Window cleaning after repair

Repair is an important and necessary matter. After him, the housing looks beautiful and updated. But the trouble is that after the repair work a lot of dirt and dust remains, which must be disposed of as quickly as possible. If everything is more or less simple with the floors, the issue with windows requires a certain solution, because removing cement, adhesive tape or foam from them is not so simple. So how to cope with this scourge, how to make window cleaning after repair easy and not time-consuming? This will be discussed in this article.

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First steps

The relief of their fate should be taken care of even before the start of work, and then washing windows after repair will not be such a difficult task.

Important! It is better to use a protective film even before the start of repair - this can prevent mechanical damage.

But here, too, there is a nuance - such a coating is removed within a couple of days after the completion of all work, since otherwise a sticky base may remain on the window. To remove it, use a solution of water and 70 percent acetic acid (10: 1):

  1. First, the contaminated area is wiped with a solution.
  2. Then the stain rubs the hard side of the dishwashing sponge.

Important! To completely remove the remnants of the sticky base, about half an hour of continuous labor will be required. In such cases, it is strictly forbidden to use sharp metal objects to remove glue, as the plastic may be damaged.

Before washing plastic windows after repair, you must stock up on materials from the list below:

  • special mop or sponge;
  • soft cloth (cotton, fleece or flannel);
  • special microfiber products;
  • crumpled newspapers or old thin tights.
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Step-by-step instructions for washing plastic windows

  1. Window cleaning after repair begins with the release of the window opening from unnecessary things. Pre-coarse contaminants are removed using ordinary water.
  2. Remember to clean the drainage holes. When washing frames, the first thing you do with a vacuum cleaner is to remove dust and debris from the closing mechanisms and grooves. Then the protective film or tape is removed.
  3. Next, using a cleaning cream, the frames themselves are cleaned. After visible stains and dirt are removed using a damp cloth, the remaining cream and dirt are removed.
  4. Glass is wetted with a wet rag. Then, using a special rubber or plastic scraper, the remains of building materials are removed from it. The surface is evenly coated with detergent and left for a couple of minutes. With the help of a rag, newspaper or rags, the remnants of the product are removed from the glass and frame.
  5. In the presence of uncleaned contaminants, the procedure is repeated. Clean, warm water is used to remove residual detergent.
  6. If you decide how to wash plastic windows after repair, you need to remember about window fittings. To avoid drying out of the rubber, special silicone grease is applied to the seals. And for metal mounts, use engine oil or technical petroleum jelly.
  7. The windowsill must be thoroughly washed. In this case, the side plugs are removed to remove dust in the grooves. For processing glossy plastic surfaces use a special polish.
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Cleaning products

In the event that severe contamination is absent, window cleaning after repair is carried out with ordinary detergents. You can also use special wet wipes. Previously, housewives used newspapers with which you can get rid of dirt and moisture, sanded glass and make them shiny.

Important! Now they are increasingly used with soft rags, the manufacture of which uses a material that absorbs water and does not leave fibers. The stores sell kits, which include special cleaning products.

We remove the mounting foam

And how to wash the plastic windows after repair, if they got mounting foam? It is best to dispose of this building material before the sealant dries. If the foam is still frozen, it must be removed with a non-metallic spatula.okna-posle-remonta

Residues are removed using a special tool that can be purchased at a hardware store. For this:

  1. The felt is impregnated with liquid and applied to the remaining foam.
  2. After its full soaking, the residues are removed using the same felt.

Important! Performing such procedures, hands must wear rubber gloves.

Remove paint

If there was an opportunity, and the glass during the repair turned out to be stained with paint, - do not be upset, because there is a way out:

  1. To get started, carefully get rid of large drops of paint, for which we use a rubber spatula. Moreover, the surface should be soapy - so there is less chance that damage will appear on the surface.
  2. After removing large traces, the residues are washed with a solvent.

Important! Keep in mind that for different colors it is used differently:

  • When working with solvent, care must be taken to avoid damage to the plastic:
  • If the stain is fresh, it can be removed with vegetable oil. Oil is applied to a dry rag, the stain is wiped, then wiped dry.
  • In water-based paint, the base is water, so there are fewer problems with its removal. It is easy to remove from different surfaces with ordinary water, you can add soap.

When washing windows after repairs, it is often possible to run into primer marks. You can wash it with a solution of water and detergent. The liquid is applied to traces of dirt and left for some time, after which the primer is removed using a conventional sponge.

Remove the tape

Washing tape from the windows is difficult, but real. To do this, use the following techniques:

  1. Plain eraser. It is also used as when erasing a pencil from paper. This option is suitable for fresh tracks.
  2. Vegetable oil. For ten minutes it is applied to the places of pollution. Then, using a paper towel, you need to remove the remaining tape.
  3. Scotch. It is glued on a sticky trace and is sharply removed. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.
  4. Alcohol. You can also use vodka or ammonia. It is applied to the fleece and the pollution is simply wiped.
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What funds can not be used?

However, when thinking about how to wash plastic windows after repairs quickly, you need to remember that the selected tools and methods should in no way harm glass or frames. In the case of wooden windows, everything is somewhat simpler than with plastic.

There are some restrictions for PVC:

  • Do not use metal objects to remove contamination, due to which the plastic may become scratched. In the future, dirt will get into them, which is very difficult to get rid of. For cleaning, it is best to use spatulas made of wood or rubber.
  • Double-glazed windows should not be washed with a solution that includes laundry soap. It contains a large amount of alkali, harmful plastic. In addition, the glasses after its use are covered with noticeable whitish stains.
  • Double-glazed windows cannot be cleaned with solvents containing acetone, powders and gels with granules.Because of all these abrasives, the surface deteriorates and scratches, becoming dull.
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Folk remedies for washing windows

Despite the fact that now many special equipment is being sold in stores, thanks to which it will become easier to clean windows after repairs, not all housewives trust them. They prefer to use old proven grandmother's remedies:

  • Starch is poured into the container (1 tbsp.), Warm water (2 tbsp.) Is added to dissolve it. After shaking and completely dissolving the starch, a quarter cup of industrial alcohol and the same amount of vinegar are added to the product. To apply the product more evenly, you need to use a spray.

Important! Before use, the bottle with the product must be shaken. After application, the remnants of the product are removed using a tissue paper or cotton cloth.

  • If the windows are very dusty, a mixture of a liter of water and a tablespoon of starch is also used.
  • You can prepare the product from a glass of water and 50 ml of vinegar. It is applied using a spray or wipe, and then wiped dry. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice. In this case, the bonus will be a pleasant aroma.
  • When washing glasses, ammonia (2 tbsp.) Mixed with water (2 tbsp.) Is widely used.
  • To give the glass shine, use salt or vegetable oil. Salt is added to the water when washing, and the oil is applied using a napkin.
  • In order to avoid dust settling, the glasses are wiped with a mixture of glycerin (60 ml), water (40 ml) and ammonia (2-3 drops). This composition helps the glass not freeze in the cold.
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We are confident that our tips will help you easily resolve the issue of how to clean plastic windows after repairs. We wish that your “eyes at home” always remain clean and shiny!

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