Best bikini zone epilator

The bikini zone is the most sensitive area of ​​a woman's body. It goes without saying that hair removal is a necessary thing, but every woman wants to know the method of the least painful hair removal. The use of trimmers, special machines solves this problem. The discomfort during hair removal is minimal, and the bikini area remains smooth for a long time. You can, of course, resort to laser hair removal, but not everyone is shown it. Let's try to figure out how to choose the best epilator for the bikini zone from the existing ocean of offers.

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The principle of operation of the epilator is as follows. Special tweezers remove unwanted hairs along with follicles. Hair regrowth after such manipulation is slow, and the skin remains smooth. The only minus of this operation is strong pain. Special nozzles will help to reduce them. In particular, these are plastic stoppers. When installing the nozzle on the shaving head of the device, part of the active tweezers remains closed.

Important! Reducing the epilating surface reduces discomfort. In addition, with the help of a nozzle, you can form a neat bikini line without injuring the skin.

An extensive range of models makes it difficult to make a rational choice. You should not fully rely on the opinion of sales consultants, since they are interested in selling all the models available in the store, including frankly unsuccessful ones.

In any case, it is desirable that such factors be taken into account when choosing an epilator.

Manufacturing company

When choosing any technique, you must give preference to well-known brands. In any case, frankly defective goods will not be offered to you. Well-known trade brands keep the brand, try to maintain the “honor of the uniform”.

Important! Well-known companies give a guarantee of quality and the right to warranty and post-warranty service.


Modern devices are equipped with massage and cooling functions:

  • For cooling, special water tanks are used, which must first be frozen.
  • Massage is performed with special nozzles.

The convenience of use

Or ergonomics, if you like. The shape and dimensions of the depilation device should be such that it is convenient to hold the device in your hand.

Important! Please note that the gear shift button is positioned so that it can be easily switched.


Number of speeds

This function allows you to vary the pace of the procedure. There are such speed options:

  • The first (slow). It focuses on short hairs. The device simply breaks off long hair at low speed.
  • The second (middle). With it, most of the options for hair removal are possible, including in the intimate zone.
  • Third (fast). The most painful, but it allows you to remove even the longest hair.


The appearance of a thing is what women pay attention to in the first place. Therefore, if the appearance of the device for some reason does not suit you, then buying it is useless. The choice is so large that you can easily choose something suitable.

Storage method

Most of the epilators are stored in a purse or suitcase. Thanks to this, the device can be taken with you on a trip.

Additional functionality

Most of the additional functions are aimed at making the procedure less uncomfortable. This can be achieved using such nozzles:

  • If your sensitivity threshold is high, then look at the models with cooling. This can be either air flow or pre-frozen water in the freezer.
  • Mitt with cooling gel. It is also kept in the refrigerator 2 hours before the start of hair removal.
  • Massage nozzle. Relaxes nerve endings in the treated area.
  • Trimmer. It does not make the procedure more comfortable, but it helps to form a neat bikini zone.
  • Some models have a blow function. The best bikini epilator will also be equipped with at least two tweezers rotation speeds. At a higher rotation speed, the duration of the procedure is reduced, which means that you will have to endure the pain less.
  • Nozzle for removing individual hairs.
  • Limiter nozzle.
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How to choose a female epilator for a bikini zone?

It is very difficult to unequivocally answer this question. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to completely avoid pain, and if you are very afraid of pain, you will have to forget about hair removal. This method of hair removal does not suit you categorically.

Important! It is impossible to pull out hair without pain. However, the most painful is the first procedure. All subsequent less uncomfortable.

Here are some things to note in order to choose the right female epilator:

  • It is not superfluous if the epilator is equipped with a razor. Sometimes when removing hair from intimate places it is needed.
  • Please note that the appliance can be washed under running water.
  • Well and, of course, the price. Do not turn the depilatory appliance into a savings item. It makes no sense to buy devices of dubious quality at a dumping price. High-quality expensive devices will not bring you any inconvenience.
  • Nutrition is one of the most important points. Cord depilators are more reliable, battery powered - more mobile.


Disk VS tweezers: which epilator to choose for a bikini zone?

Consider how these devices differ from each other.


The most popular option. Disk depilators are in all price segments. Hair removal occurs from the rotation of the discs.

Important! The number of simultaneously captured hairs does not exceed 30-32, so the degree of pain is average.


This is a more modern version, but it is doubtful whether it is better than obsolete models. The hairs are captured and then plucked with special tweezers. The number of hairs removed at a time is from 20 to 40.

Important! According to experts, models of 40 units are more effective.

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Best Bikini Zone Epilators

To make a large list of devices for hair removal, even with the best characteristics, makes no sense. The rating list shows only those devices that are focused specifically on the intimate zone. Having studied the characteristics of each device, you can consciously answer the question: epilators for the intimate zone - which is better?

Braun SE 7681

One of the most expensive epilators. However, according to experts, it perfectly removes hairs from the bikini area and armpits. High cost is its only minus.

Rowenta Silence Bikini 5420

This device helps to cope with hairs in the most sensitive areas. There is a massage nozzle and the ability to control speeds. This device belongs to the middle value segment.

Braun 7931 SkinSpa

Tweezers model (40 tweezers, 2 speeds). The floating head and massage function minimize discomfort. There is a backlight. The minus of the device is high cost.

Philips Bikini Perfect 6375

The epilator is equipped with 4 nozzles that allow you to work on the most difficult areas. There is also a trimmer. It is possible to do wet hair removal. At the same time, the price is quite low.

Philips Satin HP

Another device with an optimal ratio of quality and cost. It can work in water. It is possible to adjust the speed of the procedure.

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Now you know the criteria by which to make a choice. With regard to specific requirements, much depends on individual preferences.Or maybe you will like one of the models described in the ranking.


