting fantasies. To date, special attention is attracted to dolls that entice, mesmerize and engage in a fairy world. This article will be dedicated to them. We will tell you how to make a pop-up doll from tights with your own hands in stages.

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Why did pop dolls get such an interesting name?

They have an unusual shape for the eye. They have a beautiful face, soft protruding buttocks, which, to everyone's surprise, are bare. The needlewomen try to cover up these places, sew neat, beautiful panties, but the priest still fails to completely hide with their help. These funny creatures do not leave anyone indifferent.

Important! It is believed that popikey dolls bring good luck, that is, they personify the following wish: “Let luck be to you not a booty, but a face”.

Next, we will give a master class in which we describe how to make a pop-doll out of tights.

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What will be needed to make a pop doll?

The materials necessary to create this product, most often can be found in every home - it can be:

  • trimmings of lace, fabric;
  • buttons
  • Ribbons
  • thread for hair;
  • nylon tights.

In principle, you can even use stockings or socks, because a lot of material is not needed to make such a doll.

Important! The only thing that you have to buy in the store is the eyes, they are sold more often in the sewing accessories department. If at home there are old toys, you can disassemble them.

To summarize, prepare the following materials on the list:

  • Products made of kapron (tights, socks, stockings).
  • Fine needle, thread.
  • Synthetic winterizer.
  • Tailor pins.
  • Nippers, wire.
  • For the manufacture of dresses colored flaps.
  • Plastic eyes.
  • Instant glue.
  • Yarn for hair.
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Do-it-yourself pop-doll

It is easy to make a pop-up doll from tights with your own hands, but at each stage it is recommended to pay attention to all the details and nuances in order to achieve the desired result.

The manufacturing instruction is conditionally divided into several steps.

Step 1 - make out the body:

  • The first step is to prepare two handfuls of syntepon. That is, two balls should be rolled from it, then covered with a capron to get blanks for chest and priests.

Important! In order to avoid the formation of lumps, try to distribute the synthetic winterizer evenly. The size of the piles depends on what size ass and head of the doll you want to get.

  • If you intend to make her breasts, then you will have to roll another ball, the same size as the two previous ones.
  • Now you need to take tights, cut off each part in the shin area to get two peculiar bags.

Important! It’s easier to work with socks, since you don’t have to cut anything.

  • Then the bags should be filled with synthetic winterizer - it is well leveled, whipped inside.
  • Next, you need to sew or tie a rubber bag designed for making priests. In the second we put a small ball of synthetic winterizer to make a nose and also close it.


Step 2 - form a face

To get round cheeks, an expressive nose, chubby lips, each action should be done with a needle and thread:

  1. First, pin the places where the stitches will go with pins. This is done to achieve perfect symmetry.
  2. Make stitches from one pin to another, carefully pull the capron so that the nostrils, nose bridge, and nose wings appear.
  3. Hide the nodules under the wings of the nose.
  4. Insert the pins at the location of the peephole.
  5. Put pins in the corners of the lips and near the wings of the nose, connect these lines with vertical stitches.
  6. Make small eye stitches, pull them.
  7. To make a nasolabial fold, stitch between the upper lip and nose.
  8. Glue the eyes on the glue.

Step 3 - making pens:

  1. Cut a piece of wire three times longer than you intended to make the pens unfolded.
  2. Form a brush with fingers and the hand itself.
  3. Wind up the remains of the wire, fasten around the wrists.
  4. Wrap each finger and hand tightly with sintepon strips.
  5. Put the small squares cut from the nylon pantyhose onto the hands, in the wrist area pull and fasten with stitches between the fingers.

Step 4 - shaping the priests

Pull the ball prepared in the first stage with a thread in the middle, fix it.


Step 5 - create the legs

You will need oblong pieces of nylon stuffed with sintepon:

  1. Using the stitches, form fingers from one edge.
  2. Make a small stitch just below the thumb on the rib.
  3. Then make the same stitch to get a heel.

Step 6 - dress up the pop doll

Once all the parts are ready, you can assemble the product. But first, sew a dress and panties. You can use a piece of satin fabric for this. It must be secured with a basting seam, sheathed with beads and lace from the bottom.

Important! Panties can be made of satin ribbon, then it is sewn to the pope, closed with the same seam.

Dress the pop doll in the dress, attach the handles and bend them slightly. Glue legs to the priest, hair from yarn to the head.

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Now you know how to make a pop doll from nylon tights quickly and independently. By the way, with its help you can even guess. It is enough to hang it on the window - it can turn to you booty or face. In the first case, this means that problems await you, in the second - that you should wait for pleasant events. You can also use the doll as a talisman, just sew a small bag, fill it with coins, insert a banknote into her pen. As you invest all your care and love in making a pop doll, it is guaranteed to thank you.

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