Linoleum for a children's room, all features of the choice

Every loving parents strives to create comfortable and safe living conditions for their children. Therefore, many adults are worried by the question: is linoleum suitable for a child’s room, because the child’s room is just the place where you can easily combine the wishes of both interested parties. It can be made bright and colorful, comfortable and safe, from the ceiling to the floor.
to contents ↑Flooring requirements in a child’s room
Why is it worth paying special attention to the choice of flooring in the children's room? The thing is a much greater floor load:
- Children, and often together with their friends, constantly run and jump, which creates a high dynamic load on floor materials.
- An increased risk of moisture getting on the floor, because for a child to spill something is an interesting and simple matter.
- Outdoor games with toys often lead to scratches and scuffs on surfaces.
- Felt pens and paints very often eat into the pores of floor surfaces, creating stains.
Therefore, the flooring in the children's room must meet the following requirements:
- Be environmental, so as not to create a risk of allergic diseases in the child.
- To be soft enough so that falls do not lead to serious injuries, and walking does not create a large load on the spine.
- To be non-slippery, to avoid accidental injuries, as well as the ability to move normally.
Linoleum for a children's room is one of the most successful and profitable options for flooring. But his choice should be approached very carefully, because they are different. How to determine which linoleum among the large modern assortment is better, better and safer? Further we will share with you useful information that answers all these questions.
to contents ↑Types of linoleum
This flooring material is not new. But thanks to constant technological progress, all its new types appear. Let us briefly consider the pros and cons of each of them.
Polyvinyl chloride linoleum
PVC linoleums are made on a fabric or non-woven basis. This material is unnatural and nonetheless harmless. Such linoleums are divided into two main types: household and commercial. The latter is particularly durable and wear resistant.
Important! Do not use commercial floor linoleum for flooring in the house, regardless of the room. It can have an adverse effect on the human body during prolonged stays in the room.
Advantages of PVC linoleum:
- Large selection and functionality of the coating: electrically conductive, anti-static, noise-absorbing, etc.
- This material is very practical, it is resistant to mechanical damage and does not lose its external characteristics for a long time.
- A wide range of colors and textures, even the most unusual.
Disadvantages of PVC linoleum:
- Its production uses fully synthetic materials.
- Under the influence of low temperatures, such linoleum loses its flexibility.
Natural linoleum
It is produced with the participation of natural ingredients such as linseed oil.
- Linoleum is a high quality coating. It is antistatic and absolutely eco-friendly.
- The material practically does not respond to the effects of household chemicals and aggressive environments.
Important! Due to the characteristics of the origin, such coverage will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.
Gliftal linoleum
This type of flooring is produced by applying alkyd resin to the fabric base.
It has enhanced sound and body insulation properties.
Fairly brittle material, prone to cracking and kinks.
Colloxylin linoleum
The production of this material is carried out in an unsubstantiated manner involving nitrocellulose. Its appearance is distinguished by a special brilliance.
- It has a high level of elasticity and flexibility.
- It is fireproof and moisture resistant.
Linoleum relin
This linoleum has two layers. The bottom layer consists of small particles of used bitumen and rubber. The front layer is a mixture of pigmented rubber and filler.
This type of linoleum is a leader in terms of quality among the rest.
Through the efforts of modern scientists, a unique type of linoleum was created. Its peculiarity is the use in production of 97% of natural and environmentally friendly materials, among which may be chalk, linseed oil, flour from jute or wood, dyes of natural origin.
- This is an ideal linoleum for a children's room, as well as for rooms where people with asthmatic diseases or prone to allergies live.
- Linoleum is resistant to the accumulation of static electricity.
- The unique surface of the coating prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
- With each year of use, the marmoleum becomes more durable.
- It is initially quite brittle and tough material, which in turn complicates the process of laying.
- Requires special care.
- The price of marmoleum is quite high.
Linoleum marking
Each type of linoleum has a mandatory marking, which indicates the type of coating and its purpose. The marking consists of two numbers. The first of them will help to understand the purpose of the coating:
- The number 1 indicates that this linoleum is suitable for rooms with minimal traffic.
- 2 - linoleum is intended for flooring in living rooms.
- 3 - coating for office premises.
- 4 - linoleum for industrial premises.
to contents ↑Important! The second figure indicates the expected load: 1 - the lowest load, 4 - the highest.
What should I look for when buying linoleum for children?
When choosing linoleum in a nursery, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of materials.
Trust your sense of smell. The sharp smell of linoleum indicates its low quality and the content of harmful additives in the composition. High-quality natural or synthetic linoleum should not have absolutely no smell.
Important! It is best to buy linoleum in a room that is heated. Thus, you better be able to review it and check the quality.
- Good and high-quality linoleum is completely absent greasy luster.
- The pattern should be distinct and natural.
- Pay attention to the number of layers - there should be at least 5 of them.
- On the surface of the material should not be waves, bumps and areas with peeling of the upper film. Such defects indicate marriage of linoleum, which in no way can be eliminated.
Important! You should not choose a very bright and oversaturated with drawings linoleum for children. This can adversely affect the children's psyche and vision. The atmosphere in the room should always be cozy and motivating for creativity.
Company and certificates
It is worth paying attention to the presence on the product of the manufacturer’s logo, as well as special documents confirming the quality, safety, hygiene and other linoleum standards.
Important! We recommend that you purchase linoleum in all rooms of the same batch, since different batches may have significant color differences, even if the article matches.
Protective layer
The presence of a special protective layer on linoleum prevents the accumulation of dirt in the pores and irregularities, retains its original appearance longer and facilitates the process of washing the floor.
to contents ↑Important! When buying, be sure to ensure that sellers do not fold the cloth in half, do not stick tape to the front side. Linoleum should be rolled into a roll with the front side inward.
The choice of linoleum depending on the age of the child
Depending on the age of the child, linoleum for children should have different characteristics. Let's consider this question in more detail.
1-3 years
During this period, the baby is actively developing and learning the world. He begins to crawl, walk, learns to run, so it is very important that the floor in his room be soft and warm enough:
- All the requirements of flooring for this age of children are met by linoleum based on synthetic winterizer, foamed PVC or felt. The thickness must be at least 3 mm.
- Choose linoleum with a protective layer from 0.15 mm thick.
- Most of all, for this age, calm colors in warm colors are suitable.
3-10 years
This period in children is marked by active games on the floor - catching up, crawling, sports, playing with toys. Therefore, linoleum for children for this age is best chosen with the following parameters:
- An excellent option is a PVC-based flooring.
- The linoleum thickness should be at least 3 mm, and the protective layer from 0.2 mm. Such characteristics will provide floor heat and its reliability.
- You can choose a bright color with a specific pattern, thereby emphasizing the active position of the child.
11-16 years old
Children of this age period become much calmer compared to earlier years. By and large, they stop playing on the floor, so the warm floor does not become so relevant. But wear resistance is a very important parameter for linoleum in the room of such a tenant. Therefore:
- Choose PVC linoleum with a thickness of 1.5 to 2 mm with a protective layer of 0.2 mm. Homogeneous linoleum is also ideal for a teenager's room.
- Choose a color not bright, as this will annoy the occupant of the room. Calm, neutral tones such as light gray, blue or beige are perfect for an adult child.
Recommendations for the care of linoleum in the nursery
To wash the floor covered with linoleum should be a damp cloth without the use of substances that include soda and alcohol. These components can lead to tarnishing of the material, and in some cases even to its erosion.
to contents ↑Important! To remove serious stains, you can use a soap solution or special linoleum care products. Pay attention to the composition of special household chemicals - it should be safe if you plan to wash linoleum in the nursery.
Useful Tips
A children's room is considered to be a room with medium traffic, where there are high likelihood of mechanical damage to the floor. Therefore:
- In order to avoid frequent replacement of the flooring, it is best to choose linoleum with a thickness of at least 3 mm.
- A household PVC linoleum made on a foam basis, or a semi-commercial linoleum with a protective layer of 0.25 mm or more, will be an excellent option for flooring in a children's room.
- Regarding the colors of linoleum, the choice today is so great that it will satisfy even the most finicky tastes.
- If the child already understands what is at stake, take him to the store, let him point out the linoleum design you like.Thus, you will not only make your choice easier, but also show your child that his opinion is very important to you.
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We hope that you can easily cope with which linoleum to choose for a child’s room and everyone will be satisfied for a long time - both you and your child.
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