Hair lamination at home

Beautiful hair is a business card for any girl. French women say that clean and smooth hair is itself a hairdo. Moreover, the quality of the hair, its structure, softness and shine play an important role in the image of the wearer. And we spare no time or money to improve our hairstyle. Procedures in beauty salons at the same time go a penny. For example, the lamination of hair that is loved by many beauties. Thanks to special substances, the hair is enveloped with a protective film, its structure is restored and the volume increases. The effect of this procedure is enough for 3-4 weeks, while the result is really tangible. And the hair at the same time becomes strong and smooth and glistens delightfully. Therefore, as soon as the method appeared in hairdressing salons, it immediately gained popularity. Is it possible to laminate hair at home, so as not to pay stylists and not look for time to go to the salon? In this article, we will look at ways to do such a procedure yourself.

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Advantages of home lamination:

  • The hair becomes thick. This is especially true for owners of rare or thin hair - the effect is really obvious.
  • The structure is greatly improved, the curls are smooth, soft and shiny.
  • Split ends are sealed and restored.
  • Static electricity is removed.
  • Lamination gives the hair a mirror effect by smoothing the scales.
  • The structure of the hair is compacted, it becomes more direct and flexible.
  • Suitable for absolutely everyone, even pregnant.
  • Safe for hair, accessible to any woman.
  • Saves time and money.

Important! Before you start lamination, test the body's reaction to gelatin! Apply a small amount of the composition to the area of ​​the skin, for example, behind the ear, and wait 10-15 minutes. If there is no burning sensation, you can proceed to the procedure.

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How to laminate hair at home? The easiest way

The easiest way - a procedure using gelatin, which can be found in any home. The fact is that this very gelatin is the basis of all professional means for lamination.

Important! The advantage of this method is its simplicity. Even a novice will be able to cope with such manipulation, no knowledge and additional skills are required here. In addition, you can repeat this operation as often as you like, achieving an accumulation effect, which means strengthening hair even more.

The ingredients you will need:

  • Gelatin. It contains collagen - a natural protein compound. It envelops the hair shaft, forms a protective film. The element perfectly moisturizes curls, fills them with strength and health.
  • Water. It must first be boiled, and warmed to room temperature before use.
  • Hair mask or balm. You can take the one you are used to using.
  • Beanie or plastic bag.

Lamination of hair at home with this tool looks like this:

  • Prepare the water. It should be clean and warm.
  • Pour gelatin into a glass bowl. Proportions of composition: three parts of water per powder.

Important! If you have long thick hair, increase the amount of the mixture.

  • Stir and cover the bowl with a plate or lid. This will allow the composition to infuse and prevent the water from cooling quickly.The approximate cooking time is 15 minutes.
  • While gelatin gets wet, wash your hair and apply balm. Soak the set time, rinse.
  • Blot your hair with a towel. They must be wet - do not let the hair dry.
  • During this time, gelatin should swell and dissolve in water. If lumps remain, carefully mix them with uniform movements.
  • Add about half a tablespoon of mask or balm to the resulting slurry.

Important! Do not overdo it with a care product - it can make your hair heavier and ruin the result. The finished solution should resemble thick sour cream in consistency.

  • Stepping back about a couple of centimeters from the scalp, apply the mixture to wet hair. Cover your head with a pre-cooked hat or bag. Wrap a large, thick towel.
  • Warm your hair dryer thoroughly. The optimal time is 15-20 minutes.
  • Leave your head closed for another half hour.
  • After you have finished the procedure, rinse the solution with warm water. Do not use shampoo to fix the result.

Important! A similar procedure can be repeated regularly, two to three times a week, in order to accumulate a therapeutic effect and make the hair even more healthy and beautiful. This method is especially relevant in the autumn and winter, when the hair is exposed to wind, cold and central heating. After just a few uses of the gelatin mask, you will notice the result: split ends become smoother, after a couple of months the cross-section disappears or becomes less noticeable.

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Other methods of lamination

There are variations in the manufacture of the laminating mask, depending on the type of hair.

  • Gelatin-juice mask - suitable for colored hair. Instead of water, add juice to gelatin in the same proportion - 1: 3. Heat the composition in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil!
  • Mask with an egg - best suited for short and medium length hair. Dilute gelatin with water in the usual proportion until completely dissolved, and then pour the yolk of one egg into the mixture.
  • Mask for oily hair. Dissolve gelatin in fresh lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 4. Drive the yolk of one egg into the solution. Add one tablespoon of shampoo for oily hair. We put in a water bath and, stirring evenly, bring the mixture to a uniform state.

Important! For dark hair, you can use carrot juice.

  • Mineral mask. Instead of water we use a mineral water, in the same proportion 1: 3. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and two drops of vitamin A and lavender oil.

Important! The mask is universal and suitable for all types of hair.

  • The mask is milk. The name speaks for itself! It's simple: use natural milk instead of water.
  • Honey mask. Composition - a tablespoon of gelatin, 3 tablespoons of water, a spoon of natural bee honey and 2-3 drops of essential oil.

Important! Adds shine to hair in one or two applications.

  • Secret mask for extra volume. To the gelatin base (proportions with water 1: 2) add one yolk, one teaspoon of mustard and colorless henna. The composition is ready!

Important! This mask can be left for an hour.

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Lamination by finished compounds

If gelatin lamination does not suit you, you can carry out home procedures on professional and analog formulations. The cost of such manipulations will be higher than a gelatin wrap, but still much cheaper than a stylist.

Popular remedies

Here is a list of companies that produce laminating mixtures:

  • Lebel
  • Paul Mitchell;
  • Hair Company;
  • Dikson;
  • Matrix PRO +;
  • Barex
  • Constant Delight;
  • Estel Neo Crystal;
  • L’Oreal Professional;
  • Lombok.
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Lamination of hair at home is one of the most affordable and, at the same time, effective procedures for hair restoration. An additional plus - this method protects the ends from section, and after some time the hair will become not only healthier, but also longer.Undoubtedly, you will see the result after the first application. The main thing is to remember: everything needs regularity. Try to repeat the procedure for several months, and you will find beautiful and smooth curls. And whether to share your little secret with others is up to you.

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