The best vitamins for the skin

When you see a radiant and smiling girl with a “perfect” face, you probably think “this is a gift of nature”. But everything is not so simple, because even the beauty gene cannot resist the negative impact of environmental factors and time. Gradually, the skin fades, loses elasticity, age-related changes appear. You can not argue with nature, but all these processes can be slowed down. The modern cosmetology industry offers many possible procedures, but they will not be able to give the desired effect if the body is deficient in vitamins. Facial skin also needs vitamin and mineral support, which is the basis of irresistibility. Let's figure out what will be the best vitamins for the skin and how to use them correctly.

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Vitamin Efficiency

Our face helps us build life in every sense. However, we often forget that this is the only part of the body that is always open. It is a person who is most affected by negative factors, which means that he needs appropriate care. And without vitamin nutrition, it is impossible.

There is no universal vitamin for facial skin - an extremely complex effect can help maintain health. Each of the elements individually perform their functions at the cell level:

  • Retinol (A) - struggles with peeling, excessive dryness and inflammatory foci on the skin. It activates collagen synthesis, brightens pigmented areas, stimulates metabolic and regenerative processes, and soothes the sebaceous glands. Natural sources - prunes, carrots, beans, mushrooms, herbs, dairy products, fish.
  • Thiamine (B1) is the enemy of premature cell aging. A unique element is found in fish, meat, wheat crops, and legumes.
  • Riboflavin (B2) - Accelerates metabolic processes and cellular respiration. As a result of his work, a healthy complexion appears. They are rich in pears, tomatoes, peaches, eggs, spinach, dairy products.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) - smoothes wrinkles. Sources of such rejuvenation are legumes, bran, fish, rice.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - is responsible for accelerating the process of cell regeneration, as well as the healing of all skin diseases. This vitamin is found in bananas, rice, avocados, fish, and wheat germinated grains.
  • Folic acid (B9) is a doctor for acne. Help eliminate acne: beef, salmon, bananas, apricots, pumpkin, beets, raspberries, black currants.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) - triggers metabolic processes at the cellular level. Contained in cottage cheese, fish, cheese, tomatoes, beef.
  • Ascorbic acid (C) - a trainer for blood vessels and immunity, also takes part in the synthesis of collagen and is well resistant to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Natural sources: sauerkraut, citrus fruits, wild rose, viburnum, black currant.
  • D - an active fighter with the aging process at the cellular level, supporting tone at any age. It eliminates peeling well. The element is unique in its ability to be synthesized inside the body when exposed to the rays of the sun. Contained in cod liver, eggs, sea fish.
  • Tocopherol (E) is a real shield against ultraviolet rays. It also evens out skin tone and promotes cell renewal.Vegetable oils - corn, olive, pumpkin, sunflower - will help fill its shortage.
  • K - “bleach” of freckles and age spots. In addition, it effectively removes inflammation and relieves swelling. They are rich in cabbage, nettle, spinach.
  • Nicotinic acid (PP) - promotes metabolic processes and provides a healthy complexion. Contained in wheat, brewer's yeast, buckwheat, soy.
  • Biotin (H) is a catalyst for fat and carbohydrate processes, which is also involved in cell regeneration. Present in egg yolks, milk, meat, cheese.
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Signs of Vitamin Deficiency

Deficiency of vitamins in the body is immediately reflected on the skin of the face. This is noticeable to the naked eye, because even the highest quality decorative cosmetics can not hide it. Self-diagnosis will help you figure out which vitamins are best for the skin:

  • Frequent wounds, hypersensitivity of the skin - N.
  • Excessively dry skin, the appearance of cracks, rash of acne - A.
  • Inflamed areas and bright pigment spots - K.
  • Edematous face of gray color - B1.
  • Bags under the eyes, the effect of “panda” - E.
  • Redness in the nasolabial zone, peeling - B2.
  • Tired appearance, sagging, swelling - D.
  • Feeling of tightness - B5.
  • Not passing wounds and microcracks - C.
  • Rashes of various origins, excessive dryness - B6.
  • An early manifestation of the signs of aging is B12.
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What vitamins can be taken by skin type?

When choosing a comprehensive set of care products, you must definitely consider your skin type. Only in this way will you be able to choose the really best vitamins for your face skin.

For dry skin

Girls who have this type of skin, all life experience a feeling of tightness, which may be accompanied by itching and peeling. The reason is simple - lack of moisture. Sooner or later, under such circumstances, wrinkles and age spots begin to appear on the face.

Important! This skin type can age earlier, but it is not characterized by acne and dermatitis.

A vitamin trio - E, C and A can help maintain water balance and youth. They should always be present in the body in sufficient quantities. Therefore, you need to make your diet from foods that are rich in these vitamins.

For oily skin

The oily skin type from a young age begins to demand a special attitude, otherwise its owner can not avoid unpleasant cosmetic problems with the face. Girls have to deal with acne, greasy shine, active sweating and acne.

Important! But even at the age of 30, such skin looks fresh and young. And this fact crosses out the remaining shortcomings.

To keep the situation under control, sebum secretion should be regulated. For this, a team of vitamins E, C, B and zinc will come to the rescue. Find out what products they contain, and half the job has already been done.

For problem skin

As a rule, adolescents complain of problem skin. At a young age, they are faced with all kinds of inflammations, acne acne. The reason for this is an unstable hormonal background. However, this does not mean that you need to sit and wait until the hormones calm down.

Call for help a vitamin support group, which will include zinc, E, C.

Important! Take it strictly inside.

For aging skin

The first panic occurs in the fair sex, when they notice a loss of tone and elasticity. At what age this can happen depends on many factors. In any case, on the flabby face, the remaining defects become more noticeable - circles under the eyes and wrinkles.

Vitamin K can help correct the situation and prolong youth. It is able to maintain protein concentration in the deeper layers of the skin. Vitamins A, E, B are also responsible for skin elasticity.

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Operation “vitamins inside”

Vitamin balance must be regularly restored, regardless of any problems.The body always has this need, although sometimes we do not feel it. How to understand which vitamins are better for the skin and how to fill the body with them?

  • A rich diet - try to choose foods rich in essential elements. It is also important to combine and cook them correctly.
  • Multivitamin complexes - are sold in capsule and tablet form. Manufacturers select a special combination of elements so that they are more effectively absorbed together.

Important! It is advisable to take twice a year during vitamin deficiency - in autumn and spring.

  • Pure vitamins - there are many variations: liquid form, oil, tablets.

Important! The former are convenient to use for making homemade masks and other care products.

  • Vitamin injections are an excellent direct-action anti-aging agent.

Important! These procedures should be carried out exclusively by a professional cosmetologist.

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To the pharmacy for beauty

Sometimes our usual drugs can open up from a completely new perspective. They can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also to improve the skin of the face. Quite unexpectedly, but many beauties have already tested this on themselves. Let's look at the best vitamins for facial skin - the rating looks like this:

  • “Relief” is a remedy for hemorrhoids, which unexpectedly for many works very effectively for problems with facial skin. This preparation contains shark fat - a source of vitamins E, D and A, as well as fatty acids. The ointment very quickly eliminates swelling, swelling, circles under the eyes and starts regenerative processes at the cellular level.

Important! If you use the ointment regularly 2 times a day, even deep wrinkles will become less noticeable.

  • Zinc ointment is an effective remedy for problem skin against acne. Dries the inflamed areas and normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It also helps in the fight against the formation of new wrinkles, as it is a natural protector from ultraviolet radiation.

Important! In the latter case, the product is applied in a very thin layer on a sunny day before going out. Zinc can dry the skin, so its use is desirable with a moisturizer.

  • Vitamin F (3-7%) - is a complex of saturated fatty acids. Suitable for irritated and dry skin. The product restores water balance, strengthens the epidermal barrier, supports turgor.

Important! Sold in capsule form. The course of recovery - three times a day with meals for six months.

  • Vitamins E, A (oil) - a wonderful tool for an even complexion. One week is enough to take one. If you pierce the capsule and apply its contents pointwise to wrinkles, and then remove the excess after 30 minutes with a napkin, all the irregularities will be smoothed out. After a month of use, the face will noticeably smooth.
  • Retinoic ointment is a source of vitamin A. The composition of this drug helps to activate collagen synthesis and improves the general condition of the skin. The main effect is wrinkle smoothing. Before starting the procedure, you should clean the skin, and then apply the ointment to the “suffering” area. It is better to do this before bedtime.

Important! Before using any and means, carefully read the instructions, be sure to study the item on contraindications.

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Vitamin Supplements

Supplements have long entered the lives of many people, although debates about their effectiveness are still underway. When buying, you need to pay attention to the naturalness of the raw materials from which the product is made - this is a key factor in the effectiveness of food additives.

In the modern dietary supplement market it is very easy to get confused. It is imperative that the product has clinically proven results. And only trusted companies can boast of them, for example:

  • “Vitrum Beauty” is a combined remedy that includes a complete vitamin beauty kit. Improves the general condition of the skin. It is recommended to take courses daily.
  • “Aevit” is an effective antioxidant and immuno-containing drug.It does not contain extra additives - only vitamin E and A.

Important! Its advantage is that it can also be used externally by squeezing the contents.

  • “Nutricap” is an excellent remedy for the prevention of vitamin deficiency. As a rule, the additive is used to nourish the hair, but the effect on the skin is also visible due to the correct combination of elements.
  • “Merz” (dragee) is an additive that is created specifically for healthy skin. The drug has been popular since the 60s of the last century. In addition to vitamins, it contains L-cystine and soy protein. One tablet daily maintains the necessary balance in the body.
  • “Doppelherz Aktiv” is a German product that has established itself all over the world. This is a good preparation for a complete diet, the composition of which is selected with German thoroughness. Helps in solving many skin problems.

Important! Before you start taking any dietary supplements, you must obtain approval from your doctor.

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The best vitamins for the skin should be ingested regularly and comprehensively. Of course, one can not do just right nutrition. Even the girls whom nature has rewarded with beautiful and healthy skin have to resort to pharmacological products to double the charge of vitamins for their skin. Having correctly selected a vitamin complex for yourself, you can prolong the youth of the skin and protect it from the negative effects of the environment.

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