Best mosquito repellent reviews

In summer, everyone faced the problem of annoying bloodsuckers - mosquitoes. Although a large amount of funds has been created to combat them. As a rule, reviews of other consumers help to choose the best mosquito repellent. It is on the basis of this experience that we will try to determine the optimal drug for an adult, a pregnant woman or a child, for giving and closed rooms in the apartment.
to contents ↑Types of mosquito repellent
Mosquitoes often get bored in residential and work premises, where it is, in principle, easier to get rid of them. Well, special tools are suitable for this:
- Sprays
- fumigators;
- creams;
- plates;
- lamps;
- ultrasound devices;
- folk methods;
- bracelets.
And now more about each tool. We are looking for the best mosquito repellent according to reviews.
Mosquito Sprays
Judging by consumer reviews, it is sprays that most effectively cope with their task. They are of two types: oil-based and water-based. Both those and others can be applied on clothes and on a body.
The action of sprays and aerosols is not more than 3 hours. In this case, it is better not to apply in large quantities on the body, but sprinkle a little on the palm of your hand and rub it over the body.
Important! When spraying these products, you need to be as careful as possible and avoid contact with eyes, ears and nose.
Sprays can also be applied to tulle, curtains, curtains - those objects that are next to the windows in order to protect the room from mosquitoes.
According to buyers who have left their reviews, the best mosquito repellent is Moskitol spray. It has a lot of advantages:
- Lack of age restrictions.
- Protection not only against mosquitoes, but also from ticks, midges, other bloodsuckers.
- A relatively small price for a tube of 100 ml.
- The most natural composition: purified water, glycerin and perfume, although the toxic substance “Det” is also present, but at an acceptable percentage rate.
- High level of efficiency.
Mosquito creams
Now a lot of different mosquito creams are sold. But according to consumer reviews, the best mosquito repellent is still a spray. Now let's see why.
The composition of mosquito creams includes a lot of harmful substances, and the main feature is the rapid absorption into the skin, that is, all these chemicals will be in your skin, and then in the blood.
Also, do not recommend applying cream to clothes. But if you choose a remedy for a child, then naturally a cream is the best option, since a spray can accidentally get into your ears, eyes or nose, and the cream in this regard will be a safer tool.
to contents ↑Important! The best remedy for mosquitoes according to customer reviews - cream “Off”. According to the method of application and appearance, it is not much different from the rest, but the effect of it is very good.
Anti-mosquito bracer
Reviews about this mosquito repellent are very controversial - it helps some, but some do not. But to a greater extent, it all depends on which particular bracelet you choose.
The device itself is made of food-grade silicone, so it is safe to use. Its validity as protection against mosquitoes is 3-4 weeks, but this is only if you pack it tightly after each use.
Consumers most often recommend using a “Protect” bracelet, since it also has a lot of advantages:
- The term of protection is much longer than in the rest - 4-6 weeks.
- The ability to adjust the strength of the smell of the bracelet.
- Relatively low price.
- Safety for the skin and a high level of protection against mosquitoes.
Spirals from mosquitoes
A not very pleasant smell leaves the spirals, but despite this, they are very effective. For those who like to relax in the fresh air, this is the best mosquito repellent, and reviews confirm this.
Often they are sold with special stands, but if such a stand is not found in the package, then you can use any non-smoldering item (stone, brick, etc.). Then it’s worth setting fire to the spiral, then it should begin to smolder, and the smoke that will leave and drives away mosquitoes.
Important! Indoors, spirals against small flying bloodsuckers are not recommended; it is better to use them outdoors. You can also use not one spiral, but several in different directions - so the effect will be much better.
Judging by customer reviews, the best spiral can be called “Raptor”. Its advantages include:
- Long action of one spiral - up to 7 hours.
- The radius of protection against mosquitoes is 3 meters.
- Included is a stand holder.
- One of the few spirals in which there is a super-effective component d-allertin.
Fumigators from mosquitoes
They are of two types: with liquid and in plates. Unlike spirals, they can be used indoors, but always with an open window. With this method of application, they do not cause any harm to humans and animals.
Important! The principle of their action is that the substance poisonous to mosquitoes is heated and released from the bottle. Fumigators in the plates last for 10-12 hours, and in bottles for 30-60 nights.
The best remedy for mosquitoes in the form of a fumigator according to reviews is “Raid”. It protects for 30 nights, the very action of the fumigator begins 8-10 minutes after connecting.
to contents ↑Important! “Raid” is available as a liquid that lasts for 360 hours of continuous use.
Mosquito lamps
Judging by consumer reviews in terms of price and quality, the best lamp from flying bloodsuckers is “4W”. Its range of action is 350 nanometers, inside the lamp walls are covered with gray matter, which protects the territory from mosquitoes.
For maximum efficiency, the lamps must be changed after 4,000 hours.
to contents ↑Important! According to customer reviews, the Delux AKL-8 lamp is also a good mosquito repellent. Its power is 4V, and the range of action is 20 m2. Naturally, its main advantages are good quality, safety and a high level of protection.
Ultrasonic mosquito repellent
Almost unanimously, consumers decided that the best ultrasonic mosquito repellent is AO-101. A number of reasons led them to this decision:
- This mosquito repeller can be used absolutely everywhere - the apartment or office does not limit its scope.
- It works in 3 modes: Dragonfly, Imitation mosquito I, Imitation mosquito.
- In no way affects other electrical appliances in the room.
- The tool is so effective that bloodsuckers completely disappear from the territory within 5 days after the start of use.
- Protects an area of up to 30 m2.
Baby mosquito repellent
Many parents do not use creams and sprays for children that are used for adults, and they do it right. Now there are many tools that are designed specifically for children.
After reviewing many reviews, you can highlight the most effective among them - “Masque baby aqua”. It is based on pure water, thanks to this, the product becomes as gentle as possible. Also based on this product is chamomile and calendula extract and natural oils. You can use it from 1 year. “Masque baby aqua” comes in the form of sprays, creams and lotions. So the choice is yours, use the tool that is more convenient for you.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you do not need to independently monitor the Internet for the search for the best remedy for mosquitoes according to reviews. We have already done this work for you. We hope you can quickly find the best way to protect yourself.
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