Cockroach traps

Getting rid of uninvited guests - cockroaches, the owners take a variety of steps: from making poisonous bait to calling a team of pest control. One of the most popular fighting methods are cockroach traps, due to its effectiveness and relatively low cost. Such devices have a practically similar design, but act on cockroaches in different ways.

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What are cockroach traps?

To date, there are many cockroach traps in stores and markets, so buying them is easy. But in order not to get confused when choosing, familiarize yourself with their types, since the devices differ in:

  • The method of exposure to insects.
  • The principle of work.
  • Reusable whenever possible.
  • Price category.

watermarked - 4488There are traps:

  • Glue.
  • Electric.
  • Ultrasonic
  • Poisonous.

Important! The designs of any of the listed types are square, round or rectangular boxes with holes located on opposite sides. Inside the device are either a sticky base, or bait, or a poisonous substance. Ultrasonic devices repel insects by the action of sound, and electrical devices destroy them by current.

What kind of trap from cockroaches to choose - you decide, it all depends on preferences and financial capabilities. However, listen to the following tips:

  • Manufacturers do not recommend the use of electronic devices in apartments with small children, since the discharge of current, although not fatal, can well frighten a child.
  • Place poison baits in the kitchen, in the bathroom and toilet, away from children and pets.

Let's get acquainted with the principle of action of various types of traps in more detail.

Cockroach glue traps

Adhesive industrial devices are considered one of the safest, fairly effective and inexpensive. The glue traps for cockroaches are a cardboard house, at the bottom of which there is a mouth-watering bait for insects.

The principle of the device: when they smell, insects penetrate the “house” and stick to the sticky base, which means they won’t be able to get out.

This type of device is absolutely harmless to people and pets. Glue houses must be located in favorite places where insects gather. It is better to put them at night, and in the morning throw away the trap.

Important! Although the adhesive surfaces do not dry for a long time, change houses as often as possible for greater effectiveness. Manufacturers recommend immediately buying several devices with a similar principle of operation.

The devices are very easy to use and can be used in apartments with children and animals, as they do not contain pesticides. Having bought a sticky trap, separate the paper covering the bottom and fold a kind of house.

Important! Glue traps are ineffective in controlling a large number of insects, and also have no effect on eggs laid in hard-to-reach places.

Electric cockroach traps

The electric type cockroach trap is powered by the mains. A bait is placed inside a metal box, and the device itself is plugged in and left for a while.

Principle of action: cockroaches, sensing an attractive smell, go on it and penetrate into the trap, where insects get a lethal charge of current for their body. This device is reusable, but it must be periodically cleaned from dead insects and placed only where there are no wet places.

Important! The device has a very important advantage - durability. You will only have to periodically change the bait and remove the remains of insects with a special brush.

watermarked - Elegant-Styles-of-Painted-Kitchen-CabinetsElectrical traps do not have toxic effects on humans or pets, as they do not contain any insecticide inside. However, you must be careful when handling the device and adhere to the following rules:

  • Set traps in places inaccessible to children.
  • It is necessary to place in dry places.

Ultrasonic devices against cockroaches

Ultrasonic devices work on the principle of a repeller. They emit ultrasonic waves that cause anxiety, fear and desire in insects to leave a dangerous place for them as soon as possible. In a house with an installed cockroach repeller, one does not linger for a long time, and even more so does not dare to have offspring.

This device is sometimes called electronic traps for cockroaches, because in addition to high-frequency sound waves, some models emit light signals and specific clicks that adversely affect the central nervous system of barbel.

Although this type of device does not have a toxic effect, however, it has several disadvantages:

  1. They work from the electric network, which means that it is impossible to place them in places with high dampness.
  2. Ultrasound can affect not only insects, but also pets.

Manufacturers recommend putting repellers in the home (in the country) some time before moving there.

Poison traps

Traps from cockroaches with insecticides resemble “houses”, but the principle of action is different, since poison should not be placed in the center of the box, but poison.

Principle of action: getting inside the device, insects not only eat poison, but also carry poison on their paws to the nest, and there they infect relatives. Thus, a massive infection of cockroaches occurs, and within a few days their entire population dies.

It is necessary to place traps with insecticides in the kitchen, in the bathroom, toilet, in places inaccessible to children and pets. Most models of traps with pesticides on the rear panel have adhesive tape, which allows you to place the device on any vertical surfaces: on the walls of furniture, under the sink, on the back of the refrigerator.

A similar design are devices:

  • “Raptor”.
  • “Combat”.
  • Dohlox.
  • "Taiga".
  • "Raid".

Important! The bait of the Raid device includes an insecticide, which not only poisons cockroaches, but also sterilizes them, which leads to a noticeable decrease in the insect population.

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The most popular means of industrial production

To correctly determine which traps for cockroaches are best suited exactly in your case, you need to focus not only on their cost, but also on efficiency. Check out the features of the most popular products for this purpose from different manufacturers to make a final decision.


Consumer traps for cockroaches “Combat” and “Combat SuperByte” are considered the most effective, as they include specially designed insecticides that are used not only in our country, but also in Japan, Europe and America.

Features of the “Combat” traps:

  1. Absolutely safe for people and pets.
  2. They have no toxic odors and fumes.
  3. You can use them in the kitchen, next to dishes and food.
  4. Effective, since within 10-15 days they completely destroy the insect colony.
  5. Cockroaches do not develop immunity to this drug.
  6. Combat traps last up to 3 months.


Traps from cockroaches "Raid" are particularly popular due to the high efficiency and quality of insecticides.

Advantages and features of the device "Raid":

  1. Actively fights not only with cockroaches, but also with their larvae.
  2. The device is active anywhere: under the refrigerator, in pantries, in ventilation shafts, etc.
  3. The insecticide inside the trap not only poisons insects, but also sterilizes even those who have not touched the food.
  4. Using this trap, you can easily control the amount of poisoned product inside the house. This opportunity gives a transparent cap.


watermarked - otdelka-kuhonnoi-zoniThanks to modern technology, Raptor traps are safe for people and pets, but they are extremely effective in the fight against cockroaches. The maximum effect can be felt after 8-15 days.

The advantage of the Raptor traps:

  1. It acts on the principle of “dominoes”, infecting not only insects that have got inside, but also their relatives who come into contact with infected individuals.
  2. Safe for humans, which means that you can place them in any place convenient for you.
  3. Traps do not emit odors and fumes.
  4. The drug has been registered and licensed, approved for use.
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How to make a trap for insects yourself?

Some types of industrial traps are disposable, so if for some reason you do not want or cannot buy the device in the store, we recommend making the trap yourself. It does not take much time and special financial costs.

Consider the simplest and most affordable manufacturing methods.

Option number 1. Box

To create a trap for insects you will need:

  • Box (for pencils, from tea, matches, etc.).
  • Double-sided tape or special glue (not drying, with good fixing effect).
  • Cockroach bait (any dish after a feast in the amount of several grams).

Proceed as follows:

  1. Attach double-sided tape or glue to the bottom of the cardboard box.
  2. In the middle of the box and at its corners, lay out the fragrant bait.

Important! Products can be mixed with boric acid or other cockroach venom.

  1. Fix the house under the sink, behind the refrigerator and in other habitats of insects.
  2. Dispose of insects as they fill the trap.

Option number 2. Bank

To make the device you will need:

  • Glass jar (preferably a liter).
  • Bait (a piece of bread soaked in kefir or a small amount of beer).
  • Vegetable oil or petroleum jelly.
  • Paper for wrapping jars (rough).

Preparation method:

  1. Wrap a glass jar with paper (it will be more convenient for cockroaches to climb).
  2. At the bottom of the container, put the bait (a piece of cheese, bread, meat) and pour kefir or beer (for smell).
  3. Lubricate the edges of the can and walls from the inside (to a depth of 5 cm) with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly so that the insects do not get back.
  4. Put a trap in the habitat of barbel, for example, in the kitchen.
  5. In the morning, fill the jar with boiling water and dispose of the insects.

Important! Change the device at least once every 4 days, as the oil may dry out during this time.

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Tips for using traps:

  • Before installing any insect devices, clean up the house:
    • Remove all the crumbs.
    • Get rid of the trash.
    • Create all the conditions so that the cockroaches are looking for food in the installed device.
  • Close all taps tightly and, if possible, turn off the water at night.
  • Use multiple devices with different exposure mechanisms to achieve greater effect.
  • Always change devices with insecticides and adhesives. The effect of these traps can only be estimated after a week.
  • When purchasing glue or an insecticide, be sure to familiarize yourself with its expiration date, since after it expires, the product becomes safe for cockroaches.
  • It is safest to use the device during the absence of households and pets.Set traps for your trip or business trip.
  • Paste the double-sided adhesive tape on the baseboard, door joints, thresholds for the night to catch as many insects as possible.
  • When insects accumulate in the house, place paper with adhesive tape and a poisonous substance (bait) in all corners of the apartment to get rid of them as soon as possible.
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The fight against uninvited mustachioed guests is quite difficult, but if you combine your efforts with your neighbors and use traps of various types and mechanisms of influence, then the victory will be yours. Of course, branded or home-made traps from annoying insects are not as effective as aerosols and gels, but their main advantage is the low toxic effect not only on humans but also on animals. Have a good hunting!


