Installation of polyurethane skirting

Despite using the best coatings for walls, ceilings, and floors, it’s sometimes quite difficult to achieve perfection in the interior without having to install a polyurethane baseboard. With the help of this decorative strip, the joints between the surfaces are closed, and the room itself takes on a holistic look. Today, such frames for the ceiling and floor are made of various materials, and also come in different colors, which makes it possible to choose a decor for absolutely any coating. One of them is a polyurethane baseboard. You will learn about its varieties, advantages and installation features from this article.

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General characteristics of polyurethane skirting boards

Foamed plastic (polyurethane foam) was invented in the twentieth century. In architecture, this material began to be used since the 70s. This marked the beginning of a new era in the development of interior design. The use of decorative elements made of foam plastic (moldings, columns, plinths, pilasters, cornices) has created new opportunities for performing different styles of room decoration.

Polyurethane skirting boards, due to their affordable price and operational qualities, have become universal elements for decoration. In comparison with other materials, their advantages include:

  • A wide range of patterns, the possibility of additional decoration (painting, gilding).
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Good performance.
  • Easy to care.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Strength, rigidity and lightness.
  • A variety of sizes and shapes.

Important! Compared to other baguettes, polyurethane products do not have many shortcomings. These include the fear of mechanical damage and temperature extremes. In addition, the ceiling wide skirting boards are relatively heavy, which can create certain difficulties when installing the ceiling skirting board made of polyurethane.

Polyurethane skirting boards for the purpose can be divided into:

  • Ceiling.
  • Floor standing.

And in color, they are:

  • Fully painted and ready to install.
  • Prepared for staining (white primer applied).
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Installation Guidelines

Before you begin installing polyurethane ceiling skirtings, you need to prepare the tools with which the work is performed:

  • Suitable container for the preparation of putty.
  • Mounting knife.
  • Putty knife.
  • Glue gun.
  • Hacksaw for metal.

Further there are such nuances.

Baguette sizes

It is necessary to determine in advance the type of skirting board made of polyurethane. Consider the fact that wide skirting boards will visually reduce the length of the room. Therefore, for a small area, narrow models are more appropriate.


Before going to the store, you need to calculate how much material is needed in order to decorate your room. To do this, determine its perimeter. For example, if the room is 5 meters long and 4 meters wide, then its perimeter is 18 meters. Standard skirting boards for ceilings are 2 meters long. To determine the exact number of products, divide the perimeter of the room by the length of the baseboard.

In this example, it turns out that you need to buy 9 skirting boards. In addition, it is better to buy one product in stock.


Care must be taken when transporting skirting boards. There should not be any dents, bends or other defects on the surface of the products.

Important! Before starting the installation of a ceiling plinth made of polyurethane, leave it in the room in which it will be installed for about a day. This will allow the material to adapt to environmental conditions.


Surface preparation

Plinths can be installed exclusively on a dry, even and pre-cleaned surface. At this point, it is necessary to completely finish the decoration of the walls, ceiling and floor.

Important! As a rule, wallpapers do not stick to the ceiling. It is precisely this gap that the skirting boards hide.


After completing the preparation of the surfaces for mounting the skirting boards, the material should be marked:

  1. First, take the baseboard, place it along the wall, measure with a tape measure and make notes where the product will need to be shortened.
  2. To avoid mistakes during the marking process, take a piece of the plinth and attach it as tightly as possible to the ceiling and wall.
  3. Next, take a pencil and draw a line near the corner along the wall and ceiling to get the intersection of this line and the line from the adjacent baseboard at the required angle. Typically, this angle is 90 degrees.
  4. Then you will need to take a paint knife, or in the absence of a pencil, and make nicks on the products to cut the required angle. Put marks in strict accordance with the previous markup. They should be made above and below the product, otherwise the joint will be uneven.
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How is the baseboard cut correctly?

In some rooms, there are not only internal, but also external corners. It is these angles that can deliver the main inconvenience, as well as difficulties in installing polyurethane ceiling skirtings.

Important! You can purchase special corners that are fixed to the corners of the room. This installation method is the simplest, since it eliminates the need for sawing corners.

If you are not looking for easy ways, then you can use one of the existing methods for cutting a ceiling plinth:

  • To do this, it is advisable to use a miter saw to get a beautiful and even edge as a result.

Important! If you do not have such a saw, then you can use the joiner's miter box with a set of stencils.

  • Next, you need to take the baseboard and insert it into the miter box. It should be inserted exactly where the product will be mounted in the wall, and then cut the required angle according to previously made marks.

Important! In the case of using a product of complex shape, it will be more convenient to work with the help of a two-plane miter box.

  • Gently sand the cut point with fine-grained emery.

Important! Often, inexperienced workers make one mistake - they incorrectly calculate the length, first cut the length of the polyurethane baseboard, and only then the angle. As a result, the length of the obtained segment will be insufficient. In order to avoid such an error, remember the rule: first cut the corner, and only then the length.

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Skirting Installation

After cutting, you can proceed with the installation of the ceiling plinth made of polyurethane:

  • The product is attached to the ceiling with glue. You should use such a mixture, on the packaging of which a snow-white color is indicated.

Important! Those adhesive mixtures in which there is a solvent are not suitable for these purposes.

  • To prevent the appearance of cracks, it is necessary to treat the joints at the joints with a special adhesive. This ensures uniform distribution of the load on the plinth during shrinkage, minimizes the likelihood of rupture of joints at the joints.
  • Installation starts from the corner of the room. On the back of the product there are special grooves (shelves) for glue. Spread joints and shelves with glue, and then firmly press the baseboard.

Important! It is necessary to keep until the glue mixture is seized (about 20 minutes).As a rule, the glue dries completely in about a day.

  • To ensure that the polyurethane product is installed as evenly as possible, try to crush it with something heavy. In the process of installing ceiling skirting boards, this, of course, is problematic, but when installing a floor skirting board, it is quite possible.

If there are bumps on the surface, they will manifest themselves as slots that form between the surface and the baseboard. To fix this defect:

  1. You should nail the product to the wall with the help of studs, but not all the way.
  2. After the glue mixture has completely dried, the cloves will need to be carefully pulled out and the holes should be puttied with a fine-grained putty.
  3. You can also optionally nail the upper corners at the joints. With this, grip will be improved.
  4. Excess glue is removed with a wet sponge or spatula. It is important to ensure that the spatula does not come into contact with the wall or ceiling when removing excess glue, otherwise a film will appear.
  5. After installing all the planks, you will notice small gaps between them. They must be repaired with white silicone sealant. Carefully process all joints with acrylic putty.
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Skirting Finish

Polyurethane strips can be painted. It is best to do this before the installation of polyurethane ceiling skirtings. In this case, the painting will be better, and the walls will not be dirty.

Important! In the process of choosing paint, it should be borne in mind that it should be the same color as the ceiling or one tone darker. At the same time, consider the color of the platbands and the door leaf so that the room looks harmonious. If the walls are glued with wallpaper with ornaments, it is best to choose skirting boards without any drawings.

For these purposes:

  • Acrylic and water based paint is suitable.
  • Different compositions for art painting can also be used.
  • Glazes are perfect - tonic compositions, with which you can give products a wide variety of textures - gold, wood, stone, etc.
  • Today, there are all kinds of decorative coatings in the form of an aerosol. They are very convenient to use.

Important! Already glued products can also be painted, but before that you should wait at least a day. Before applying a decorative color coating, the material should be coated with a dispersion waterproof paint one tone lighter.

Helpful hints:

  • Before painting an already fixed baseboard, it is necessary to paste around the space around it with masking tape or wax paper about 30-40 cm so as not to stain the walls.
  • For such work, it is most convenient to use a spray gun.
  • The coating can be applied both in one or in several layers. This will depend on the manufacturer's recommendations, so be sure to carefully read the instructions before painting.
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Now you know how to install a polyurethane ceiling plinth. Such products are a reliable, practical and simple solution to mask the joints of walls with the floor and ceiling. There are no special difficulties with the installation, so you can do it yourself, even without special skills and extensive experience in the construction business.

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