Food moth trap

A food moth trap is a means to get rid of unwanted pests that start even in the cleanest apartment. Even if you carefully pack all food products, regularly look through cabinets, you can never be sure that you will have to face such a scourge. What are the means for catching flying parasites, how to use them and whether you really need to do this, you will learn from this article.

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Types of food moth

There are such types of food moth as:

  • Flour fire. It is most common in residential buildings and apartments.
  • Ognevka mill. She does not live in residential premises, but in barns she can be met quite often.
  • Southern Barn Pit. A kind of moth that is very difficult to breed.
  • Cocoa fire. It is often found in banks with cereals.

Important! Food moth eats foods such as cereals, flour, dry foods, nuts, dried fruits, tea, chocolate, spices, legumes, and even in feed for various animals. The life span of such a pest is only a few weeks, but its offspring in the form of larvae live much longer - somewhere up to 2 months. And all this time, both adults and “young growth” cause damage to your reserves.

Adult food moth lays up to 400 eggs in places that are difficult to access for humans and spoils the appearance of products. Few people like this, and therefore people who are faced with the problem are asked what traps for food moths are most effective.

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Food moth traps

Traps for food moths have a pleasant smell, on which insects flock. Immediately they stick and die after some time. Such devices can be found in large supermarkets and even in small household chemical stores. The most popular is the Raptor food moth trap.


This type is intended to protect products from food moth indoors.


Raptor from food moth has the following advantages:

  1. It does not contain toxic substances.
  2. Without a tangible smell for a person.
  3. Comfortable in using.
  4. Included is 1 plate, the effect of which extends to 10-15 m2.



Instructions for use:

  1. Take the raptor.
  2. Open the packaging.
  3. Take out the plate.
  4. Peel off the backing tape.
  5. Glue in the right place.
  6. Remove the protective paper layer from the outside - it has a sticky working layer with a pattern on it.

Important! The perforation applied allows it to be suspended. It is allowed to re-hang or re-stick the product to another place if the moth decided to migrate from danger.

Device validity

Food moth trapThe Raptor food moth trap retains its beneficial properties for up to 90 days, not from the date of manufacture, but from the moment the protective layer was peeled off.

Security measures

After you have placed a destructive agent for moths in a tactically advantageous place, you must wash your hands well with any detergent.

Important! Keep this product out of the reach of children and animals. Although it is not toxic, it is not worthwhile to expose delicate organisms once again to chemical exposure.

Alternative remedies

In addition to the means described above, other traps are also presented on the modern market, such as:

  • “Globol”;
  • “Aeroxon”.

Important! They use an attractant as the active substance - the sex pheromone of insects, so they are also safe for you personally.But advertised aerosols and preventative strips should be discarded if you are worried about your health.

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Useful Tips

In order not to use various means to kill insects, you need to adhere to some rules:

  1. Check your food before you buy.
  2. Avoid products of poor quality and at a suspiciously reduced price.
  3. Store food so that it does not stale.
  4. Use deterrents:
    • Herbs that smell strongly - wormwood, lavender, rosemary. Sometimes put bouquets of them in the rooms or put some dried twigs on the windowsill.
    • Essential oil - periodically wipe it with wooden surfaces or lay fleece soaked in a product with a pleasant aroma in the kitchen and in the rooms.
    • Citrus peels are only fresh - do not throw them away, but leave them overnight on a table in the kitchen.
    • Soap - the best is household or strawberry, or vinegar. Prepare a solution with warm water and wipe the kitchen set.
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Use the proposed traps if it is wound up, and at the end of hostilities just take preventative measures. With this approach, it is highly likely that the knowledge gained from this article will never be useful to you again.

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