DIY bed slats

A high-quality bed has a long service life, but sooner or later it can fail. Mounts, legs, bed connecting parts break. Sometimes it happens that the details remain intact, but an unpleasant creak appears that interferes with sleep and which you need to get rid of. It is very simple to avoid all this - to make lamellas for the bed with your own hands and to independently repair the furniture.

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Necessary tools

To successfully repair furniture, you will need the following tools:

  • Saw.
  • Screwdriver or drill.

Important! If there is no screwdriver, then it can be replaced with a screwdriver.

  • Roulette.
  • Level.
  • Hammer.

The set of work operations depends on the type of repair. Let us consider in more detail all types of mending beds.

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Do-it-yourself bed repair - foundation

This is one of the most time-consuming and voluminous types of repairs. The bed will have to be taken apart almost entirely:

  1. Start the work by dismantling the mattress, remove everything that was in the boxes for bedding.
  2. Disassemble the frame, unscrew all fasteners - brackets, nuts, etc.
  3. Separate parts carefully.
  4. Now it remains to find the broken components and replace them with undamaged ones.

How to fix a bed more thoroughly? If necessary, the foundation can be made with your own hands from boards and timber 7x4 cm. Of the supplies, glue and screws will be needed.

Important! The thickness of the boards should be at least 20 mm with a width of 180 mm.

After the material is fully prepared:

  1. Fix the bars with screws to the walls of the frame.
  2. Lay the boards on them at a certain interval, also fixing them with screws.
  3. Reinforce the boards that make up the base by spreading them with PVA glue.

Important! In this case, the product can only be operated after the glue has completely dried and after the smell has completely disappeared. The whole process will take more than 24 hours, but the foundation will be solid and non-creaking.

Repair of the bunk bed is carried out according to the same principle, only the amount of installation and dismantling work will be more. Regardless of which of the sleeping places fell into disrepair, it is necessary to dismantle the upper tier, and then mount it again. The work is rather laborious, but it cannot be called difficult. The effect is quite good. The only drawback of this repair is the lack of an orthopedic effect in the bed. But this problem can be solved by choosing a good mattress.

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How to repair lamellas?

Lamels are called slats fixed at the base of the bed. In the above description, lamellas are boards fixed at a certain distance from one another. These lamellas are wooden bent-glued plates. At the same time, the breed of wood can be almost any.

Important! The peculiarity of the lamellas is in their flexibility and elasticity. They provide the orthopedic effect of the product, make sleep as comfortable as possible. Due to the fact that the plates are located at a certain distance from one another, ventilation of the mattress is ensured.

If you notice that 1-2 plates in the center of the bed are broken, the easiest option is to swap them with whole boards in the head or foot of the bed. The load there is less, and the orthopedic effect is not so important. But, of course, such a manipulation cannot always be done. If only because the number of lamellas is not infinite.In addition, the functionality of the furniture will suffer significantly.

It is much more rational to buy lamellas separately. The standard length of such a product is 0.9 m, with a width of 53 or 68 mm. In this case, the repair procedure is as follows:

  1. Cut a piece of the desired length from the finished product.
  2. Slide a piece of latte holder over both ends.
  3. Insert the prepared section into the grooves of the frame.
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A few tips for a beginner

If you are not repairing, but making the bed yourself, you need to remember such basic rules as how to make lamellas for the bed with your own hands:

  • The minimum number of slats in a single bed is 15. In a double design, respectively, 30.
  • The distance between the slats should not exceed the width of the slats.
  • You can attach the lamellas with the help of special tips or frame supports.

Important! With all the benefits, flexible planks for a bed are a weak link. If you do not want to constantly repair the bed, you can replace them with two 12 mm thick plywood sheets. Sheets must first be connected to each other, and then to the frame, so that a rigid structure is obtained. To provide ventilation, make several holes in the plywood sheets. In addition to the fact that the design is solid, such a bed will not creak.

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Stock footage

As you can see, restoring a sleeping place is not particularly difficult, but sometimes you have to tinker. If you are afraid that you will not be able to make a quality repair, contact the master.


