Sink for cottages

Many city dwellers, tired of the hustle and bustle, move to live in the summer cottage in the warm season. Life there is the same, with the same household concerns and troubles. But it can be facilitated by using some ingenuous devices. For example, there is no way to cope if there is no kitchen sink or washbasin, but it is unreasonable to spend a lot of money on such a device for seasonal operation of the house. Therefore, the question arises, which sink for a summer residence is better and whether it is even possible to make a functional sink with your own hands.

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A washbasin or a street sink in the country are needed even more often than in the city. Here you need to not only wash your hands and dishes, but just wash the vegetables from the garden.

Traditional washstand

It is presented in the form of an ordinary vessel with a volume of three to five liters, in the form of which a conical valve is located, self-closing under the action of gravity. Such washstands are universal, have a simple design, they can be hung on a tree and installed on a specially equipped cabinet.

Important! Place under it is better to fill with gravel.

Over time, flat tanks with ball valves were installed on the stands. Their volume is up to twenty liters.

Important! In this design, even electric heating of the water is possible, although in hot weather the water heats up to the optimum temperature by itself in literally an hour or two.

Heated Water Sink

Of course, warm water is not only convenient. With its help, you can quickly wash all contaminants, that is, the consumption is reduced. Thanks to modern, energy-efficient and safe water heaters - heating elements, the costs will be minimal. For the manufacture of the case, metal or heat-resistant plastic is used.

Important! Such a sink cannot be used if there is no power supply in the area.

If such a tank is installed on a pedestal, equipment of a practically full and universal washing place is possible.gpmgwpdm-1y

Pedestal installation

This cabinet, which many people remember as “Moydodyr”, can be conveniently combined with kitchen equipment.

Wooden sink

Its equipment usually has a sink and a heated water tank suspended above it. A bucket is placed in the space under the sink, behind the closing door, to collect the used liquid.

Such a sink for a summer residence can be equipped with a drain system.

Important! Water from this storage tank can be used for household purposes, for example, for irrigation.

In such a sink, it is very convenient to wash the dishes. You can also find a combined version of such a cabinet, consisting of a metal sink and an electric stove. This design is ideal for compact kitchen equipment.

Street washing

This is a full-fledged sink for a summer residence, which includes a cabinet, sink and a device for collecting water. For the manufacture of cabinets, metal corners are usually used.

Important! It is best if the sink and water tank are made of stainless steel, as frost and sun can quickly destroy it. In addition, in a metal container, the water will be additionally heated by the sun.

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Materials for the manufacture

For a country sink, you cannot use the same materials as for a city apartment. The options here are somewhat limited.


The best thing about this option is affordable cost. Plastic is fragile, scratches easily remain on it, high temperature leads to deformation.

Important! If you drop a heavy object on such a sink, you can safely say goodbye to it.

Such a sink can only be used as a temporary option.


This option is more acceptable. The main disadvantage is the presence of enamel, which can easily be accidentally chopped off or scratched. But in general, such a sink is a reliable product that will last for more than one year.

Stainless steel

This country sink is the best and most durable option. The same is used in apartments. It can be laid on and mortise. Both options are good and will last a long time.

Important! To install a mortise sink, you need to use a countertop, and for the invoice you will need to make a frame.

Such options are presented by modern industry. For giving you can use different types of structures, even with heated water.

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Do-it-yourself wash

Many summer residents like to craft household items with their own hands, using improvised tools for this. In addition, such a sink for a summer residence will certainly be in a single copy. Let's consider the whole process in more detail:

  1. We carry out washing measurements. You can use both the old and the new, you can even wash the basin, the main thing is the presence of an opening for draining water.
  2. For the manufacture of frame structures use reinforcement, corner or wood. You can use other options. The role of the tabletop stand can be performed by an old table - a secretary or a chest of drawers.
  3. We set the sink to a height of 83-90 cm.
  4. Build a tank from a container with a suitable volume. Its role can be played by a plastic canister or even a tin bucket. A crane is installed on it, there must be a lid on top so that debris does not fall.
  5. The tank is fixed to the frame.
  6. We build a drain. For portable structures use removable containers. It is possible to install a drain valve in the lower part of the tank, a hose is put on it and the drain of dirty water is taken to the side. In the presence of a stationary sink and cesspool, it is best to discharge the drain into the sewer.

Important! Water heating should be taken care of in advance. On sale there are special tanks with heating.

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A lot depends on such a trifle as a sink: comfort, good mood, time saving. With its help, you can make life in the country as comfortable as in an apartment, so it’s worth it to be puzzled by the arrangement of everyday life in a country house in a timely manner.

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