The best convection heaters

The convector is an excellent assistant when turning off the heating in the house. If the heating system in an apartment or a country house is not reliable, then the use of a convector will help maintain a comfortable microclimate. Convectors are ideal for heating small rooms - country houses, offices, garages. You can install such a heater in the bathroom, you just need to choose a device suitable for wet rooms. The topic of the article is the best convection heaters and the criteria for their choice.

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Application features

The peculiarity of the installation of the device is that it is not necessary to destroy the walls, build complex structures, and purchase an expensive boiler. A physical phenomenon called convection helps to warm the room. Heated air rises and cold air rises below. Due to this, the air mass circulates, and the whole room gradually warms up.

Important! This heating option is considered one of the simplest and most effective.

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Depending on the type of energy consumed, there are 3 types of devices:

  • Gas.
  • Water.
  • Electric.


These appliances are ideal for a summer house or a small house. This is one of the most common varieties of heaters. The heat source is a heating element powered by electricity. Electrical appliances have a simple connection. Just plug the “plug” into the outlet. After switching on, you can select a specific operating mode.

Important! Most low-cost electrical appliances have an open heating element, but you cannot call them safe. Therefore, the best option is closed devices. Their cost is higher, but they are safer, and the working resource is longer.

Among electric convectors distinguish between floor and wall. The wall-mounted device not only performs its function perfectly, but also saves space in the room.


The principle of operation of the device on gas fuel resembles an electric heater. The only difference is that the heater is replaced by a gas burner. When burning gas, the heat generated heats the air masses located in the lower part of the room.

Important! The main disadvantage of the gas device is that it is necessary to divert combustion products into the chimney. Individual gas models operate on the principle of a heat accumulator.


Such devices can be built into the floor, the optimal placement is at the window. To increase the heating efficiency, such devices are equipped with fans for forced convection.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Convection devices have significantly more pros than cons:

  • Uniform heating of air in the room.
  • The device does not burn oxygen, so the microclimate in the house remains comfortable.
  • Simple device.
  • Profitability. In particular, this applies to modern models.
  • The presence of a thermostat, which allows you to control the on and off of the convector.
  • The ability to integrate into the system of “smart home”.
  • Security. Heating appliances can be left unattended.
  • Beautiful design that allows you to fit the device into almost any interior.
  • Long working resource.


  • The circulation process involves not only air, but also dust.
  • Risk of drafts.
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Convector VS oil heater

Here is a comparative description that will help you make the final choice in favor of a particular device:

  • In terms of efficiency, the palm is clearly behind the convectors. Electricity consumption is 25% lower than oil devices.
  • Efficiency. And the convector wins again. It heats the air almost immediately. The efficiency of the oil heater is lower. First, the heater is heated, then the oil, and only then it begins to give its heat to the air.
  • Compactness. Convectors have a lower mass, they can be placed on the floor, wall and even on the windowsill. The weight of the oil cooler reaches 25 kg, it is equipped with wheels for more convenient movement.
  • Work resource. According to the technical characteristics, the life of the convector is about 5 years. In fact - much more. High-quality oil radiators also last quite a long time. In budget models of oil radiators, metal sometimes cracks and an oil leak occurs.
  • Cost. Oil appliances are much cheaper.
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Convector VS infrared heater

Infrared heaters appeared on the market relatively recently, but are very popular among buyers. The secret to the success of infrared devices is their silent operation, safety and efficiency. To say that it is better - a convector or infrared heater, is not entirely correct. These devices have different applications:

  • The convector is ideal for a small, well-insulated room.
  • An infrared heater is well suited for spacious rooms that are beyond the power of even a powerful convector.
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How to choose a convector heater for home or garden?

Consider the most popular modifications of convection-type heating devices.

Wall mounted

Compact heaters, ideal for small apartments or country houses.

Ballu BEC / EZER-1500

The device with adjustable power and built-in display. It perfectly heats a room with an area of ​​up to 20 squares. There is a rollover protection, an on timer. The model is equipped with wheels, so it can be used as a floor.


  • Silent work.
  • Fast heating of the room.
  • Low cost.
  • Simple management.


  • Not very convenient buttons.
  • Click regulator.
  • The maximum heating of the room is 20 degrees.

Stiebel Eltron CNS 150 S:

  • The device with a heating element with a power of 1.5 kW.
  • Manual control of the device.
  • The device is equipped with a thermostat.
  • The housing is protected from moisture.

Important! The device quickly heats the room, works almost silently. There are no negative reviews.


Timberk TEC.E3 M 2000

This model can heat a room up to 24 squares. There is an opportunity for three-level power control by switching on various heating elements. The mass of the device is only 5.3 kg.


  • Profitability.
  • Low cost.
  • Quick warming up the room.
  • Silent work.


  • Insufficient cable length.
  • There are questions about build quality.
  • The appliance dries the air.

Ballu BEP / EXT -1000

Compact convector with a mass of only 5.8 kg. There is protection against overheating. The device is intended for heating small rooms with an area of ​​up to 15 squares.

Main advantages:

  • Remote control.
  • Compact size.
  • Rapid increase in room temperature.
  • Convenience.
  • Functionality.

Important! The only gripe on the part of buyers is the low air temperature in the room.

Best convection heaters - floor models

These are more massive devices that are difficult to hang on the wall.

Ballu BEP / EXT -1500

An electric appliance that can heat a room of up to 20 squares. There are several modes for regulating power.

Important! The device is equipped with wheels for moving. There is protection against capsizing and overheating.


  • Beautiful design.
  • Warranty period - 3 years.
  • Profitability.


  • Display too bright.
  • Loud clicks of a working thermostat.
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor during the first warm-up.

Electrolux ECH / AG-1000MFR

A convector for heating small (up to 15 square meters) rooms, including those with high humidity.

Important! There is a dust filter, reliable protection against overheating.


  • Functionality.
  • Fast heating of the room.
  • Compactness.
  • The absence of unpleasant odors during the operation of the convector. There are no negative reviews.


Thermor Evidence 2 Elec 1500

The device is electronically controlled and has a power of 1.5 kW. Designed for space heating up to 15 squares.

Important! Can be used in humidified rooms, for example, in the bathroom. The device is also equipped with overheat protection. The device is very reliable, can withstand significant power surges.

The downside is the high price.

Hyundai H-HV14-20-UI540

Powerful floor convector designed for heating rooms up to 24 squares. The device works from an electric network of 220 V. Management - mechanical, there is a digital board.


  • Attractive price.
  • The presence of an economical mode.
  • Light weight.
  • Compact size.


  • Strong heating of the case.
  • Loud clicks of the thermostat.
  • Bad smell when you turn on the device for the first time.
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So, now you know how to choose a convection heater for a house or a summer residence. Learn the technical specifications, do not be too lazy to read reviews, and the purchase will please you!

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