The best exercises for the lower press for women

Many of those who want to have an excellent press, begin to implement the plan completely wrong. Moreover, they don’t even have any idea what the abdominal muscle is, what zones it is divided into. And yet - this is important, since each muscle should train in different ways. This must be taken into account before proceeding directly to the exercises, since improperly designed classes will only become an extra load and will not bring you closer to your goal. Let's look at the best exercises for the lower press for women as well as men.
to contents ↑What is a press?
In sports, there is such a thing as upper and lower press. This does not tell us that the abdominal muscles are somehow separated or exist separately from each other. Speaking frankly, in fact, there is only one rectus muscle and several oblique. The rectus muscle is divided into three zones:
- Top.
- Medium.
- Lower.
But this is a conditional division and it is based on the fact that the muscle structure in such conditioned zones is different, and it should be affected in different ways. An integrated, and most importantly, the right approach, can help to pump up the press efficiently and fairly quickly and get the desired effect the long-awaited result.
Important! In addition, this way you can get rid of the pain between the shoulder blades and in the back in general.
A athletic fit tummy is beautiful. And, as you know, beauty requires effort and sacrifice. Therefore, in order to get the desired effect, you must be prepared for regular and intensive training.
to contents ↑Download the upper part
Practice shows that it is much easier to act on the upper part of the body than on the lower one, since it also participates in daily life, helping a person withstand various kinds of loads. Thus, the so-called upper press trains daily.
Important! In addition, the applied efforts become quickly noticeable, since the upper press is not hidden behind such a large layer of subcutaneous fat, as is the case with the lower abdomen.
You can effectively make the top press even at home, the main thing is to faithfully and correctly perform the following exercises.
This technique is considered one of the most effective for the upper abdomen. However, before you begin the exercise, you need to remember that the body must be prepared. Such preparation should be done within ten minutes, and after that you can proceed directly to the exercise:
- Lie with your back on the floor, while the legs should be bent at an angle of 45 degrees, and the hands wound behind the head.
- On inspiration, slowly raise the body, only part of it (shoulder blades) and try to reach the opposite knee with your elbow.
- As you exhale, lower yourself to the starting position.
Important! For beginners, three approaches ten times each will suffice. Gradually, the amount can be increased up to fifty times.
Leg lift
The main requirement for this exercise is smoothness of movement, that is, you can not make any sharp jerks - everything should be done at the same pace:
- Lie on the floor on your back, arms extend along the body, legs should also lie flat.
Important! For convenience, you can lie down on the bench and hold it behind her head with her hands.
- As you inhale, raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees.
- Hold them in this position for several seconds and exhale lower them, tearing the pelvis from the surface on which you lie.
This is a rather difficult exercise, but for the abdominal muscles it is very effective:
- Lying on the floor, get straight arms behind your head, forming a single line with your legs and body.
- As you exhale, lift your legs and arms at the same time.
Important! Try to raise your legs as high as possible, while with your hands try to reach your socks. The body seems to be folded in half.
- Hold in this position for a second and as you exhale, assume the starting position.
to contents ↑Important! These are just some effective exercises that can help you quickly achieve the desired effect for the upper press.
Exercises for the lower press
Inflating the lower part of the press is somewhat more difficult compared to the upper. The thing is that initially you need to get rid of the excess fat that accumulates here in both women and men. And no exercises on the press can defeat him. Rather, the press, of course, takes on a relief, and you can pump out the lower abdomen, but no one will see this under a layer of fat.
That is why to create a beautiful lower part of the press, it is necessary to influence not only physical exertion, but also to observe proper nutrition.
Important! When proper nutrition becomes a way of life, and the amount of fat under the skin reaches no more than 10 percent, you can begin intense physical exertion.
Exercising can help make lower abs exercises more effective. It needs to be done every time before starting work with the lower abdomen. Exercises for the lower press may be as follows.
Leg raising:
- Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head, legs straightened.
- Raise the legs in two stages: first 45 degrees, then 90.
- At each stage, hold your legs for a few seconds.
- Next, lower your feet to the floor.
This exercise is very effective in order to pump up the lower part of the press. Perform the exercise for approximately five minutes, then take a break and repeat several more times.
- Lie on the floor with your arms parallel to the body and your legs straight.
- Tear your feet off the floor and lock in position for a couple of seconds.
- Bend your knees and pull them to your chest, tearing your hips off the floor, curl.
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Make upper and lower press it is possible at home without going to the gym. It requires regularity and a competent approach. A properly designed training system will help pump up the press efficiently and fairly quickly.
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