The best foundation for oily skin

More than 20% of girls under the age of 35 years and less than 10% of older women have increased oily skin. Visually, this is manifested by enlarged pores, the presence of black or red acne inflammations, greasy shine of the forehead, cheeks, nose. To mask such shortcomings, a whole series of decorative cosmetics has been developed, which is designed to simultaneously dry the skin and reduce its inflammation. To choose the best foundation for oily skin, you should understand their characteristics, take into account a lot of nuances and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

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Recommendations for the proper selection of foundation for oily skin

To understand which tonal product is best suited for oily skin, you need to know the requirements that apply to manufacturers of cosmetics in this format:

  • The foundation for oily skin in its composition should not contain any fats or oils. Water-based products or gels should be preferred.
  • It is advisable to choose a product taking into account the age category, which, as a rule, is indicated on the package.
  • Isopropyl myristate or lanolin, which is contained in the foundation, can clog pores and cause the formation of acne. Therefore, these components are contraindicated for this type.
  • Chlorine bismuth oxide, chemical flavors and dye, microparticles of minerals, preservatives and liquids containing alcohol in cosmetics should alert girls who have oily skin. These components can provoke an increase in fat production and inflammation of the skin.
  • Plant extracts and extracts from nettle, quince, licorice root effectively tighten pores, and also contribute to the regulation of the sebaceous glands. The presence of these components in the composition of the foundation should cause a preference for its customers with combination and oily skin.
  • The presence of zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, amethyst powder and other similar minerals makes the skin dull and protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation, while leaving the pores open.
  • The mention of the matting properties of the product should attract the attention of interested customers.
  • Before buying a foundation, it is advisable to go through a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist in order to understand the general condition of your skin, as well as to identify the cause of fat content.
  • The tool for this type of skin must be dense in order to be able to mask imperfections.
  • When buying a cosmetic product, pay attention to its expiration date. The larger it is, the more different chemical compounds are present in the cream. Also, do not buy a product whose shelf life is nearing its end.
  • If the cream has lumps or stains, you should not buy it. This indicates its poor quality.

Important! Before buying, it is recommended to use a tester. It should be in every cosmetics store. Such a product can not be applied to the face, since it is not hygienic. Instead, you need to apply a small amount of the product from the tester to the inner surface of the brush and lightly blend it. If the consistency, density and shade are suitable, then the cream can be taken.If the product leaves stains and has a layered heterogeneous structure, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

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How to apply?

Choosing the best foundation for oily skin is half the battle, it is very important to know how to apply it correctly. To do this, you can use the following tools:

  • Makeup brushes - they are most convenient to use for applying cream in the nose and eyelids. In this case, it is best to use brushes with artificial nap, as they are easier to care for.
  • Sponges or sponges - suitable for applying tonalka to the entire face. With the correct use of sponge, the cosmetic product will perfectly stick to the skin for a long time.
  • Application with fingers is a simple secret, with the help of which you can apply the cream as finely as possible without creating a mask effect. Moreover, with this method the funds themselves are spent much less.

The technique of applying tonalki requires practice and exact adherence to recommendations. The general application method is as follows:

  • Prepare your skin - cleanse and moisturize. Apply the cream only after completely absorbing the previous layer.
  • Use only in natural light. So you can see all the imperfections on the skin and quietly disguise them.

Important! If acne is present, it is necessary to cover them with a spot corrector before applying the toner.

  • To better apply the product, first it must be applied to the palm of your hand, and then applied to the skin in areas - on the forehead, cheekbones, nose, chin.
  • Next, blend the cream over the skin, distributing it evenly from the center to the edges of the face.
  • Least of all tonal means should be in the area of ​​the skin folds, since it can sink there and further highlight wrinkles.
  • To fix the cream, apply a layer of powder on top of it.

Important! Do not forget to also apply a little tool on the neck, as well as the neckline.

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Rating of popular creams

To choose the best foundation for oily skin, we suggest considering several popular products.

Vichy norma teint

A high-quality foundation that is made from natural ingredients. The product is designed for buyers with income above the average, but its features justify the price:

  • Moisturizes and well mattifies oily skin, while eliminating minor inflammations and rashes.
  • Does not clog pores, allowing them to breathe freely.
  • It perfectly masks minor defects, it was remarkably distributed over the surface of the face.
  • There is no mask effect.
  • Leaves no residue on clothing.

Important! The disadvantage is a small selection of color palette.

Ballet 2000:

  • Foundation of Russian production for daily use.
  • Contains herbal extracts that relieve and prevent further inflammation and acne.
  • More suitable for combination and problem skin.
  • Lies evenly and easily, nourishing and moisturizing the epidermis with vitamins.
  • Prevents the appearance of peeling.
  • The cream is suitable for daily use as a base for decorative cosmetics.

Important! For the price it is intended for buyers with middle and lower than average income.

Stay-True Makeup Clinique

Good tonalka for problem and oily skin:

  • It lasts up to 6 hours without “draining”.
  • Ideally mask unwanted bumps.
  • It is very easy to blend without any striking application border.
  • When used, oily skin becomes velvety.
  • With prolonged use, there is no excessive dryness, peeling and tightening of the skin.


Diorskin Ultra Mat

Ideal long-life toner:

  • Keeps masking and matting properties throughout the day.
  • Easy to apply and moisturizes the skin.
  • Antiallergenic.
  • Saturates with nutrients and relieves inflammatory processes.
  • Helps restore fat balance.
  • A wide range of tones allows each girl to choose the right shade.

Avon Personal Match

Matting tonale is used for women of all age categories, suitable for combination and oily skin. Distinctive features:

  • The presence of medicinal herbs in the extracts helps relieve acne.
  • The presence of kaolin regulates the water-fat balance.
  • Corn oil and vitamins make the skin supple and soft.
  • The cream is easy to apply and lasts up to 12 hours.
  • It protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Max Factor Second Skin

The foundation for oily skin with a chameleon effect.

  • Immediately after application to the skin, the toner acquires a hue of the surrounding integument.
  • The face acquires freshness and velvety.
  • The pores breathe freely.
  • Water balance is maintained.
  • The action of the sebaceous glands is not stimulated.
  • The feeling of beauty and youth is maintained throughout the day.
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Thus, when choosing the best foundation for oily skin, it is necessary to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular product. Taking into account all the tips and recommendations described above, you can choose a really high-quality toner for your skin.

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