Parquet varnish

- How to choose a varnish for parquet?
- Varieties of varnish coatings
- Primer varnish: purpose and nuances of use
- Water-based varnish for parquet: where it is applied, what subspecies is divided
- Polyurethane varnish for parquet: varieties, pros and cons
- Alkyd varnishes for parquet: advantages and scope
- Formaldehyde varnishes: the main advantages and disadvantages
- Technology for coating parquet lacquer
- Stock footage
Parquet flooring is stably quoted on the modern market. Fundamentality and reliability, durability and usefulness - this is not a complete list of the positive characteristics of the material used. In the manufacture of parquet flooring, only natural, environmentally friendly materials are used, therefore, to protect the parquet from polluting elements, it is necessary to form a protective layer. The use of paint is not entirely reasonable; it is more appropriate to use varnish or a special oil for a parquet surface, since it not only protects against dusty and dirty components, but also supports the microstructure of wood on a parquet surface. In this article, we will consider how to correctly select and use varnish for parquet, without violating the process.
to contents ↑How to choose a varnish for parquet?
Parquet needs careful and scrupulous handling, since without a protective layer it is very quickly destroyed and becomes unusable. Modern hypermarkets present a huge assortment of various components for protecting hardwood species on a parquet surface. Varnish is the most commonly used and practical to use.
Basic requirements for protective equipment
In order to choose the right varnish for parquet, you need to remember a few simple rules:
- When purchasing a protective agent, it is necessary to take into account the properties of parquet wood.
- The selected varnish should be identical to the dark or light tone of the wood.
- The absorption of the protective layer depends on the compactness of the wood structure.
- Also, when choosing a lacquer, it is necessary to take into account the functional characteristics of the room in which the parquet surface is present.
Important! In the corridor and the kitchen, the cleaning process and the greater intensity of movement more often than in the living room. In this regard, the choice of protective equipment should be with a more durable composition.
In public areas where there is a possible large concentration of people, parquet varnish must withstand the numerous effects of a huge number of heels. In addition, it is often necessary to carry out wet cleaning, freeing the room from brought dust and dirt. In this case, protective equipment is used, which includes oil components with a water-repellent property.
The technological process of varnishing is a painstaking task. Therefore, choosing a cheap and short-lived lacquer, in a couple of years it will be necessary to again repair the floor surface.
Important! High-quality protective layers include varnishes, which include two components, which allows you to not worry about parquet for a very long time.
Features of the characteristics of varnish
When choosing a varnish, you should definitely pay attention to such properties:
- There are varnishes for parquet on various bases, so when choosing, you need to read the components in the chemical composition section.
- The fluidity and viscosity of the varnish means plays a role in coating the surface.
- When applying varnish, it is possible to preserve the natural color and texture of the tree species, or a coloring effect may be present.
- When varnished, the surface acquires a different shade of color: matte, silky-matte, semi-gloss, semi-gloss or glossy.
to contents ↑Important! The manual for the use of a certain type of varnish contains an approximate period of use, the relation to moist air and to the strength properties under loads. The definition of these properties will help to choose the most suitable varnish for parquet.
Varieties of varnish coatings
According to the chemical composition, varnishes for parquet are divided into several types:
- primers;
- water soluble;
- alkyd;
- urethanealkide;
- anhydrous polyurethane based;
- formaldehyde;
- acid curable.
Consider in detail the most popular and commonly used varieties.
to contents ↑Primer varnish: purpose and nuances of use
Primer is a varnish designed to prepare the floor surface for the final coating process. It helps to saturate the wood and contributes to better adhesion of the upper layers. The quality of the treated surface with a primer varnish is much higher, so do not neglect this type.
Where to apply?
The use of primer material is justified for:
- creating a perfectly polished surface while preserving the texture of the tree species;
- reduce the influence of the adhesive properties of the primer at the side joints;
- protecting the surface and side fragments from moisture;
- protect and preserve natural oils of expensive wood species.
Important! When choosing a primer lacquer, the characteristic of the finish coating plays an important role. Their components must be identical in composition and have a good ability to adhere. In case of mismatch of materials, the surface of the parquet board is covered with unpleasant stains. This problem can be solved only by removing the previous layers of varnish coating or using the process of scouring the entire surface.
The main nuances of using primer varnish for parquet:
- When using a varnish coating with a water base, the primer must also be selected as water-soluble, since the compliance of the components allows you to create a perfectly smooth surface.
- The limiting absorbency of the primer significantly reduces the amount of final coat needed.
- Primers dry instantly due to the absorbent property of the wood surface. In addition, the presence of constituent solvent components also contribute to the rapid evaporation process.
to contents ↑Important! Manufacturers advise the use of a primer varnish and a finishing agent of the same producer. The components of these components are compatible with each other, in addition, their identity contributes to an excellent adhesive property, which improves quality.
Water-based varnish for parquet: where it is applied, what subspecies is divided
The most popular and common protective products for parquet are water-based varnishes, since they do not have an inherent pungent odor, and this type is also subject to rapid drying.
Important! When choosing a water-based varnish for parquet, it is preferable to use two-component components, since after drying they increase the moisture-resistant effect.
Operating principle
Parquet water polish consists of tiny particles of soluble matter and emulsifier components that are combined with water. Since the basis is water, the drying process takes place in two stages:
- When coating a surface primed with varnish, the process of evaporation of water first occurs.Then - the slow volatilization of the solvent.
- Further, the concentration process in the aquatic environment is gradually increasing, as a result, a reliable and stable protective layer is formed.
Water-based varnishes according to the quantitative content of solvents are divided into:
- solvent free formulations;
- waterborne varnishes, consisting of a solvent of about five percent;
- water-based varnishes that contain about fifteen percent solvent.
All three species have excellent adhesion properties and perfectly match parquet wood.
Important! With water-soluble varnishes, it is necessary to cover only the previously primed floor surface, since moisture and chemical composition, penetrating into the gaps between the dies, lead to the creaking effect.
Water-soluble varnishes for parquet have important disadvantages:
- Low coefficient of wear resistance - due to the presence of such components as water, components of emulsifiers and solvents.
Important! Adding special additional components to single-component varnishes increases durability.
- The humidity level in a room with waterborne varnish should be maintained at about fifty percent. Therefore, during the heating season, it is difficult to adhere to the necessary humidification of the microclimate.
- A perfectly smooth surface when drying a water-soluble varnish is achieved only with the use of a spray, since the use of spatulas, brushes or rollers will not lead to the desired result.
There are also the advantages of water-soluble varnishes:
- The water base of water-soluble varnishes contributes to the absence of a pronounced smell. Due to this property, this type of varnish can be applied even in small rooms where there is personnel who are not involved in this process.
- Water-soluble varnishes for parquet are not subject to the combustion process, so they can be used in rooms where, for safety reasons, the use of flammable compounds is prohibited.
to contents ↑Important! When purchasing a water-soluble varnish with the mark “professional” on the packaging material, it is allowed to use it without a primer. Otherwise, a primer is required.
Polyurethane varnish for parquet: varieties, pros and cons
Anhydrous varnishes for parquet with a polyurethane component are excellent for rooms with a lot of traffic.
In the manufacture of manufacturers use a urethane or acrylic base, which affects the intensity of the smell. Water is not part of polyurethane varnishes, therefore, the drying process occurs much faster than water-soluble compounds.
Important! The procedure for hardening anhydrous varnishes consists of several stages: first, the solvent components evaporate, and then the process of solidification and the formation of a strong protective layer begins.
There are two types of anhydrous varnishes:
- One-component varnishes for parquet marked (PUR) are very affordable. Their composition has already been prepared - not even specialists can work for them.
- For the preparation of two-component varnish with marking (DD), many different points must be taken into account. In its structure, it is much stronger and much more often used by professionals.
Since the composition of the two types of anhydrous varnishes contains a variety of aromatic components, this varnish has a fairly pleasant smell, in comparison with other protective substances.
Important! When coating the surface with polyurethane varnish, as well as during the drying process, contact of the treated surface with water is unacceptable, since an increase in the permissible humidity entails the formation of visible defects.
The benefits include:
- The surface coated with a polyurethane compound is characterized by high strength properties and can withstand any mechanical stress.
- Frozen parquet flooring is not amenable to temperature extremes and changes in room humidity.
- The use of a primer is optional.
- Due to the elasticity of the formed layer, there is no constrictive effect of the surface texture of the parquet.
- Polyurethane hardened surface, thanks to the formed protective layer, acquires moisture resistance properties.
to contents ↑Important! Polyurethane varnishes for parquet have no visible drawbacks, except for one thing - after this substance enters the gaps between the boards, the components of the parquet are strongly bonded.
Alkyd varnishes for parquet: advantages and scope
Alkyd varnishes are based on alkyd resins, which are extracted from natural raw materials. Due to the fact that among the components of this substance are linseed, wood and other oils, the designated type of varnish for parquet has the property of deep penetration into the wood structure.
Important! Also, the composition may include highly concentrated or low concentrated white spirit.
Among the main advantages should be highlighted:
- low glue level;
- does not fill the gap between the dies;
- has a high level of heat and moisture resistance;
- increase the natural beauty of selected wood;
- perfectly convey the multifaceted structure of wood.
In contrast to the advantages are the following disadvantages:
- low level of wear resistance, so it is not recommended to use in frequently visited places;
- the necessary very vigilant control over the amount of varnish applied, since over time this can lead to the appearance of unwanted wrinkles on the varnished floor;
- during the drying period, it is required to maintain a low air temperature in the room, since this type of varnish is very sensitive to too high temperatures.
to contents ↑Important! Alkyd varnish for parquet is not a very convenient and advantageous option for many rooms, but they can still be used for surfaces in the kitchen.
Formaldehyde varnishes: the main advantages and disadvantages
Formaldehyde is considered the strongest varnish, so it will be an ideal option for the corridor and kitchen, since it will help extend the operational period of the varnished parquet.
Important! The basis of this type are formaldehyde resins, which do not affect the state of health in any way, since they evaporate incredibly quickly from the varnished surface and do not leave any hint of their inclusion in the composition of the used varnish.
The advantages of formaldehyde varnish for parquet include:
- high moisture and heat resistance, therefore, the parquet is perfectly preserved during sudden changes;
- allowed to use on previously unprimed surfaces;
- have excellent adhesion to wood, which significantly prolongs the period of use;
- it is very convenient to put with various painting accessories.
Also, this type has several disadvantages:
- the side walls of the dies are too glued together;
- due to an excessively toxic smell, during application you need to work only in a special respirator and with windows open.
Technology for coating parquet lacquer
Before you start varnishing the parquet, you should carry out preparatory steps:
- Eliminate all protruding metal objects by driving deeper or completely removing them so that the parquet becomes perfectly even.
- Repair all problem areas.
- Using special detergents, thoroughly wash the floor and wait for it to dry completely.
- Remove the old layer of protective wax and varnish for parquet using white spirit or a special solvent.
- Level the floor and remove the old darkened layer using a scraper.
Important! It is necessary to seek the help of experienced specialists if you have never performed parquet hitting, as this process requires special skills. In addition, looping must be carried out several times to achieve a better effect. Also, depending on the type of wood, different work methods are used.
- To clear the finished surface from debris and completely level the parquet using a grinder. This process must be repeated three times, gradually reducing the grain size of sandpaper.
- Using an industrial vacuum cleaner, get rid of dust on the floor.
Important! At the end of all actions, carefully examine the surface for damaged areas. If necessary, using special putties, to repair problem areas. After this, you need to polish the parquet again using fine-grained sandpaper.
After the preparatory phase, you can safely proceed to the coating of the parquet with varnish. This action can be performed in two different ways: with brushes (rollers) or with a spray gun. It all depends on personal preferences, since both options are quite effective.
In order to accurately and beautifully apply a layer of varnish for parquet using a brush, you must adhere to a few very simple rules:
- the room temperature should not be lower than 12 ° C or higher than 25 ° C;
- use only a wide brush;
- start work from the side of the window and gradually move towards the door;
- to cover the parquet in a U-shaped arc, partially overlapping the previous stroke to get a uniform layer without thickening;
- wait for the first coat of varnish to dry completely, carefully sand the parquet with a diamond mesh or fine-grained emery paper;
Important! When using a single-component varnish, it is allowed to leave the brush in a container with varnish, otherwise it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the brush after the first stage.
If a roller is used to cover the parquet with varnish, then you should not forget about these rules:
- it is necessary to cover the parquet with the expectation that ¾ falls on a clean surface, and only ¼ falls on the lacquered area;
- apply varnish for the parquet in crosswise movements, namely - first cover the parquet with a transverse movement, then - even out the freshly applied layer of varnish;
to contents ↑Important! It is strictly forbidden to cover the parquet with M-shaped movements. In this case, there will be an uneven distribution of varnish, and after complete drying, unpleasant stains will remain.
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If this type of work is performed for the first time, then you should be prepared for a not-so-perfect result, but this is quite normal. Over time, the process will be performed more accurately and efficiently, because all the same, the varnish must be updated periodically.
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