Bugs larvae

The process of destroying bed bugs found in the house can take a long time, if not to destroy the larvae of bugs. After all, not all chemicals aimed at parasites have a devastating effect on eggs. Therefore, after some time after processing the premises in the house, traces of the presence of bedbugs will again be found.
to contents ↑Features adult bugs
Bed bugs are small, wingless blood-sucking insects that lead a nocturnal lifestyle. Having small sizes and a flattened oval body, these bloodsuckers easily find shelter in furniture and in small crevices.
Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of parasites that have settled in an apartment or in a house unless you find out where these blood-sucking insects lay their eggs. And in order to find the egg laying, it is necessary to imagine how the eggs and larvae of the bugs look.
to contents ↑Important! Bedbugs amaze with their fertility. One female parasite is able to lay up to 500 larvae in its short life (an average of 5 larvae per day).
What do bed bugs eggs look like?
Bedbugs breed by traumatic insemination: the male, piercing the female’s abdomen, injects sperm, which can be stored there for a long time. At the right moment, the fluid will be able to flow through hemolymph to the already formed eggs. Once, having received the male’s hometas, the female is able to produce offspring several times, and this significantly increases the chances of parasite survival. That is why it is so difficult to destroy bedbug eggs.
to contents ↑Important! An adult female can lay up to 12 eggs per day, which are oblong, slightly curved capsules, similar to rice grains. At the end of the egg there is a hole covered with a small lid, with the help of which larvae of bugs are born. Egg size does not exceed 1 mm. Translucent, shiny grains have a milky white hue, which may turn yellow over time.
How fast are bed bugs?
The development cycle of bed bloodsuckers is approximately 40 days, during which they go through 3 stages:
- Egg. In one clutch there are usually up to 5 eggs, less often - a little more. Bedbug eggs on the surface have a flexible secret, thanks to which they are held on any vertical and horizontal surface. Therefore, it is important to carefully process to destroy the bedbug eggs, since firmly adhered individuals can remain on the furniture and survive.
- Larvae. Bed bug larvae, deposited in a secluded place, are an incubator in which pests develop. The larva reaches the appearance of an adult in about a month - during this time, the larvae of the bugs change the chitinous membrane 5 times.
Important! Immediately after hatching from eggs, the larvae are able to drink blood.
- Adult (adult). The total life expectancy of an adult reaches one and a half years. Until the end of life, most individuals retain the ability to reproduce.
to contents ↑Important! The timing of exit of larvae from eggs depends on the temperature of the masonry. The temperature of 25 ° C is considered to be the most optimal for the development and release of larvae. With these indicators, larvae are born after 10 days, and at temperatures of about 10 ° C, development stops - in this state, parasite eggs can be up to a month and a half.
Characteristic features of bug larvae
The robust egg shell allows the larva to be virtually invulnerable to all extermination methods that humans use. This strength is achieved thanks to the special secretions of an adult female. These secretions are a sticky substance that dries quickly in air and has low permeability.
Such protection of the bug larva has the following properties:
- Completely does not pass liquid.
- Does not respond to conventional insecticides.
- Shockproof.
- Extends the temperature range necessary for survival and existence.
The only weakness due to which it is possible to destroy bedbug eggs is intolerance to high humidity. That is why female bugs lay larvae in secluded places where there are appropriate conditions:
- Low humidity.
- The temperature of the masonry place is up to 27 C heat.
- Hide from human eyes.
- As close to people's berths.
The most common egg-laying locations may be:
- Behind the furniture attached to the wall.
- For the wallpaper.
- Behind the decor elements hanging on the walls: photo frames, paintings, watches, mirrors, etc.
- In the cracks of wooden products: in door frames, window wounds, furniture and other decoration elements.
- In the folds of upholstered furniture.
- Under the windowsill, next to the radiator.
- Under the skirting boards.
- In the vents.
- Between the pages of books.
- On the seams of clothing.
- Inside electronic or household appliances.
to contents ↑Important! The viability of parasite eggs is the reason why bugs spread successfully in people's homes. They are very difficult to destroy on their own, but in neglected cases it is generally impossible.
How to destroy bedbug eggs?
It is much more difficult to destroy eggs of parasites than adults. This is due to the strength of the egg shell, on which about 90% of insecticides have virtually no effect. Completely destroy the eggs of bed bugs and prevent the emergence of adults is possible only if you properly approach the sanitization of the home.
For self-destruction of oviposites, three methods can be used:
- Mechanical.
- Thermal.
- Chemical.
Important! The mechanical method involves the destruction of eggs manually. Due to its inefficiency, we do not recommend using it.
Chemical methods
The chemical method consists in the destruction of insecticide bugs. For the successful implementation of this method, it is necessary to carefully choose the means, since many of them do not act on eggs and larvae of bugs.
Important! In order to successfully kill all the eggs and larvae of bugs and forget about such an unpleasant problem, use the following useful information:
- Bedbug eggs die if long-acting drugs are used. After applying the product to the surface, toxic substances affecting bedbugs will be released - at least a few weeks.
- It is advisable to use microencapsulated agents that can affect the reduction of the bug population, actively acting for many months. Such drugs act on newly hatched bugs, do not allow their reproduction.
Thermal methods
The thermal method involves using high temperature to kill parasites. The egg shell is destroyed by heat. Therefore, in order to destroy the place of masonry, it is advisable to treat them with hot steam, and wash linens and other woven materials located in the source of infection at a temperature above 50 ° C, and if possible boil.
Important! Other sources of thermal effects can be such devices and conditions:
- In winter, furniture and things infected with bedbugs, take out for several hours in the cold. Adult individuals and larvae with eggs die at temperatures below 22 C.
- An apartment infected with parasites must be treated with boiling water or a special heat gun, which is used when installing stretch ceilings.
- To destroy the oviposition, use the following solution: 15 ml of turpentine, dissolve 20 ml of kerosene in 150 ml of boiling water. With a freshly prepared solution, treat the accumulation of parasites and oviposites. The prepared mixture will have both thermal and chemical effects on the eggs.
- Rinse floors, crevices behind skirting boards and walls with as hot water as possible with the addition of potassium permanganate, peroxide or soda. With the same solution, process cornices, heating radiators, picture frames and photographs, and furniture.
Processing regularity
The pest control procedure must be repeated every 10 days in three stages to ensure the elimination of larvae that survived previous treatments while in the egg.
to contents ↑How to kill bug larvae?
The fight against the larvae of bed bloodsuckers is no different from the fight against adults. Bed nymphs are less resistant to extreme temperatures than adults. Therefore, freezing a house, cottage or apartment in winter for 2-3 days at a temperature of about -20 C will ensure the death of all larvae of bugs.
Other options:
- Dry heat treatment of the premises will also give an effective result, although some individuals may remain inside mattresses or clothes.
- Various chemical insecticides are also effective in controlling larvae.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget to observe all safety precautions when processing the premises, and it is better - if possible, to leave the premises for several days during processing.
Parasite Prevention Measures
To protect your home from bedbugs:
- Do not visit places where these bloodsuckers can be: houses with unsanitary conditions, cheap hotels, do not invite people to your house who might have parasites in their homes, because 1-2 individuals moving to a new house will quickly give rise to a new population.
- Be sure to regularly wet the house and check the condition of sofas, beds and other sleeping places for signs of insects.
- Check and wash bedding at high temperatures, as well as treat with a hot iron.
- Keep brooms of birch in the house, as well as bouquets of dry tansy - this will help scare away the bugs and prevent the movement of parasites from neighbors.
Independent struggle with bedbugs is a difficult and painstaking task. If you want to achieve a result, then you need to spend time and effort on processing all the rooms in the house, otherwise the bugs will come back again and again.
to contents ↑Stock footage
If you do not want to deal with this problem yourself, then contact the special services that deal with pest control. Professionals will carry out the necessary processing at home in accordance with all safety requirements. The main thing - do not put off the fight against parasites for a long time, otherwise it will develop into a real battle with a horde of bloodsuckers.
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