DIY interior curtains

The doors between the rooms are not always comfortable. Sometimes they have to be rented, which allows, for example, to slightly increase the entrance hall or to combine two small rooms into one. At the same time, the apartment should still have zones with certain functions, and they must somehow be divided. All kinds of draperies, including curtains that are hung instead of bulky doors, are used for this. Do-it-yourself interior curtains - is it simple or difficult? Now we will try to answer this question.

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Why curtains?

Sometimes you have to give up the tempting idea to hang something light in the doorway. For example, if the household has a completely different lifestyle, and one of them needs peace, while others prefer to work late, it is better to separate the premises with something more reliable than curtains or threads with beads.

But in many cases, curtains are more convenient than doors. They have a lot of advantages:

  1. Draperies allow you to reduce or increase space, depending on what exactly you need.
  2. They take up much less usable space, because no additional space is required to open them.
  3. With the help of curtains, you can create an opening of non-standard configuration.
  4. Doors are much more expensive than curtain materials.
  5. To hang the curtains, a lot of time is not required, and you can make them pretty quickly.
  6. Making original interior curtains with your own hands is much easier than customizing a door.
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What are they needed for?

In the room itself, such a simple thing, like a curtain, has several functions that the owners most often do not think about. Of course, door curtains rarely have to protect the room from too bright sunlight. But they do much more:

  • decorate the room;
  • create the necessary zones;
  • change the geometry of the room;
  • allow you to emphasize the style in which your apartment is framed.
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Varieties of curtains

So what exactly would you rather hang in a doorway? According to the stylistic features, interior curtains are also divided into several types:

  • classic ones that fall from top to bottom;
  • French with transverse folds;
  • “Bishop's sleeve” - pulled in the middle and with a very wide overlap below;
  • “Hourglass” - with the assembly in the middle or with pickup;
  • Japanese - on the frame;
  • lambrequins;
  • hanging curtains.
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All evaluate and take into account the details

Before you start making curtains for hanging a doorway with your own hands, as well as any others, you need to consider a few very simple considerations. Any detail that does not fit into a particular style can bring disharmony. So think about exactly what you want:

  1. If you need to visually enlarge the room, use light, lightweight fabrics.
  2. To make the room seem smaller and more comfortable, use dark materials.
  3. Small elements are suitable for visual expansion, large prints are used for narrowing.
  4. If you need to "raise" the ceiling, vertical stripes are suitable.
  5. Visually widen the opening will help wide horizontal stripes.
  6. Asymmetric curtains will help to change the wrong geometry of the room.

Important! If there are several doorways in the room, they can be decorated with the same curtains or very different in material and shape.

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How are they hung?

Before you make decorative curtains on the doorway with your own hands, determine their appearance. They can be hung:

  • instead of a door;
  • at the door.

In the first case, the main function of the curtain is the separation of rooms. In addition, it decorates the interior. But sometimes the doors complement draperies. In this case, the main tasks will be slightly different:

  • provide additional noise protection;
  • make the interior more luxurious and noble - for example, if your room is made in the classical style or Baroque.

Important! For curtains that are hung instead of a door, you can apply any materials, from traditional fabric to beads or knitted elements. The curtains complementing the door are made only of fabrics, and quite dense and heavy.

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What to do?

Before you make the curtains on the door with your own hands, it is very useful to rummage in the closet or box for needlework. Maybe you don’t have to buy anything. Curtains that are hung in the opening can be:

  • stitched from fabric;
  • knitted;
  • from wooden parts, including bamboo tubes;
  • from glass;
  • from plastic;
  • from cork;
  • from threads.

Fabric curtains

DIY decorative curtains can be made from different materials:

  • velvet
  • flax;
  • satin;
  • silks;
  • satin;
  • microfiber.

Perhaps only too heavy coats are not suitable. You can also decorate door curtains in different ways:

  • homemade or bought lace;
  • sewing;
  • embroidery;
  • applique.

Important! Such curtains are often made with hooks - loops of fabric or braid that are worn on a curtain or attached to a wall.

Curtains from old felt-tip pens

Interesting curtains can come from cylinders from felt-tip pens. They are made in the same way as from bamboo tubes, but before that you need to prepare the elements themselves:

  1. Remove the cork that covers the top.
  2. Get everything inside.
  3. Wash the tube thoroughly so that no stains or coloring elements remain.
  4. Cut off the nose.

Important! Nothing prevents you from cutting old felt-tip pens into rings, then it will be possible to make multi-colored patterns on the curtains.

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We sew door curtains

Curtains from textiles - a classic option. If you even have a little command of a sewing machine, making something interesting from your favorite fabric will not be difficult. Moreover, sewing is best started with direct curtains.

You need:

  • suitable fabric;
  • braid;
  • cornice with rings;
  • sewing supplies.

Fabric calculation

The first step is to measure the doorway. You need to know the length and width:

  • The length is measured from the point where the cornice will hang, to the estimated bottom of the curtains. To this measure, you need to add 5 cm to the treatment. If you are supposed to have a fringe - its width must be subtracted from the length of the entire curtain.
  • The towels are usually stacked in assemblies. That is, for sliding curtains, the width of the opening must be multiplied by 2 and then another 1.5. However, if you take a section 140-150 cm wide, this is enough for the eyes.

You will need 2 lengths of the product, because your curtains will be opened in the middle - it’s more convenient.

Important! If lambrequin is supposed, it is necessary to add its width to the total amount of fabric. Lambrequin can be direct, without any assembly.


Start sewing

The action algorithm will be quite normal:

  1. We lay out the fabric on the floor.
  2. At the edges, note the length of the product with allowances for processing the top and bottom.
  3. Connect the marks on one and the other edges.
  4. We check the perpendicularity of the lines using a square (it is better to take a large tailor's).
  5. Cut the fabric.
  6. We hem the top and bottom, bending by 0.5 and 2 cm, - the edges, of course, do not need to be processed.
  7. We sew both curtains with tape around the perimeter.
  8. We do the top of the loop, if necessary.

After that, it remains only to fix the cornice over the opening and hang the curtain, and this can be done in the order that suits you best. You can make pickups with different decorative elements.


  1. Cut a strip of fabric 12-15 cm wide and 30-35 cm long.
  2. Fold it in half with the front side outward, aligning the long sections.
  3. Iron the fold.
  4. Fill in all the allowances and also iron.
  5. Sew around the perimeter with a simple or decorative stitch.
  6. Sew buttons so that you can make a ring out of the strip.
  7. The catch can be put on a curtain or attached to a jamb.

Important! Instead of stitched pickups, you can use, for example, wide ribbons - satin, crepe or synthetic.

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Wooden, glass, plastic

Curtains on the doorway with your own hands from improvised materials are often made of wooden or plastic elements. They can be of very different shapes, depending on what you have at hand. They look stylish and original. Elements can be taken ready-made or sawed out with a jigsaw from plywood. Beads, corks from plastic bottles, and tubes from ballpoint pens or felt-tip pens are suitable for such curtains.

Threads and Ropes

Thread curtains look light and airy. They give the interior a special charm. They can be woven, knitted, or simply from hanging threads or ropes. Suitable for these curtains:

  • ordinary or synthetic twine;
  • thick cotton threads like “iris”, “poppy”, “snowflakes” or “garus”;
  • cotton and acrylic threads;
  • viscose.

Important! Woolen yarn for such curtains is not worth taking - it is too easy to tear.

Making the curtains

Thinking about what you can make hanging curtains with your own hands, pay attention to such simple material as threads and twine. It will take several skeins of synthetic twine. By the way, this material is also good because you can find skeins of different colors on sale, which gives a lot of additional features - you can use vertical and horizontal stripes, even make the curtains in a box.

You will also need:

  • rail;
  • roulette;
  • lighter or matches;
  • adhesive thermal gun.

Important! The length of the slats is equal to the width of the opening, plus 10-12 cm for allowances. You still need to measure the length of the product from the place where the rail will be attached to the bottom. Thread curtains can be made to the floor, but it is better if they are a little shorter.

Operating procedure:

  1. Measure the length and multiply by 2.
  2. Add another 10 cm to this measure - they are needed to make loops, this will be the length of the threads.
  3. Cut the threads into pieces of the appropriate size - they will need about five hundred pieces, if you have a standard opening.
  4. Tie tight knots at the ends or burn them - in general, in any way possible, make sure that the threads do not open.
  5. Before tying the first thread, apply glue to the place where it will be.
  6. Fold the thread in half and tie to the rail with any strong knot (it is best to use the starting knots of the macrame).
  7. Fasten all other threads in the same way.

If desired, beads or beads can be strung on threads. If you want to decorate the arch, then instead of a straight rail, it is better to take a plastic profile at an angle.

Important! The threads can be of different lengths - for example, the bottom can be made into a wave.


Suspension curtains

For such a curtain you need a lot of wooden elements that have holes. It can be:

  • tubes of different lengths and thicknesses;
  • kegs from lotto;
  • figures from plywood;
  • beads.

In addition, some more materials and tools are needed:

  • cornice with rings;
  • fishing line or strong thread;
  • crimp clamps;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill with a thin drill.

To make such a curtain is no more complicated than from a thread.

  1. Prepare the threads as described in the previous method, that is, cut them along the length of the product.
  2. If necessary, prepare wooden elements - cut them out with a jigsaw, sandpaper and varnish, and then drill through the holes.
  3. String elements on a thread.
  4. Fix each of them with clamps on both sides; if there are no clips, you can fix them with knots.
  5. Tie ropes with elements strung on them to the rings.
  6. Attach the cornice over the opening.

Important! Such a curtain can be fixed on the rail, in the same way as a thread.

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Making simple and original curtains is not a problem at all. Even a person who still does not have enough experience in needlework can cope with this task, but there is a taste and a great desire to decorate his home.

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