Stainless steel kitchen sink

In the kitchen, everything should be functional and beautiful. Furniture, stove, curtains on the windows, refrigerator, cabinets and, of course, a sink. Recently, a sink for a stainless steel kitchen has gained particular popularity, and there are reasons for this. We will talk about them, as well as how to choose a sink specifically for your kitchen.

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What should she be like?

Why do I need a sink, everyone understands. Its main purpose is to wash dishes, as well as fruits, vegetables, and generally all that the kitchen needs to be washed. At the same time, in the room where it stands, quite often there are high humidity and temperature extremes. They constantly use detergents, as well as other substances that may be harmful to some materials.

Therefore, the sink should be such that it meets the sanitary requirements, and serves for a long time, and pleases the eye. Accordingly, it should not:

  • rust:
  • to break from blows;
  • bursting from temperature changes;
  • collapse and lose their visual appeal from the use of detergents, including aggressive ones.

Important! It is highly desirable that the liquid, falling on the walls of the bowl, collects in drops - then it will be easier to take care of this much-needed object.

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What are they made of?

On sale now you can find sinks from a variety of materials. The most popular of them:

  • artificial marble;
  • artificial granite;
  • plastic;
  • special glass;
  • brass;
  • copper;
  • stainless steel.

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Sinks made of artificial stone and glass look spectacular, but they are not suitable for any interior, and they are quite expensive.
  2. Plastic is much cheaper, but quickly loses its appearance, especially if you do not have time to carefully look after it.
  3. Brass and copper are beautiful, retain their shine for a long time, but they are easy to scratch, moreover, they do not withstand heavy weight.
  4. But the stainless steel kitchen sink is truly universal.
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Advantages of stainless steel

A stainless steel sink is a reasonable combination of price and quality. Many housewives choose this model precisely because of accessibility. Designers take into account the popularity of this material and offer a variety of solutions, so if you carefully select a sink from this material and take into account all the features of your kitchen, it’s suitable for any interior.

In addition to the price, this much-needed item has a number of advantages:

  • not subject to corrosion;
  • does not even beat from blows with heavy objects;
  • does not react with aggressive detergents;
  • easy to clean;
  • easily disinfected;
  • tolerates any temperature differences;
  • when the time comes to get rid of the sink - it will be very easy to do without harming the environment.

Important! The fact that the material does not rust follows from its very name. Stainless steel is durable and perfectly resists falling heavy objects, bumps and more. In a bowl of this material, you can completely safely pour boiling water, and the bacteria simply have nowhere to hide.

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Does stainless steel have any flaws?

However, stainless steel sinks also have their drawbacks, which also need to be considered when buying:

  1. The jet beats against the bowl rather loudly.
  2. Despite the fact that the material is hygienic, calcareous deposits on the bowl are still formed.
  3. A too heavy object with sharp legs can push the bowl.
  4. Steel has good electrical conductivity, so it is advisable to ground the sink.
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What to consider when buying?

Having decided on the material, try to imagine what your stainless steel kitchen sink should look like:

  • number of bowls;
  • the size;
  • the form;
  • bowl depth;
  • thickness;
  • surface;
  • type of manufacture;
  • the presence of accessories and holes;
  • mounting method.
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Number of bowls

On sale you can find sinks with one, two and even three bowls. Which one to choose depends on the size of your kitchen. For a small room, a sink with one bowl is more suitable.

But if you have a huge kitchen where you spend a lot of time, besides you like to cook, two or three bowls will be just right. There are options with one bowl, but with a wing, and one and a half sinks with two wings - in short, there are enough opportunities.

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The form

The appearance of the kitchen largely depends on the shape of the items that are in it. Manufacturers offer sinks:

  • angular rectangular;
  • square;
  • round
  • oval.

kuhonnaya-moyka-iz-nerzhaveyki-890x395_cWhat conditions should be taken into account here:

  • Corner sinks are very popular because they make it possible to make the corner of the room functional, and there are almost always some problems with this.
  • The corner sink is especially good for a small kitchen, when you have to consider every square centimeter, but also suitable for a large one.
  • Oval and round bowls are not so ergonomic, therefore they are more suitable for spacious rooms.
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In stores you will find stainless steel sinks of various thicknesses. The thinnest - 0.4 mm, the thickest - 1.2 mm. Which one to choose? There is one very simple consideration. The thicker the sink - the longer it will last and the less the risk that a vase of flowers accidentally falling from above will break it.

Important! The fact that thick shells are more expensive than thin ones should not confuse you - you will not have to spend money on the next one.

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The capacity of the sink depends not only on the size, but also on the depth of the bowl. Despite the fact that the optimal depth is 18 cm, and the required minimum is 16 cm, manufacturers, especially not very conscientious ones, offer bowls with 15 cm depth and even 13 cm.

Important! This is very inconvenient, and even a low price should not seduce. Having saved a small amount, then you can really regret it.

Too much depth is also not good - you have to stoop too low, which is uncomfortable and harmful to your back.

Also consider whether you need a sink without a wing or with one or even two wings. This creates added convenience. Do not forget to look at how many holes are in the upper part of the bowl.

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Two words about size

The size of the sink itself is certainly important. But when buying, you need to focus not only on it. Think in which of the lockers you build your sink in and take measurements. This is important if you opted for a mortise type of installation. But for overhead sinks, you need to know the dimensions of the cabinet.

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A little bit about steel grades

The material for the sinks is chrome steel. Its brand is usually indicated in the product passport. In reputable stores, you can see it on the price tag. Be sure to pay attention to this designation, because it depends on the brand how long your sink will last you.

You can see the following notation:

  • AISI 304 (08X18H10) or simply 304;
  • AISI 202 or 202.

AISI 304

Well-known manufacturers prefer the brand 304. This is food grade steel with an ideal ratio of chromium and nickel, which meets all safety standards. In stainless steel, there should be 18% chromium and at least 8% nickel (usually 8-10%).

Important! It is easy to care for any item from this material, it will serve for a long time and for many years it will retain its appearance. But such steel (and, accordingly, its products) are more expensive than their counterparts from material marked “202”.

AISI 202

The new AISI 202 steel product looks no different from its counterpart in food steel. But this brand of metal refers to the technical. Steel, of course, is completely safe, but it has less chromium, and nickel may not be at all. The sink may be strong enough, but spots on it will appear quite quickly.

Important! The sink you buy with your hands can be checked with a magnet. If the steel is of good quality, the magnet will slide, otherwise it will stick.

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Stamped and welded

Stainless steel kitchen sinks are made in two ways:

  • stamped;
  • cooked.

Stamped models

Stamp shells from a single sheet. They are practically squeezed out. The main advantage of such sinks is that they have no seams. Items made in this way are cheaper than welded ones. Significant disadvantages of stamped bowls;

  • small size;
  • Shallow depth (usually not more than 15 cm).

Important! For a housewife who likes to cook a lot, this is not the best option, it is inconvenient to wash large pots in such a bowl.

Welded models

Welded sinks are considered to be of higher quality, and, accordingly, are somewhat more expensive. They are thicker than their stamped counterparts, deeper and larger. In addition, a stream of water falling into such a bowl does not ring so loudly. The main advantage of welded models is that they are much more diverse.

Important! When choosing a welded sink, pay special attention to the quality of the seams. There is a risk that he may begin to leak, and then trouble can not be avoided. The best thing is a sink from a reliable manufacturer that has long and firmly established itself in the market.

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Which surface is better?

The appearance of the kitchen sink is largely dependent on the quality of the surface. It happens:

  • brilliant;
  • matte;
  • textured.

The appearance of the surface does not affect the functionality of the sink. It is important for the interior and for care features:

Shiny and matte surfaces are beautiful, both are easy to wash, but not only scratches, but even traces of drops are very clearly visible on them.

On the textured surface, small flaws are almost invisible, stains are also usually not visible, however, in order to maintain the texture for a long time, special care is needed.

A combined model may also seem interesting - a stainless steel sink with a tempered glass surface. Long-lasting, easy to care for, but still quite expensive option.

Important! In modern stores you will find other options. For example, PVD-coated sinks have recently become very popular. This coating is an additional protection of the sink, and an element of decor. The item looks like gold, bronze or brass, and for classic cuisine in the English style, the option “old silver” is suitable.

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How is it mounted?

There are kitchen sinks and the installation method. They are:

  • waybills;
  • mortise.

Important! Surface mounted sinks are usually thicker than mortise. In the first case, the required minimum is 1 mm, in the second - 0.6 mm.

The overhead sink is called so because it is mounted on a pedestal, like a countertop. Its advantages:

  • availability;
  • ease of installation.

Important! When using it is necessary to constantly ensure that water does not get into the cracks.

Mortise sinks are very diverse. They can be mounted in the same way as invoices, but there are other options - under the countertop or at the same level with it. The first option is more common than others, especially if you have a plastic pedestal based on chipboard - there are no other options.

Important! This option is cheaper than others, and much more. In addition, installation on one level or under the countertop is suitable only for stone cabinets.

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A few important things

Kitchen furniture manufacturers are constantly improving their products.Sink, of course, is a stationary object. But now it’s not at all necessary to puzzle over which way it will be turned. In the store or catalog you will find wrapped models that will greatly facilitate your life. Buying such a sink, you may not think which side the wing should be on. How convenient - and turn.

Remember to see if you have to cut a hole specifically for the mixer. In stores, there are models with both finished holes, and without them.

Important! Think about how important noise protection is to you. In a cheap model, there must be a special rubber pad (however, it can be bought separately). Expensive shells are usually thicker, and the thicker the layer of metal - the less it vibrates and the louder the sound of pouring water.

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Some expensive models are equipped with additional accessories. These are such items necessary in the household as:

  • tap for drinking water;
  • cutting board;
  • supports for knives, forks;
  • containers for vegetables;
  • detergent dispenser;
  • other items.

However, all this can be bought separately, and quite often - in the same store.

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What do you need to do?

So, you have decided on the model, material, size, everything else. Are you happy with everything? Great, but don't forget to take another very important step. Check the warranty period. Cheap stamped models are usually designed for a couple of years, although in fact they serve ten, even twenty. But that's how lucky. But reputable manufacturers guarantee that their products will last 75 years and more.

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Now you know everything about stainless steel kitchen sinks and you can definitely make the right choice. Choose your product meticulously, check everything you can, and then the update will not disappoint you.

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