Citric acid and soda - how to use at home?

Citric acid and soda, as well as vinegar and mustard, are indispensable helpers in the kitchen of any housewife. Familiar folk remedies are able to replace a whole arsenal of detergents, prepare effervescent drinks, and more recently, women have been using them for weight loss. We will introduce you to some tips and tricks on how to use your usual products in unusual ways.

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Slimming Soda and Citric Acid

For the sake of a beautiful, sophisticated, slim figure, women are ready to make any sacrifice. Recently, many of them have been using soda and lemon to lose weight together and individually. Such a diet attracts with its affordability, simplicity and cheapness.

Important! The fruit itself can be replaced with a cheaper product. Citric acid and water are perfect for this purpose.

Lemon diet

Lemon is a recognized means for losing weight. In the stomach, it creates an acidic environment necessary for the digestion of food. Fruit, not only improves digestion, but also accelerates the breakdown of fats. In addition, lemon is a record holder for vitamin C and contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, B and P.

Citric acid and soda - how to use at home?Citrus fruits are rich in minerals:

  • Copper.
  • Zinc
  • Potassium.
  • Bora.
  • Other minerals.

With all this wealth, lemon nourishes the body and strengthens the immune system.

Important! Lemon diet is contraindicated for people with high acidity of the stomach, as well as people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, patients with diabetes and hypertension.

If you are not overweight, you can drink lemon water to maintain harmony. Proceed as follows:

  • If your weight fluctuates around 70 kg, then use the following recipe: dilute ½ lemon juice with cool water until the glass is full.
  • If your weight exceeds 80 kg, then use the following recipe: dilute the juice of a whole lemon with water.

Important! It is enough to take lemon water 2 times a day. Take the first meal on an empty stomach 15 minutes before breakfast.

Express method for losing weight on lemon water

Use this method with caution, because you can use it only if you have absolutely no heartburn, and any discomfort from using lemon juice.

Important! After each intake of lemon water, be sure to rinse your mouth with soda solution.

Diet description

The dosage of lemon juice is first gradually increasing, and then gradually decreasing:

  • On the first day, use juice diluted with water from one squeezed lemon.
  • On the second day, use juice diluted with water, squeezed from two lemons.
  • On the third - from three.
  • And so on until you use seven pieces a day.

Important! You can eat these days without restrictions.

  • The eighth day is unloading. Make the following drink: mix the juice of three lemons with three liters of water and honey.

Important! Drink lemon water all day long. You can’t eat anything on this day.

  • From the ninth day, reduce the amount of lemon by 1 for the following days (ninth - 6, eighth - 5, etc.).
  • On the last day of the diet, drink lemon water from the juice of one citrus.

Important! Nutritionists consider lemon the most effective way to lose weight. Lemon water cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, improves digestion. In addition, in an acidic environment, calcium absorption is improved, which contributes to the burning of fats. Citric acid can reduce appetite and reduce hunger.

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Slimming soda

Soda creates an alkaline environment in the stomach, and an acidic environment is required to digest food. We conclude that as a result of the use of soda, food in the stomach is not digested, which means that vitamins and other useful substances, carbohydrates and fats are also not absorbed.

Citric acid and soda - how to use at home?The diet lasts 2 weeks. It is most effective to take soda on an empty stomach: dilute a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and drink in one gulp.

Important! The use of soda can imbalance the work of the whole body, therefore, be careful about such a diet.


  • In order to reduce weight, it is better to use soda along with bath salts. When taking such a bath, the weight will decrease not due to the destruction of adipose tissue, but only due to the fact that excess fluid will leave the body.
  • Use lemon with soda for weight loss, since soda in this version will protect tooth enamel from acid: after each intake of lemon juice (diluted with water), rinse your mouth with soda solution (1 tsp. In a glass of warm water).
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Soda, citric acid, pop water

Most likely, your parents remember how, as children, they were happy to make soda from powder. Of course, fizzy drinks are not very useful, but you can return your parents to childhood and, together with your children, learn the basics of chemistry, and conduct the following experience in making “pops”.

Prepare the following ingredients and materials:

  • Soda - 3 s. l
  • Citric acid - 6 tsp.
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • A small bowl for experiments.
  • Clean jar with a lid.

Important! To make pops, take a new pack of soda. An open package manages to exhale and absorb all the odors in 30 days, so it will not work for this experiment.

Cooking Instructions

  1. Take a clean and dry bowl (there should not be a drop of water, otherwise the reaction will be fleeting).
  2. Pour baking soda and citric acid into a bowl.
  3. Mash the mixture until a fine powder forms.
  4. Add powdered sugar to the mixture.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly and knead.
  6. Take a dry and clean jar, pour the mixture into it.
  7. Close the jar tightly and affix the pop label.

Soda Recipe:

To prepare soda, pour 2 teaspoons of the prepared pops with water.

Important! Instead of water, you can use fruit juice, juice or jam diluted in water. When any liquid is added to the pop, citric acid will react with baking soda, and bubbles of carbon dioxide will start to stand out in the water, which will make the drink hiss.

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How to use citric acid and soda in baking?

Soda without the addition of acid is a poor disintegrant, although it produces a small amount of carbon dioxide when heated, but it is not enough to raise the dough.

In addition, not decomposed soda will give the test a yellow-brown color and an unpleasant aftertaste. Therefore, when cooking soda, it is customary to always extinguish with acid. It is better to do this with citric acid, although table vinegar is also suitable. The amount of ingredients should be such that the soda reacts without residue.

In baking, baking powder is often used - it is a mixture of soda and acid, selected in such a ratio that they react without residue. Flour is used as an inert substance, less commonly starch. The standard, accepted proportion of soda, citric acid and flour is 5 to 3 and 12.

Important! Acid in the baking powder may be one or more.Citric acid is used in Russian-made powders, and several analogues are present in imported analogues that react with soda at different temperatures: some can react at room temperature, while others require heating.


  • When buying a baking powder, pay special attention to the packaging material. The bag should be made of waterproof, thick paper, foil or plastic. If the bag is paper, then its inside should be glued with polyethylene. Do not buy baking powder in plain paper bags, as due to improper storage, acid and soda may have time to react while still in the bag.
  • If in the recipe there are products that have an acid reaction, then in addition to the baking powder, it is necessary to use additional soda. Acidic foods include:
    • Honey.
    • Chocolate.
    • Cocoa.
    • The eggs.
    • Sugar syrups.
    • Vinegar.
    • Fruit juices and mashed potatoes.
    • Crystalline citric acid.
    • Dairy products (kefir, whey, yogurt, yogurt, sour cream, etc.).
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How to use soda and citric acid to supply carbon dioxide to the aquarium?

Citric acid and soda - how to use at home?We will describe to you the method of supplying carbon dioxide to the aquarium. It is based on the reaction of soda with citric acid. To prepare the system you will need:

  • 2 large bottles of 0.5 or 0.6 liters.
  • Tube for connecting bottles.
  • Tube for exiting carbon dioxide
  • Citric acid (90-120 g).
  • Soda (⅓ packs).

System description

The system consists of two bottles. In one - a solution of citric acid, and in the second - soda, partially dissolved in water. The water in the bottle should be less than half, since during operation the water will completely go into the bottle with soda, and the container may overflow. The containers are interconnected by a tube from bottom to bottom. In addition, another tube is connected to the soda bottle to release CO2.

Start up as follows:

  1. Close the CO2 outlet pipe tightly to prevent gas from escaping.
  2. Press the bottle with citric acid until the acid gets into the soda container.
  3. A reaction will occur, the pressure will increase and the soda solution will be squeezed into the bottle with acid, where the reaction will also occur.
  4. Once the system has balanced, open the feed to the aquarium.
  5. The pressure in the bottle with soda will drop, and another portion of acid will be squeezed out of the adjacent container, and again the system will balance.
  6. To adjust the carbon dioxide supply, place a small continuously adjustable faucet.
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Soda, vinegar, citric acid as a detergent

Vinegar is a very necessary thing in the household. Vinegar can replace a lot of specialized tools intended for: washing mirrors, getting rid of limescale and rust, for cleaning plumbing, etc.

Prepare a universal solution from vinegar: dilute ordinary table vinegar (9%) in water in a 1: 1 ratio. Pour the product into an empty spray bottle. Use a universal solution for:

  • Glass washing.
  • Wash Mirrors.
  • Metal surfaces.
  • Plumbers.
  • Tile

Important! Vinegar can be replaced with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The remedy will be a little more expensive, but with the smell of fresh citrus.

Work with vinegar only with protective gloves.

Soda is an abrasive for all surfaces. Baking soda is used for cleaning and polishing silver, chrome, steel, aluminum, tin and plastic surfaces. Baking soda is perfect for washing and disinfecting the refrigerator, and use pulp made from baking soda and lemon juice to remove stains from upholstered furniture and carpets.

How to quickly descale?

Citric acid, as well as vinegar and soda can be used to clean, descale the surface.

Citric acid will help save on scale products:

  1. Pour water into a kettle and pour 1 tbsp. l citric acid powder (you can use the juice of one lemon).
  2. Boil water in the kettle 1-2 times.
  3. After cleaning, rinse the kettle.
  4. Pour clean water and boil again.
  5. Pour boiled water, and your kettle will shine like new.

Important! Since vinegar is also an acid, you can use it instead of citric acid to clean the kettle from scale: you will need 100 ml of 7% vinegar. The cleaning procedure is carried out in the same order as in the case of citric acid.

Baking soda, having an alkaline environment, is also able to rid the kettle of scale. For the cleaning procedure you will need 1 tbsp. l facilities. Perform the steps in the same sequence as in the case of citric acid.


If the scale in the teapot is old and dense, then use a combination of citric acid, soda and vinegar: first boil water with soda, drain it, then with vinegar, and finally with citric acid. Hard scale softens and can be removed with a soft dishwashing sponge.

To get rid of limescale and scale in the washing machine, proceed as follows:

  1. Pour 90-100 mg of citric acid powder into the washing machine.
  2. Turn on normal washing (no laundry).

Important! The cleaning procedure is carried out 1 time in 2 months.

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We hope that after reading our article, you have received enough information to use well-known folk remedies - soda, citric acid and vinegar, for the benefit of yourself.


