Hand mask for the night in gloves

The hands have always been considered the most vulnerable part of the human body, which is why they need special care. All women want the skin on their hands at any time of the year to be soft and delicate, because it is so often exposed to the negative effects of various environmental factors. The use of special masks helps to get rid of peeling, dryness, skin irritation, makes it more elastic, supple, soft. In this article, we will tell you what kind of hand mask for the night with gloves will help you get rid of such problems.

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Basic Hand Skin Care

So that your pens always look neat, you do not feel discomfort, you must adhere to certain rules for caring for them:

  • All homework is best done with gloves, because even ordinary water can greatly dry the skin.
  • It is recommended to make night masks with the use of cotton gloves, since even applying a regular cream under them can make your hands velvety, soft, soft.
  • Any woman should use regular hand creams. It is better to carry them with you everywhere, use them at any opportunity.

Important! In summer, it is better to use products containing an ultraviolet filter, since the sun is the main cause of premature aging of the skin.

  • If the handles peel off, look reddened, then you should do night masks, baths, compresses, wraps.

Important! After peeling vegetables such as beets or potatoes, it is imperative that you use special products or currant or lemon juice to wash your hands.

  • Paraffin wraps contribute to rapid recovery.
  • It is also recommended to use scrubs, which are commercially available.
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How to use hand masks?

Even people with good, at first glance, skin will not be prevented by a good night mask with gloves on. There are a number of rules for the use of such funds that must be observed:

  • If your hands look great, then just a few times a week to do these procedures. This is especially true for the autumn and winter periods, because at these times of the year the body especially needs protection.
  • Try to use these products regularly to achieve the desired effect.

Important! Do not forget about possible troubles in the form of allergic reactions. Therefore, it is better to pre-test any ready-made mixture on the wrist or elbow.

  • Remember that in the presence of cracks, open wounds or scratches, it is impossible to add juice of berries or lemon to the masks, since they can cause severe pain. Caution should be given to hot formulations.
  • The procedure itself and the effect of it can spoil various skin diseases. Therefore, people with a fungus or eczema should better opt out of such procedures.
  • It is night masks that give the best effect, since they involve many hours of enveloping the hands with medicinal and nutritional compounds, and exclude contact with irritants. In addition, the body rests at night, all the energy is directed to recovery processes. Many ingredients simply do not have time to act if you spend them during the day due to insufficient time.

Important! Before using night remedies, it is imperative to thoroughly cleanse the skin, you can massage it. The distribution of the mask should occur evenly. In the morning, everything should be thoroughly washed off, and it is better not to come in contact with water and soap for several hours.

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The most popular night mask recipes

The masks used for hand skin at home are quite diverse, they differ in the recipe, method of application and application. You can create them from improvised materials, the main thing is to choose a formula for a specific purpose, in order to maximize the effect and complete the tasks. You must admit that it’s much better to deal with problems point-by-point than to try to deal with them in one fell swoop.

Below we present the most effective options for night masks and tell about the features of their application:

  • Egg mask. To make it, just mix honey, egg yolk, oatmeal and flour. With the prepared mass, you need to coat your hands, put on fabric gloves on top.

Important! It is ideal for wrinkled skin. Try it and you will learn what real softness is.

  • Honey composition. This is a great emollient formula. Mix a little honey with olive oil or almond oil, lemon juice and yolk. Hands are coated with this compound, cotton gloves are put on top, and you can go to bed.
  • Softening mask. Pound oatmeal into powder, pour strong black tea. Spread this gruel on your hands, massage it with massage movements, pull on gloves.
  • Moisturizing composition. You need to take corn oil, warm it in a water bath, smear them with your hands and pull on cotton gloves.

Important! In just one night, this mask will show just a gorgeous result.

  • Wax mask. Melt the wax in a steam bath, dip your nails into it and then quickly dip your fingers into cold water. As a result, you get a kind of wax thimbles. Wear gloves on top of them and go to bed.

Important! If you use this method twice a week for two months, you will get healthy and strong nails for life and soft skin for the coming season.

  • Glycerin composition. It is ideal in combating scaly and dry skin. It is enough to mix a little honey with water and glycerin, add a handful of wheat flour and hold this mixture all night.
  • Potato mask. Make mashed potatoes, fill it with milk, coat the pens with it before bedtime, wrap it with plastic wrap, put on gloves. In the morning, it is better to wash everything with calendula or chamomile infusion.
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In conclusion, we note that it is not difficult to prepare and use such hand skin masks at home, so take care of your health regularly. Remember that it is your hands that are always at risk, they take on the largest portion of the negative impact of a harmful environment. Try to provide them with comprehensive protection and care so that later they do not have more serious problems that affect in a certain way the mood, general tone, self-confidence.


