Marker paint

Today, marker paint is included in the list of paints and varnishes, the basis for the production of which is polyurethane, acrylic or epoxy. Its main positive feature is the possibility, after painting the wall and completing hardening, to become a straight, smooth plane. A surface with marker paint located on it has better strength, resistance to physical influences, but at the same time, you can draw and write on it without worrying about the traces received. All drawings are easily removed from the marker surface with a damp cloth.

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Scope of application

Marker boards and other planes almost immediately after the appearance gained popularity among the public. They were appreciated not only by fathers and mothers, whose offspring strive to leave traces on many planes, including the walls in all rooms of the apartment. Walls treated with marker paint can now be fixed in the premises of large companies, and in the rooms of executives, and in hospitals, and even in police structures.

Important! The flat and smooth plane of the walls formed with its help can be used as a screen for showing films or various slides. And after the completion of the process, the walls treated with this paint are easy to remove or modify to the tastes of the audience.

And the marker coating for walls is also very popular when decorating such special rooms as:

  • common rooms;
  • audiences for production meetings;
  • training rooms;
  • kindergartens;
  • general education classes.


Here are the factors that contribute to this:

  • A similar wall effectively replaces the usual blackboard when using chalk. It allows you to significantly increase the space for working on homework for students or the organization of classes in the art of electives.
  • Especially attractive are the walls with marker paint for children in preschool institutions. On such a wall there is an opportunity for the combined creativity of the entire kindergarten without taking into account the size and age of the kids.
  • Within the office, the comfort of a wall treated with marker paint is that employees do not need to be distracted by regularly wiping previously made images or texts to further discuss problems and graphically search for ways out of them.
  • Even in a hospital, walls with marker coating are not a fashionable whim of doctors and orderlies. They can be used to draw up a complex plan for an emergency surgical operation or to analyze already implemented operational actions with viewing slides and films.

Coatings with paint for a marker board, although they have spread relatively recently in the world, have become an everyday and very necessary part of the culture of modern society. And no computer innovations, smartphones and flat TVs are not yet able to displace them.

Important! Depending on the purpose for which you plan to decorate the wall with marker paint, you may also need information on how to choose a screen for the projector.

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Marker paint on the wall plane is not a thick but sufficiently strong layer created after drying, which does not come into contact with dyes. Outwardly, it is not very different from the usual acrylic common in everyday life.

The industry produces paint in many shades, but black and white are in particular demand.The remaining colors are also quite bought, but not so functionally necessary. So, white surfaces are suitable in any room, and blue and red are mainly used in the process of repair work in buildings in which there are children.

Important! The marker layer of paint does not threaten the health of children nearby, dust does not linger on its surface, it is washed without problems. These qualities should be defined as the main advantages.

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Surface Technology

For proper coating of the wall with marker paint, it is necessary to conduct preliminary preparation according to the rules and at a good level. The main goal of the work of the worker is to make as straight as possible a straight, smooth surface.

It must be understood that it is possible to apply paint on the marker coating with your own hands without difficulty, but only an experienced craftsman is able to make the required number of layers of plaster and final putty. Only with a great desire, coupled with the skills of a skilled worker, you can decide to carry out all the stages of repair yourself.

The construction work itself does not fundamentally go beyond the scope of standard painting. However, there are some subtleties:

  • Before staining, you must first in two passes, layer by layer, apply ordinary soil to the surface of the wall. One caveat - knowing about the good adhesive properties, most companies that manufacture paints and varnishes, in the instructions for use note the lack of mandatory need for priming the prepared wall. Therefore, it is necessary in this case to proceed not from the instructions for the can of paint, but from the specific situation. If you understand this, determine by eye, if not, it is better to invite an experienced craftsman or ask at a specialty store where you bought the paint. And if you want to get a 100% guarantee - ground the plane without looking at the documentation and the apparent readiness of the wall for painting.
  • When the work on covering the wall of marker paint is not finished, and time does not allow it to be completed, it is best to note the border of the spread of paint with special adhesive tape. Keep in mind that the bet on “maybe remember” and the pencil line along the border of the paint distribution are extremely unreliable - such negligence will result in a poor surface appearance.
  • Starting work on applying paint to the wall, it is necessary to thoroughly mix its composition, using a drill with the right nozzle or a special mixer for this. After such an operation, the paint is allowed to settle to allow small air bubbles to escape from it. Without this operation, applying a coat of paint evenly will not succeed.
  • Tighten the paint is not worth it. The prepared mixture should be used immediately after its preparation. Paint loses its operational value for a short value. The first signal of unsuitability will be small lumps. This means that the paint dries and is no longer recommended.
  • Marker paint, like soil, is distributed on the wall in two layers. The composition for each of them is prepared at their own time. This is explained by the fact that absolute drying requires at least half a day, and the application of the second layer is possible only on a completely dry plane.
  • The composition is applied with a standard roller with a short but thick pile. First, with a large paint brush, you need to process the working sections of the walls. Then immediately start the painting process. The technology is this: moving the roller from the bottom in the vertical direction, clearly and meticulously roll the edges.

Important! A standard marker coating is formed using specially selected elements. It has no smell at all. This useful property makes it possible to paint inside buildings without contact with an open atmosphere all year round, since there is no need to ventilate the room.

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Authors of new brands of marker paint

Marker paint, used in the first half of the 20th century, has long had a narrowly functional application, as a replacement for chalk blackboards, since no other operational solutions were expected.

But gradually, mainly in Western countries, experiments begin on new ways of using it in everyday life and production:

  • The American company “Idea Paint” has made a radical breakthrough. Her workers managed to create a paint composition that can be used to improve walls. Another product immediately gained popularity and a large scope of use for painting wall surfaces in a variety of residential apartments, in public buildings, canteens and restaurants, in hotels.
  • Over time, these technologies have developed and other firms. So, the products of the manufacturer from Holland - The Magnetic Company (a popular company that creates high-quality magnetic marker paint for walls) - were compared with similar products with the American ones in terms of performance and level of use. At the same time, the cost of Dutch products is much lower.

Choosing a worthy brand

Now it is already possible to identify the most famous brands from world manufacturers, constantly being among the leaders:

  • Oil paint with a familiar Dry Erase identity. It is done according to a formula that creates virtually the result of a marker board on virtually any flattened plane. The positive side of such products is the complete absence of a specific smell.

Important! Two cans are included in the Dry Erase kit: the volume of the first is 236 g, the second is 561 g. Therefore, the kit is enough for staining 2.1 square meters. m. walls with quality coating.

  • Another company, Sketch Paint, stands out for its versatility. Its products can be painted not only prepared by pretreatment of the walls of materials implying a smooth hard surface (wooden, plastic), but also in more complex options - processing water-emulsion planes (for example, based on latex and acrylic). Products are characterized by quick drying - usually in 3 days (products of other companies, as a rule, dry in several weeks). After the indicated period on the plane, it is quite possible to draw and write texts. Sketch Paint coatings are characterized by a special high-quality density, because of this, only one layer is enough for good staining.

Important! The paint is distributed in containers of 0.5 and 1 liter. The usual use of products is 1 liter per 1 sq. Km. m. painted surface.

  • Idea Paint Create Clear products are in many respects identical in their characteristics to Sketch Paint products, but in the set there is, besides paint in a 0.5 liter container, another 400 g container with a transparent effective hardener.
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Marker paint for walls is a good tool for completing repairs quickly, efficiently, beautifully and inexpensively. In most cases, everyone can use it, even without skills in the construction industry. The leading principle of working with it is to strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer, not forgetting, however, about common sense, because it is impossible to consider all the features in one article. In extreme cases, you should always consult with the seller to purchase paint with the properties you need.

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