Best creams for oily skin

Oily skin care is not an easy task. It is constantly necessary to ensure that there is no oily sheen, and acne is a lot of trouble. Add to this the care with moisturizing and narrowing the pores - you will understand the complexity of the task. A separate problem is the correct selection of cosmetics. For the proper conduct of caring procedures, you need to have in your cosmetics bag a whole arsenal of various products. If you choose the right cosmetic products, they will be the salvation for you. The topic of today's conversation is the best creams for oily skin and their proper application.
to contents ↑Right choice
If you are looking for the best cream for oily skin, you need to follow the advice of professional cosmetologists:
- Before making a purchase, do not be too lazy to carefully examine the rating of a particular product and read reviews. Make a preliminary list of the funds that you would like to purchase.
- Buy exclusively certified products.
- When making a purchase in a store, be sure to take a look at the expiration date.
- Pay attention to the fact that the cream is intended for oily skin.
- Be sure to read the information about the composition of the drug: there should not be unfamiliar substances and ingredients that can provoke an allergic reaction.
If you do not ignore these simple rules, then, in the end, you can buy exactly what you need.
to contents ↑Important! Oily skin, in addition to numerous disadvantages, has advantages. The epidermis of oily skin is not subject to rapid aging, therefore, early wrinkles do not threaten you.
Oily skin is characterized by signs such as enlarged pores, greasy shine, frequent inflammatory phenomena, manifested by acne and acne. Some suffer from all these manifestations, while others give a specific cosmetic defect. The choice of cream also depends on what kind of problems you are going to deal with.
Insufficiency of moisture contributes to the aggravation of problems, therefore, it is necessary to have in your arsenal funds that normalize the water balance of cells. If you neglect hydration, then the sebaceous glands are activated, and moisture leaves the skin even more intensely. The result, as they say, is obvious: new “black spots” and acne appear.
The objective of this cream is to replenish the deficiency of minerals and vitamins.
Important! If the condition of the skin worsens during the off-season, then one cream does not help here. Try to adhere to a balanced diet, get good multivitamins.
Regular use of a special cream for oily and problem skin with an anti-inflammatory effect will help you get rid of acne and acne.
Most often, owners of oily skin have an ugly complexion, their skin glossy. Cosmetics with a matting effect will give you the opportunity to get rid of this drawback. Using matting cream correctly, you will forget about greasy shine.
In winter, a special cream protects against low temperatures. Sunscreens in the summer save from exposure to sunlight. When buying, do not forget to take into account the SPF (duration of protection against ultraviolet radiation).
This remedy works while you are resting.A good night cream has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. Apply it 30 minutes before bedtime.
This tool will prepare the skin for the stresses that await it throughout the day. By analogy with a night remedy, a day cream is applied half an hour before leaving the house.
Useful Tips
These are the main varieties of cosmetics that you need to include in the complex of caring events:
- If you are more than forty years old and wrinkles appear, you need to purchase a rejuvenating agent.
- Women with greatly expanded pores and “black dots” will not be prevented by a cleansing preparation.
to contents ↑Important! Israeli cosmetologists have found that the abuse of tea and coffee leads to a deterioration of oily skin. The risk of exacerbation of acne and the appearance of new acne increases.
Chemical composition
Regrettably, you will have to remember the school chemistry course and deal with the mysterious formulas indicated on the package. Here are the substances that make up caring for drugs:
- Benzoyl peroxide. Despite a somewhat frightening name, it is a very useful substance: it helps to cope with acne and sore spots.
- Salicylic acid has a drying effect and reduces greasy luster.
- Caffeine perfectly reduces pore size.
- Niacinamide eliminates inflammation.
- Retinol together with sulfur helps get rid of acne.
- Alpha hydroxy acids in tandem with essential oils have an antibacterial effect.
- Vitamins and plant extracts nourish the skin. In addition, plant extracts have a calming effect on the skin.
It is necessary that all these substances in one way or another be present in cosmetics, because they help to normalize the condition of problem skin.
to contents ↑Important little things
Do not forget to check the miraculous composition for allergens. Apply a little cream on your wrist and see if your skin turns red.
Sometimes oily skin is not a congenital, but an acquired phenomenon provoked by external factors. If necessary, include as much as possible in your diet:
- vegetables - tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes;
- fruits - peaches, apricots, apples;
- lean meat, liver;
- dairy products.
to contents ↑Important! If after using the cosmetic product the skin condition has only worsened, change the cream to a lighter one. If your skin begins to dry, use additional moisturizers.
How to use the cream?
- Using a cleansing lotion and a cotton pad, remove contamination from the face. Then wash with water at room temperature.
- Apply cream to moisturized skin. At the same time, apply a special product to the skin around the eyes, because in this area the skin is especially delicate and sensitive.
- After 10-15 minutes after the composition is absorbed, remove its residues with a soft cloth. This way you can avoid clogging your pores.
to contents ↑Important! In the summer, use preparations with a more airy texture, and in winter - more dense, with a moisturizing and nourishing effect.
Cream rating for oily skin
According to customers, these drugs best cope with their tasks of normalizing the condition of problem and oily skin.
Nivea visage
This cream is specially formulated for oily skin that needs special care. The tool has a pronounced moisturizing and matting effect.
- The preparation contains extracts of lemongrass and rice.
- Normalization of the sebaceous glands.
- Quick grease removal.
- Moisturize the skin (while the pores do not clog).
- Sun protection.
TimeWise Mary Kay
A good moisturizer for oily and combination skin with anti-aging effect. Features of the drug:
- Prevention of premature wrinkles.
- The fight against photoaging.
- Keeping your skin smooth and supple.
- Optimal nutrition.
- Control over the release of sebum.
- Recovery of collagen fibers.
- Maintaining optimal skin moisture.
- Matting effect.
- Bringing fat metabolism back to normal.
Vichy aqualia thermal
Day cream with moisturizing and matting effect. The cream creates the effect of maximum freshness, well eliminates oily sheen. According to many customers, this is one of the best moisturizers for problem skin.
Garnier BB Dream
The composition is suitable for combination and oily skin.
Key Features:
- Aligning the tone without an ugly “mask effect”.
- Matting throughout the day.
- Masking reddened areas.
- Narrowing of pores without clogging (there are no oils and fats in the composition of the preparation).
- The absorbent absorbs excess skin fat.
Natura Siberica Sophora Japanese
Cream, which contains: Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, extract from Japanese Sophora. The cream perfectly protects the face from UV radiation, moisturizes the skin.
to contents ↑Important! Thanks to the stimulation of the natural synthesis of collagen, the product has a rejuvenating effect.
Homemade Creams Recipes
Hand-made cosmetics have many advantages over the store counterparts. Creams have a completely natural composition, so the risk of any side effects is significantly reduced.
The general algorithm for the preparation of such compositions:
- Heat the base oil to 60 degrees.
- Add emulsifier and stir the mixture until it is completely dissolved.
- Add a decoction of the medicinal plant.
- Heat the mixture in a water bath until a creamy consistency appears.
- Remove the finished composition from the heat, cool.
- Add the active substance and essential oil.
The best moisturizer for oily skin with your own hands
- Basis - almond oil 50 ml.
- St. John's wort broth - 120 ml.
- Rosemary oil - 20 drops.
Important! The emulsifier is sucrose stearate (10 g), the active substance is dry yeast (10 g).
- Basis - peach oil 50 ml.
- Basil decoction - 120 g.
Important! The active substance is ginger extract (20 ml). The emulsifier is cetyl alcohol (4 ml). 25 drops of grapefruit essential oil are also added to the cream.
Mixture for very oily skin:
- Pour 10 g of gelatin with 200 ml of cool water, leave for half an hour.
- Add 2 ml of salicylic acid, 140 g of glycerin and 160 g of honey.
- Shuffle and use!
Nutritional composition
Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh strawberries with 2 drops of vitamin E and a mixture of sunflower and olive oils (per tablespoon).
Protective mixture
- Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l
- Glycerin - 1 tbsp. l
- A mixture of sunflower and olive oils - 60 ml (in equal proportions).
Stock footage
So, the best creams for oily skin are those that will help you solve your problems. It can be expensive cosmetic products or a mixture prepared with your own hands. The main thing is that the skin acquires an even shade, the greasy shine is gone and the inflammatory phenomena disappear.
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