DIY tire furniture

It's no secret that you can make furniture and decor items from almost any material, even one that seems useless. You can find great use for old tires, pallets, and plastic bottles. Do-it-yourself tire furniture is a great example. Especially the process of making crafts from improvised materials will be relevant for summer residents, who, as you know, do not throw anything away. How to give the necessary forms to such material - we will tell in this article.
to contents ↑Instruments
To create beautiful crafts, as well as furniture from tires with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:
- Multi-colored paints;
- Car tires of different diameters;
- Rope
- A knife;
- Jigsaw;
- Paint brushes;
- MDF;
- Clear varnish;
- Shurupov;
- Shovels.
to contents ↑Important! For crafts, it is better to use imported tires, since they have less thickness. It is easier to turn out winter tires than summer tires.
Making a ottoman
You can easily decorate the yard with ottomans - beautiful and functional. To do this, follow the instructions below:
- Using a jigsaw, we cut out two round billets from an MDF sheet, which will cover the tire from above and below.
- Using five screws, we fix on the upper side of the tire.
- The bottom plate is also attached to the bottom of the tire.
- On the bottom plate with glue we fasten the rope for decoration. Glue it in a circle, from the edge to the center. When the circle of rope is applied, you need to wait for the glue to dry.
- Next, we wrap the entire tire with a rope.
Important! Make sure that there is no excess glue. Ideally, if the decoration of the tire will be performed together - it is easier to monitor the gaps.
- Apply a clear varnish. It will need a lot, since it will require careful processing of all the gaps.
We make garden furniture
Do-it-yourself garden furniture from tires is not a problem for a creative person:
- Wash old tires and clean them using a special tool, so that they become black and shiny.
- To decorate the side surfaces we use acrylic paints.
Important! You can also stick dermatin on the sidewalls and stain it.
- To make upholstered furniture, insert a soft pillow inside the tire.
We make a flower bed and flower beds
To decorate the site, you can make not only a chair out of tires with your own hands, but also flowerbeds - beautiful and budget. The easiest option is a beautifully decorated tire, inside which plants are planted.
Important! If you want, you can build an interesting design out of car tires - a multi-tier flowerbed is being built.
More complicated will be the equipment of the hedge flower garden. To create it, you need tires with different diameters:
- We dig in tires of a large diameter a little into the ground.
- In the details of a smaller diameter, we make a cross section.
- We carry out a peculiar chain: we connect large parts to smaller ones, the incision in which is then fastened with brackets or metal wire.
- We fill the ground, plant the plants.
To make a tulip flowerbed:
- We take a tire with a disk:
- We retreat 1 cm from the disk and apply a picture in the form of petals.
- We cut the tire along the entire length along the contour.
- Next, we disconnect the parts of the workpiece, while turning the tire. As a result, we get a bowl on a rack, the role of which will be played by a car drive.
- We paint a flowerpot in the necessary color, apply patterns.
- We plant flowers.
We make a garden path
To make the plot neat, it can be equipped with beautiful paths. It is better to use tires from trucks, as working with them will be easier.
Important! When arranging a track, only tire protectors are used.
How is the work done:
- We determine the location for the location of the track and select the material.
- Using a sharp knife, we separate the tread from the side.
Important! In order to make the cutting easier, it is necessary to periodically apply a soap solution to the knife.
- Cut the tread that looks like a ring, cut across so as to get a strip.
- Similarly, we prepare the remaining strips for the track.
- Tapes with nails to a bar or boards.
Important! When fixing the strips, leave an indent of 10-20 mm between them. After some time, grass will grow in this gap and the ribbons will not move.
- Before laying the tracks, thoroughly moisten the soil.
- We carefully squeeze the bar with rubber bands into the ground so that the surface as a result turns out to be smooth, without drops.
We make a pool
Furniture for the site, for example, a chair made of tires with your own hands - it is very beautiful. But tires can even be used to make a pool. Of course, we always take into account the size of the tires - they should not be small.
Operating procedure:
- Choose a place to install.
- We lay dense material, which will be the base.
Important! Most often they use screenings or clay, you can use the settled lawn ground with grass.
- We spread an awning or a special film.
- Along the perimeter of the future pool, the tent is degreased, covered with special glue.
- We put the wheel on the film.
- After a day, we apply sealant on the glued seam from the inside and outside.
- After a day, pour water.
Stock footage
As you can see, even without very huge costs, with the help of improvised materials you can turn your summer cottage into a great place to relax. Car tires can be used to make furniture, figures, flower beds, fences, walkways and even pools. To do this, you can use our ideas or take them only as a basis, improving for your aesthetic and practical needs.
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