DIY chandelier made of branches

Today, eco-friendly materials and hand-made items are becoming very popular. And designers have repeatedly turned their imagination to the structure and forms of wood. Homemade wooden lamps look very interesting in the room. In fact, it is not difficult to make a lamp from natural materials on your own. It takes only a little patience, the right tools and material. With the selection of material from which a chandelier from branches will be created with your own hands, we will begin.

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How to choose the material?

Wood is a very warm material, work with which brings a lot of pleasure. But so that in the end you get a beautiful chandelier from the branches with your own hands, you should remember the rules of choice.


  • You can find the branches necessary for the lamp in the forest or park, or you can purchase ready-made options in a florist shop.
  • If you are independently collecting materials, choose already dry branches, otherwise - the process of drying them can take a very long time.
  • Be careful with trees, do not break them. Try to collect already fallen branches.
  • Do not take a rotten tree. Even if you manage to make a lamp out of it, its service life will be very short.

Important! The selection of material depends on what kind of lamp you are going to create:

  • for floor lamps, you should choose a wide, solid base;
  • desktop models can take a thinner base;
  • for hanging options it is convenient to use flexible branches.

But it all depends not only on the model, but also on the design of your future product.

Let's analyze some interesting options for a chandelier from branches with our own hands.

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Do it yourself

When the type of future lamp is determined, the materials are selected, you can start work.

Floor lamp

In order for the base to hold our homemade lighting fixture firmly, you can do the following:

  1. We take the capacity.
  2. Pour cement mortar into it.
  3. Set our foot in the solution.
  4. Next, wait until the cement sets.

Important! If you want to remove the cement leg after drying, the mold must be removable, or easy to cut. If you want to leave the base with a capacity, think over the decor in advance, or immediately pick up a beautiful container or flower pot.

Then everything is simple:

  1. A cord with a lamp is wound around the base.
  2. Attach it with the cartridge on top.

Important! In addition, you can add to the floor lamp and lampshade, but without it, a decent stylish option will come out that will give your room a natural charm.

But this is not the only option how to create a lamp from branches with your own hands.

Hanging option - picture

High-quality preparation is the key to the success of any undertaking, so for a start we will consider what we need to work on such an unusual lamp.

Materials and tools:

  1. Two frames with glass about one half meter in size and about 5 cm thick.
  2. LED cord and power supply to it.
  3. Cable, plug and switch.
  4. Electric drill.
  5. The pencil is simple.
  6. Acrylic paint.
  7. Double-sided tape.
  8. Wooden rods

After preparing all the materials, you can proceed to the work, having previously studied its sequence.


  1. First of all, we remove the glass and the back wall of the frames, we leave only the frame and the mat.
  2. In the upper part of the frame, measure 10 cm left and right, make notes with a simple pencil.
  3. In the resulting gap, we make 12 holes at the same distance. To get all the holes evenly, first measure the distance, make marks with a pencil.
  4. The drilled holes should be of such a diameter that they can install prefabricated rods.
  5. At the bottom of the frame, glue 2 strips of double-sided tape.
  6. We glue the prepared LED tape with three luminous elements onto the tape.
  7. The connected elements with a cord and a plug, as well as a switch.
  8. Since the back of the frame will be visible behind the branches, it needs to be decorated. For example, you can paint it, or make a decoupage, or you can apply special compounds that give the material an additional texture.
  9. Before final assembly of the lamp, check that all its elements are completely dry.
  10. Next is the final stage: assembly. We insert the prepared branches into the holes, if necessary, cut them, attach the already dried-up decorated backdrop to the frame.

Important! When performing work, a logical question should arise: why are two frames necessary? The answer is simple: such lamps look great in pairs. So take a little rest and repeat the whole process of working with the second frame.

But the scope for creativity is not limited by anything, so next we will try to make a real chandelier.


Incredibly stylish and unusual in the interior looks like a chandelier from rods. Probably this type of chandelier will never go out of style. The principle of working on such a product is somewhat reminiscent of the design of decorative balls of yarn.

To create it, you will need:

  1. Dry rods.
  2. The ball shape is suitable for the size of the future chandelier. For example, a rubber ball.
  3. Double sided tape.
  4. Food or building film.
  5. Spray paint and varnish for wood.
  6. Chain for fixing the product to the ceiling.
  7. Glue on wood.
  8. Secateurs or other device for cutting branches.

After preparation, we begin to work on the chandelier.svetilnik-iz-vetki-svoimi-rukami-04

Work sequence:

  1. We clean the branches, cut them into identical segments of 20 cm.
  2. Wrap the ball with film.
  3. Using tape we fix the ball or other spherical base to the working surface.
  4. We lay the rods on top of the base, glue them together.

Important! Make sure that the branches do not protrude beyond our ball by more than 3 centimeters.

  1. Next, you need to wait until the glue dries.
  2. After drying, turn the ball a little, and fix it again.
  3. We continue to glue the branches, leaving a window of about 10x10 cm for the top of the product, where the lamp and the cartridge will be inserted.
  4. At the end of the work, leave the ball until the glue completely dries.
  5. Further, our base will need to be cut, removed through the window left for the lamp.
  6. After - the product is spray-painted, varnished or decorated in another convenient way.
  7. The final step is to attach a chain to the chandelier and fix it on the ceiling with a cartridge and a lamp.

Important! Wooden products are fire hazard, therefore, for lighting, you should choose a lamp that almost does not heat up.

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What else can I use?

If you are fascinated by the process of creating lamps from branches with your own hands, there are several more interesting ideas of improvised materials from which you can make real designer products:

  • tree bark;
  • boards;
  • cans;
  • Christmas balls;
  • metal pipes;
  • yarn;
  • carton boxes.

Important! Homemade lamps from ready-made bases are also interesting. At the same time, as a basis, you can choose anything: barrels, driftwood, barrels, caskets, wheels, boards - it all depends on your desire and imagination. If you know how to cut wood, this is another good way to decorate your product.

Let's consider several options for creating a stylish lamp on a ready-made basis.

Wheel chandelier

For work you need a base - a wooden wheel. You can search for it in the village, or you can buy a new one in construction stores.Also purchase in advance lamps in the form of candles and a chain for fixing the chandelier to the ceiling.

Important! You can decorate such a wheel with decoupage or stylish forged elements.

Bright "broom"

Strict forms are always neat, but sometimes you want to add a little madness to the interior. In this case, it is possible to collect thin rods into one large bundle, and fix multi-colored LEDs on the rods.

Bright and unusual interior item - at your fingertips!

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A bit about security

When working with natural materials, you need to remember about safety:

  1. Wood products light up very quickly, so use lamps in them that practically do not heat up. These are LED or fluorescent options.
  2. It is also worth recalling that wooden products are very fond of various pests and mold. Therefore, before starting work, treat natural materials with protective agents. A good option so that the tree does not deteriorate over time, it will be treated with stain and varnish, you can use a special protective primer on wood with an antiseptic effect.
  3. When working with boards, be sure to sand their surface. So you protect yourself from splinters.
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Stock footage

Remember that the main thing is not to overdo it. A huge number of branches and snags in the interior will look ridiculous, and the room will resemble a large dump.
You can create any lamp from branches with your own hands. You can watch the master class on the video or use our tips. Just connect your imagination, and the work will pass easily and imperceptibly, and the result will surely please you Creative success!

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